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  • Digital Mentor
14 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora, 

Thank you that means alot to me. 

You're very welcome 🙂


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10 hours ago, Aurora said:

You're very welcome 🙂

Can I also just talk to you about something.



I'm starting therapy sessions with someone new and I'm really scared an anxious to go into the meeting. Any advice 

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  • Digital Mentor
14 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Can I also just talk to you about something.

I'm starting therapy sessions with someone new and I'm really scared an anxious to go into the meeting. Any advice 

Of course you can 🙂

I can reassure you that it's totally normal to feel scared and anxious when you're starting therapy sessions with someone new. Everyone feels like that. My advice would be to try not put any pressure on yourself. You might find it helpful to remind yourself that it's OK to get to know your therapist first and see how you feel around them. The beginning phase of therapy is about building a trusting relationship. Don't feel like you have to open up to them straight away if you don't feel comfortable to. Also, it's absolutely fine to let them know that you are feeling scared and anxious. They are there to help and support you and make you feel comfortable and at ease.

Do you mind me asking, if the sessions are at school or somewhere else? Maybe you can have someone who you trust already take you to the session and pick you up afterwards. Do you think that might help you feel a little less anxious about going? 

Another thing I find helpful when I do something new, is to remind myself that it's often scary to do something new/meet someone new for the first time but once I've done it a few times it'll start feeling familiar and I'll feel much better about it. You've got this! 

If you like you can let me know afterwards how it went. Don't feel you have to though


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Of course you can 🙂

I can reassure you that it's totally normal to feel scared and anxious when you're starting therapy sessions with someone new. Everyone feels like that. My advice would be to try not put any pressure on yourself. You might find it helpful to remind yourself that it's OK to get to know your therapist first and see how you feel around them. The beginning phase of therapy is about building a trusting relationship. Don't feel like you have to open up to them straight away if you don't feel comfortable to. Also, it's absolutely fine to let them know that you are feeling scared and anxious. They are there to help and support you and make you feel comfortable and at ease.

Do you mind me asking, if the sessions are at school or somewhere else? Maybe you can have someone who you trust already take you to the session and pick you up afterwards. Do you think that might help you feel a little less anxious about going? 

Another thing I find helpful when I do something new, is to remind myself that it's often scary to do something new/meet someone new for the first time but once I've done it a few times it'll start feeling familiar and I'll feel much better about it. You've got this! 

If you like you can let me know afterwards how it went. Don't feel you have to though

The sessions are in school. I think I'm going to ask the school nurse or my head of year to take me to the session. I think I will tell you how it went. Session is on Tuesday in the after noon. 

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Hi Aurora

The sessions are in school. I think I'm going to ask the school nurse or my head of year to take me to the session. I think I will tell you how it went. Session is on Tuesday in the after noon. I'm so anxious and scared for Tuesday. Also bene experiencng having alot of anxiety attacks throughout the week due to thinking about GCSEs 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 5/10/2023 at 6:02 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora

The sessions are in school. I think I'm going to ask the school nurse or my head of year to take me to the session. I think I will tell you how it went. Session is on Tuesday in the after noon. I'm so anxious and scared for Tuesday. Also bene experiencng having alot of anxiety attacks throughout the week due to thinking about GCSEs 

Hi @Treacle 246, thank you for letting us know how you've been feeling. It sounds like things are really tough at the moment and I'm glad you are getting support at school. I've replied to your message on confidential support so we can talk more about your fears and anxiety there. Please know that you are not alone - we are here for you!


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10 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, thank you for letting us know how you've been feeling. It sounds like things are really tough at the moment and I'm glad you are getting support at school. I've replied to your message on confidential support so we can talk more about your fears and anxiety there. Please know that you are not alone - we are here for you!

Aww ok thank you. Yeah it's really tough at school lately and it seems it's not getting any better. 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 5/12/2023 at 8:43 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Aww ok thank you. Yeah it's really tough at school lately and it seems it's not getting any better. 

I'm sorry to hear it's not getting any better. How do you feel about your session tomorrow? I hope it goes really well.

Did you see my reply on confidential support? Would you like to talk more about everything there or do you prefer to talk here? Just let me know, what works best for you. We're here for you


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10 hours ago, Aurora said:

I'm sorry to hear it's not getting any better. How do you feel about your session tomorrow? I hope it goes really well.

Did you see my reply on confidential support? Would you like to talk more about everything there or do you prefer to talk here? Just let me know, what works best for you. We're here for you

Hi Aurora,

To be honest I'm feeling scared and anxious about the meeting tomorrow I'm also feeling scared that I have my first GCSE tomorrow morning. 

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  • Digital Mentor
15 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

To be honest I'm feeling scared and anxious about the meeting tomorrow I'm also feeling scared that I have my first GCSE tomorrow morning. 

Hi Treacle, I know it's a big day for you today and I can totally understand why you are feeling scared and anxious but I just wanted to say that you've got this!! I know that your Head of Year  and your school nurse have been really supportive so if it does get too much today you can always ask them for support. Wishing you lots of luck for today🍀 - you can do this! I've also replied on confidential support. We're here for you


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi Treacle, I know it's a big day for you today and I can totally understand why you are feeling scared and anxious but I just wanted to say that you've got this!! I know that your Head of Year  and your school nurse have been really supportive so if it does get too much today you can always ask them for support. Wishing you lots of luck for today🍀 - you can do this! I've also replied on confidential support. We're here for you

Hi Aurora,

Thank you that means alot to me. I went to my head of year for support because after the exam i did have a breakdown. She wants to talk to me tomorrow morning which might help me but might make me feel worse but she might be able to lower my anxiety down 

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  • Digital Mentor
13 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Thank you that means alot to me. I went to my head of year for support because after the exam i did have a breakdown. She wants to talk to me tomorrow morning which might help me but might make me feel worse but she might be able to lower my anxiety down 

Hi Treacle, I'm really glad to hear that you've been getting support from your head of year. I get the impression that you normally feel better, after you have spoken to her. Is that right? If so, then I would imagine that it will be the same this morning. What do you think? 

I've also replied to your message in confidential support. Good luck for today 🍀 - you've got this!!


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Digital Mentor
On 5/16/2023 at 9:14 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Thank you that means alot to me. I went to my head of year for support because after the exam i did have a breakdown. She wants to talk to me tomorrow morning which might help me but might make me feel worse but she might be able to lower my anxiety down 

Hi @Treacle 246, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing? I would imagine you've probably finished all your exams by now. I hope they went really well. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/13/2023 at 9:37 AM, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing? I would imagine you've probably finished all your exams by now. I hope they went really well. 

Hi Auroras,

I'm so sorry that I'm only getting back to you now. I feel like the exmas well. I finished on 14th July and having no school and no revision or bullying to deal with feels so nice that I'm actually able to focus on myself like every morning I go for a run up to a park and then back home. I feel like my mental health is so much better when off school. At the start of the holidays for me I was in hospital for 3 days I'm alright now but it was a scary experience and not a great way to start the end of year 11. I had my leavers assembly on Wednesday last week it was emotional but also a happy moment. I hadn't counselling session today and it went great weird going back to school. 

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  • Digital Mentor
11 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Auroras,

I'm so sorry that I'm only getting back to you now. I feel like the exmas well. I finished on 14th July and having no school and no revision or bullying to deal with feels so nice that I'm actually able to focus on myself like every morning I go for a run up to a park and then back home. I feel like my mental health is so much better when off school. At the start of the holidays for me I was in hospital for 3 days I'm alright now but it was a scary experience and not a great way to start the end of year 11. I had my leavers assembly on Wednesday last week it was emotional but also a happy moment. I hadn't counselling session today and it went great weird going back to school. 

Hi Treacle, it's lovely to hear from you. And no need to apologise. There is no pressure for you to reply to our messages - whenever suits you is good :)

Thanks so much for the update. I'm really glad to hear your exams went well and it sounds like you had a nice break from everything during the holidays. It sounded like you were spending time, focusing on your self and your own wellbeing, which is really encouraging to hear. Although I am sorry that you had to spend three days in hospital. I can imagine that must have been a scary experience - I hope it wasn't anything serious. How are you feeling about it all now?

It's nice to hear that your leavers assembly was also a happy moment. You've been though a lot this year and I feel like you have a lot to be proud of - would you agree? 

Can I check, did you mean that you did or you didn't have counselling today? How has that been going, if you don't mind me asking? Is there anything you've been finding particularly helpful? 



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3 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Hi Treacle, it's lovely to hear from you. And no need to apologise. There is no pressure for you to reply to our messages - whenever suits you is good :)

Thanks so much for the update. I'm really glad to hear your exams went well and it sounds like you had a nice break from everything during the holidays. It sounded like you were spending time, focusing on your self and your own wellbeing, which is really encouraging to hear. Although I am sorry that you had to spend three days in hospital. I can imagine that must have been a scary experience - I hope it wasn't anything serious. How are you feeling about it all now?

It's nice to hear that your leavers assembly was also a happy moment. You've been though a lot this year and I feel like you have a lot to be proud of - would you agree? 

Can I check, did you mean that you did or you didn't have counselling today? How has that been going, if you don't mind me asking? Is there anything you've been finding particularly helpful? 

Hi Aurora,

Yes going hospital was a very scary experience. It was quite serious because my body lost 50% of its blood and I'm anemic. I'm feeling alright now about it all. Yes I would agree with you about being through alot throughout the years being at school and I'm proud of how far I've come. I had my counselling yesterday and it went great I'm finding it very helpful when talking about when everything fell apart in year 8 and it's helping me when talking about it and just having someone their listen to me. since I'm not at school anymore and I can't talk to my teachers but I do occasionally still talk to my head of year. 

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  • Digital Mentor
4 minutes ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Yes going hospital was a very scary experience. It was quite serious because my body lost 50% of its blood and I'm anemic. I'm feeling alright now about it all. Yes I would agree with you about being through alot throughout the years being at school and I'm proud of how far I've come. I had my counselling yesterday and it went great I'm finding it very helpful when talking about when everything fell apart in year 8 and it's helping me when talking about it and just having someone their listen to me. since I'm not at school anymore and I can't talk to my teachers but I do occasionally still talk to my head of year. 

Hi there, gosh that does sound scary. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm really glad to hear though that you are feeling alright about it all. It sounds like you can do with being extra kind to yourself at the moment and taking it easy. Would you agree? 

You should absolutely feel proud of how far you have come!! I'm really proud of you, too 🙂

That's really encouraging to hear that you're finding your counselling sessions very helpful. It sounds like you are making the most of them. It's nice as well that you can still talk to your Head of Year when you feel like you need to. Do you have any plans for the summer? 


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4 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi there, gosh that does sound scary. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm really glad to hear though that you are feeling alright about it all. It sounds like you can do with being extra kind to yourself at the moment and taking it easy. Would you agree? 

You should absolutely feel proud of how far you have come!! I'm really proud of you, too 🙂

That's really encouraging to hear that you're finding your counselling sessions very helpful. It sounds like you are making the most of them. It's nice as well that you can still talk to your Head of Year when you feel like you need to. Do you have any plans for the summer? 

Yes i do need to be extra kind to myself. Aww thank you. Yep it is nice to talk to her when I need to. I have my prom on 14th of July going to be so much fun get to see friends and teachers. Then I'm going Stratford with some friends later on in July. and I'm just relaxing and chilling out lately. 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 6/28/2023 at 3:28 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Yes i do need to be extra kind to myself. Aww thank you. Yep it is nice to talk to her when I need to. I have my prom on 14th of July going to be so much fun get to see friends and teachers. Then I'm going Stratford with some friends later on in July. and I'm just relaxing and chilling out lately. 

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was off for a couple of days. That all sounds really lovely. And I'm glad you've had a chance to relax and chill recently. How are you feeling now? 


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3 hours ago, Aurora said:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I was off for a couple of days. That all sounds really lovely. And I'm glad you've had a chance to relax and chill recently. How are you feeling now? 

It's alright.  I'm not doing so well. I've been having dreams about past bullying I don't know what happens to it and it keeps making me wake up early in the morning and im not getting good sleep. I have my counselling today and my head of year is going to be there which im really not looking forward to that because she wants to speak to me about something and I don't know what it is I haven't been in s took for over 2 months so I'm quite nervous 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 7/4/2023 at 12:33 PM, Treacle 246 said:

It's alright.  I'm not doing so well. I've been having dreams about past bullying I don't know what happens to it and it keeps making me wake up early in the morning and im not getting good sleep. I have my counselling today and my head of year is going to be there which im really not looking forward to that because she wants to speak to me about something and I don't know what it is I haven't been in s took for over 2 months so I'm quite nervous 

Heyy @Treacle 246, just wanted to check in. How are you doing today? I'm really sorry to hear that you're not doing well and experiencing such distressing dreams about past bullying. It sounds like you've been going through a tough time, and I can see that @Aurora has been supporting you through it. 

It's understandable that these dreams are affecting your sleep and causing you to wake up early. Dreams can sometimes bring back memories or emotions from the past, and it can be challenging to deal with those feelings. How did your counselling session go yesterday? If you feel comfortable sharing, I'm curious to know if there was anything specific regarding the meeting with the head of year?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Digital Mentor

Hi @Treacle 246, we haven't heard from you in a while so I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? We're here for you if you need us. 


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4 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, we haven't heard from you in a while so I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? We're here for you if you need us. 

Hi Aurora,

I'm doing ok but I haven't been feeling good mentally. Thank you I got out of the house Friday to go to prom it was a very fun night but I feel like I'm getting worse 


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  • Digital Mentor
22 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

I'm doing ok but I haven't been feeling good mentally. Thank you I got out of the house Friday to go to prom it was a very fun night but I feel like I'm getting worse 

Hi there, 

I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good mentally. Can I ask, what you've noticed that makes you think that you're getting worse? Can you think of anything that might have triggered this? 

I'm glad to hear you had a fun prom night though :) Do you want to tell me a bit more about it? Sometimes when we are feeling low, it can help to think about all the things that have been going well. 

We're here for you


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3 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Hi there, 

I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good mentally. Can I ask, what you've noticed that makes you think that you're getting worse? Can you think of anything that might have triggered this? 

I'm glad to hear you had a fun prom night though :) Do you want to tell me a bit more about it? Sometimes when we are feeling low, it can help to think about all the things that have been going well. 

We're here for you

The signs of mental health getting worse is that I'm not getting out as much as I used to. And I just want to stay home and not go out. I'm also not getting good sleep I've been getting around 6 hours of sleep for a while and I don't know whats triggered it. for prom was because i was with friends and family and seeing my favourite teachers

 Thank you 😊

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