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Mis chicas tontas 🥰


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1 hour ago, Equivalent Ways said:

AHHH I’m sorry chica! I did not mean to drop you it is just that I just now got power and internet back after a big snow storm came through here. I could not look anything up on the internet 😢 I have also been busy lately taking care of family, how are you? 

Chica, it’s okay i understand that you and dino are busy. dont ever think you need to apologize for not answering. honestly, im just exhausted. bae and me broke up today 

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Bae and me broke up today. the pain is unbearable and it hurts so fucking much but at this point i don’t see the point in being here anymore and no one in my life seems to give a fuck about the pain i’ve been though or going though. i’ve been trying so hard to hide my pain and make it go away so i can stop feeling like a burden to everyone i put in my life, im tired of being angry and hurting all the time which is partly my mom and dad’s fault it’s not like the can see im in pain the only see what they want except my dad doesn’t see anything cuz he does even know who i am. Bae was the one thing is my life i was sure about while it’s only for a short-time i still miss and need him more than ever. he is/was the love of my life and i feel so fucking alone. like no one loves me, like no one is there for me, and like im a worthless piece of shit. im sorry. i know i can be a pain in the ass and im sorry 

Edited by La_Bonita_Chica
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2 hours ago, La_Bonita_Chica said:

Bae and me broke up today. the pain is unbearable and it hurts so fucking much but at this point i don’t see the point in being here anymore and no one in my life seems to give a fuck about the pain i’ve been though or going though. i’ve been trying so hard to hide my pain and make it go away so i can stop feeling like a burden to everyone i put in my life, im tired of being angry and hurting all the time which is partly my mom and dad’s fault it’s not like the can see im in pain the only see what they want except my dad doesn’t see anything cuz he does even know who i am. Bae was the one thing is my life i was sure about while it’s only for a short-time i still miss and need him more than ever. he is/was the love of my life and i feel so fucking alone. like no one loves me, like no one is there for me, and like im a worthless piece of shit. im sorry. i know i can be a pain in the ass and im sorry 

What the heck?? I did not expect that😦I am so dang sorry to hear that! I won’t ask about the whys. I am so sorry chica for your loss🤧 Sure you might be a pain in the ass, but I like having you here so much and I would sure as hell miss that pain in the ass🫂❤️🔥and I know that sounds shellfish but I will try to come on as often as I can manage so I can talk with you ok? Please reach out to a mentor if you need and I wish I could pluck away your pain and throw it out the window because I know that stuff hurts like no tomorrow.

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20 hours ago, La_Bonita_Chica said:

Bae and me broke up today. the pain is unbearable and it hurts so fucking much but at this point i don’t see the point in being here anymore and no one in my life seems to give a fuck about the pain i’ve been though or going though. i’ve been trying so hard to hide my pain and make it go away so i can stop feeling like a burden to everyone i put in my life, im tired of being angry and hurting all the time which is partly my mom and dad’s fault it’s not like the can see im in pain the only see what they want except my dad doesn’t see anything cuz he does even know who i am. Bae was the one thing is my life i was sure about while it’s only for a short-time i still miss and need him more than ever. he is/was the love of my life and i feel so fucking alone. like no one loves me, like no one is there for me, and like im a worthless piece of shit. im sorry. i know i can be a pain in the ass and im sorry 

Hey there,

I am sorry to hear about the breakup. I just wanted to check in and see how you are feeling today? I can see what you said about how you don't want to be here anymore, and I just wanted to check, are you safe right now? If you aren't, it's okay to share that, and we are here for you. Our main priority is your safety and we care about you. Although it might not seem like it now, remember, there is light at the end of every tunnel, and you can get through this. Just incase you need it, here is some safety information if you are in crisis: 

I just want you to know that we are here for you and we care about the pain you've been and are currently going through. You are not alone in this. 


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Hi Chica, I wanted to check in with you, if you want to talk I am here and otherwise I like chatting with you too…❤️

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Hi amor, so sorry for not answering for a few days I’ve just been trying to get though the breakup but he asked me if i would ever want to get back together and i told him yes but idk if i could just can’t jump back into what we had and it still just hurts will bad we choose to stay friends but you know it’s never the same but i’m trying to get over the pain. How are you? I’m sorry im such a pain in the ass 

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Lol I mean it in an endearing way so don’t be sorry 😅 it’s good to hear from you, chica❤️❤️I always thought it was really cool how you had the confidence and boundaries to take breaks, it is something I aim for too😍 it sounds like a funny situation, and plz let me know if there is a way for me to help :) I am having a hard time with other humans right now, but at the same time I have been enjoying my art and watching stuff. Te amo💓

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Lol thanks for the clarification, to be honest i don’t have as much confidence as it seems but i am glad your aiming to have confidence and create boundaries. im glad you’re enjoying your artwork and watching stuff, i’ve had a hard being able to write poems but it is what it is yk. Te amo 🫶🏾🫂

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@Equivalent Ways & @TinyTurtles it’s been awhile and i feel like we haven’t stayed in touch like we said we would and i just feel like we are fading away from each other and i want our group to be strong together and to with each other, i wanna know what’s goin with you guys. 

It’s not diamonds 

Are a girl’s best friend, 

But it’s your best friends 

Who are your diamonds 

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10 hours ago, La_Bonita_Chica said:

@Equivalent Ways & @TinyTurtles it’s been awhile and i feel like we haven’t stayed in touch like we said we would and i just feel like we are fading away from each other and i want our group to be strong together and to with each other, i wanna know what’s goin with you guys. 

It’s not diamonds 

Are a girl’s best friend, 

But it’s your best friends 

Who are your diamonds 

I miss you so much beautiful 🥺💖

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11 hours ago, La_Bonita_Chica said:

@Equivalent Ways & @TinyTurtles it’s been awhile and i feel like we haven’t stayed in touch like we said we would and i just feel like we are fading away from each other and i want our group to be strong together and to with each other, i wanna know what’s goin with you guys. 

It’s not diamonds 

Are a girl’s best friend, 

But it’s your best friends 

Who are your diamonds 

Hey @La_Bonita_Chica❤️ I love that you speak what's real.

tbh I have been having a hard/weird/bumpy time lately, been isolating myself a lot and trying to putter around and work things out with my soul💔🩹.. I am sorry i have not stayed in better touch. I have a bad habit of fading away/ghosting that I am trying to work on bcuz it is not the same as it was~🎶 as my sad past... Though I want to also work on communicating better when I am just taking some space.


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Hi y’all what’s up? I’m..just..checking….in? Haha I am not trying to make this awkward so take this 🍏 cuz they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away and I’m sick rn🤧🥲🫠❤️💜

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@Equivalent Ways sorry for the late reply i’ve been bad at replying to anyone but blc but im sorry to hear that you are having a hard/weird/bumpy time with having the same experiences as you when it comes to depression, anxiety, etc isolating yourself is only going to make things worse i know it might like being isolated helps only it does is make it worse. It’s okay that you haven’t stayed in touch i have a problem with ghosting/ staying away too, im glad to hear that you are working on yourself. So sorry that you are sick and i hope you feel better if you aren’t still sick my luv i’ll also try to stay in touch too 💗

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On 3/11/2023 at 11:31 AM, TinyTurtles said:

I miss you so much beautiful 🥺💖

i miss you too beautiful 💗🥹

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Hiya y’all.. @La_Bonita_Chica, I wanted to say hi again👋🏽, I decided to check up on your other posts and such and it sounds like you are having a bumpy time. I just want you to know that I am not doing anything fancy.. but I care bout you❤️🔥 and even though I am really absent, te amo chica, y tu eres EXTRA FUERTE! >:D lol that was my favorite expression when I was learning Spanish, it’s thanks to an aluminum foil box that also had Spanish on it 😂


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Hi its me again.  @La_Bonita_Chica I get it, your life is doing what it is doing.. so don't feel pressured to respond to this but I just want to stay in touch ':) How are you?? I just realized I could have called you Jae this whole time lolol

But life over here is bumpy as h311. I am like a little sailboat in a vast ocean. It is just hard right now cuz of all the stuff in life...But i hope you are doing ok :)

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@Equivalent Ways hiii daring girl, im not doing as good as i hoped but yk unfortunately it is what it is, what’s going on with you?

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4 hours ago, La_Bonita_Chica said:

@Equivalent Ways hiii daring girl, im not doing as good as i hoped but yk unfortunately it is what it is, what’s going on with you?


Oof, yeah sorry to hear that :/ I am just uh... dealing with the challenges life throws at you. They always end up being so unexpected ya know?? Anyway, im just trying to continue engaging in my passion, hbu?💫

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22 hours ago, Equivalent Ways said:


Oof, yeah sorry to hear that :/ I am just uh... dealing with the challenges life throws at you. They always end up being so unexpected ya know?? Anyway, im just trying to continue engaging in my passion, hbu?💫

same, i just trying to focus on my relationship and not messing it up 

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1 hour ago, La_Bonita_Chica said:

same, i just trying to focus on my relationship and not messing it up 

Ah yeah ok. Ppl thing they can mess stuff up and it is interesting 🤔 cuz it’s like you can but you also can’t at the same time, ya feel? It’s all part of your fate? Ok sorry i don’t want any of this to come off as insulting I am just trying to figure all this stuff out rn.. part of my problems lol🫠 but I want to give advice I just kinda suck at it lol 😅 but I can relate to how you feel. With my relationships I just kinda realized I can’t act out of fear of messing it up, but I really don’t want to do I am kinda scared of loosing them😅 I am just gonna try to be a decent human haha👍🏽

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again Gals! @TinyTurtles I saw your emojis and I guess my piece of advice for you is to know you have a voice, you have the right to relax and just know i wish I could wave a wand and make you feel better🥺💜

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