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Treacle ย  ย 

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5 hours ago, Aurora said:

I'm glad to hear you're feeling alright. You've had so much going on - being bullied at school and then things being difficult at home. too.ย  That's a lot to deal with!ย  Can you think of anything in particular that you've found helpful over the last few weeks?ย 

You mentioned that they want to talk to you at home this week and you sounded a bit hesitant. Am I right in thinking that you feel a bit uneasy about having a meeting at home?ย 

Please know that we are here for you.ย 

Yeah I don't really fancy having a meeting at home when it's half-term. Mostly talking about to to Friends and teachers about it have helped.ย 

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18 hours ago, Treacle said:

Yeah I don't really fancy having a meeting at home when it's half-term. Mostly talking about to to Friends and teachers about it have helped.ย 

I get that. You probably just want to enjoy your time off from school, I would imagine. Do you know when the meeting is?

I'm glad to hear that talking to your friends and teachers has helped. Do you feel like you have a good amount of support around you at the moment?ย 


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On 10/25/2022 at 12:28 PM, Aurora said:

I get that. You probably just want to enjoy your time off from school, I would imagine. Do you know when the meeting is?

I'm glad to hear that talking to your friends and teachers has helped. Do you feel like you have a good amount of support around you at the moment?ย 

No I don't know when the meeting is. They will send me an email to say when they are coming round. But I have a feeling they will do it at school because I'm pretty busy this week. Yeah I literally just want to rest and chill out when being off. Yeah i feel like I've got a very good support at the moment which is good.ย 

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On 10/26/2022 at 9:28 PM, Treacle said:

No I don't know when the meeting is. They will send me an email to say when they are coming round. But I have a feeling they will do it at school because I'm pretty busy this week. Yeah I literally just want to rest and chill out when being off. Yeah i feel like I've got a very good support at the moment which is good.ย 

Hi there, I'm sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you. I've been away. I hope you got to rest and chill during half term and didn't have to worry about the meeting.ย 

It's lovely to hear that you have good support around you at the moment. From what you've been telling me, it sounds like a lot of things you've been struggling with have been addressed and your voice is being heard. Is that right? How do you feel now? And is there anything in particular you would like support with right now, or are you good for now?ย 


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi there, I'm sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you. I've been away. I hope you got to rest and chill during half term and didn't have to worry about the meeting.ย 

It's lovely to hear that you have good support around you at the moment. From what you've been telling me, it sounds like a lot of things you've been struggling with have been addressed and your voice is being heard. Is that right? How do you feel now? And is there anything in particular you would like support with right now, or are you good for now?ย 

It's fine. Yeah I did manage to have a rest over the week. But it all kicked off again on Wednesday night. Which ended with things being shouted at I was in the middle of all of the drama. I then went to my room and emailed my head of year and said I don't want to live at home anymore with my dad but I don't want to leave my mum. My head of year didn't get back to me till today atย  school and me, her and the school nurse had a meeting about it all and they are trying to put my dad behind bars or to leave is alone. Because I've been physically abused by him during the week off. I don't want to talk about the rest.ย 

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14 hours ago, Treacle said:

It's fine. Yeah I did manage to have a rest over the week. But it all kicked off again on Wednesday night. Which ended with things being shouted at I was in the middle of all of the drama. I then went to my room and emailed my head of year and said I don't want to live at home anymore with my dad but I don't want to leave my mum. My head of year didn't get back to me till today atย  school and me, her and the school nurse had a meeting about it all and they are trying to put my dad behind bars or to leave is alone. Because I've been physically abused by him during the week off. I don't want to talk about the rest.ย 

No problem if you don't want to talk about the rest. You don't have to share anything here that you do't want to. I'm sorry you've had such a tough week and that you had to wait until yesterday until you got some help. That must have been a lot to deal with. But I'm glad to hear you're getting support from your head of year and the school nurse. It sounds like they are taking it very seriously. Do you feel safe right now?ย 


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4 hours ago, Aurora said:

No problem if you don't want to talk about the rest. You don't have to share anything here that you do't want to. I'm sorry you've had such a tough week and that you had to wait until yesterday until you got some help. That must have been a lot to deal with. But I'm glad to hear you're getting support from your head of year and the school nurse. It sounds like they are taking it very seriously. Do you feel safe right now?ย 

Yeah I feel safe because I found out my dad left this evening when I got home. I saw his bags that were packed. And I asked my mum whats happened she said she decided it was time for him to go. I've just emailed my head of year and the school nurse saying I want to have another meeting tomorrow. They both got back to me and said yes that's fine when do you want it. I then said tutor or in the morning. They said let's do period 1 which I have P.E.ย 

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17 hours ago, Treacle said:

Yeah I feel safe because I found out my dad left this evening when I got home. I saw his bags that were packed. And I asked my mum whats happened she said she decided it was time for him to go. I've just emailed my head of year and the school nurse saying I want to have another meeting tomorrow. They both got back to me and said yes that's fine when do you want it. I then said tutor or in the morning. They said let's do period 1 which I have P.E.ย 

I'm glad to hear you'reย  safe. Do you mind me asking, how you feel about your Dad moving out? Have you spoken to any of your friends about it?ย  I hope your meeting with your Head of year went well today and you're getting the support you need. We're here for you!ย 


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On 11/2/2022 at 12:01 PM, Aurora said:

I'm glad to hear you'reย  safe. Do you mind me asking, how you feel about your Dad moving out? Have you spoken to any of your friends about it?ย  I hope your meeting with your Head of year went well today and you're getting the support you need. We're here for you!ย 

I feel relieved that my dad has gone since he did use to physically abuse me. No I haven't spoken to my friends about it because I'm not ready to tell them. The meeting did go well with the school nurse and my head of year. I did cry for about 30 minutes because we were talking about the traumatic events that have happened throughout the year. Yeah I'm getting rhe support which is good. I really needed to hear the last bit of your message thank you.ย 

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18 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

I feel relieved that my dad has gone since he did use to physically abuse me. No I haven't spoken to my friends about it because I'm not ready to tell them. The meeting did go well with the school nurse and my head of year. I did cry for about 30 minutes because we were talking about the traumatic events that have happened throughout the year. Yeah I'm getting rhe support which is good. I really needed to hear the last bit of your message thank you.ย 

Hey there,

I just wanted to jump in and check up because Aurora won't be back until Monday. I'm wondering, are you safe from your dad now? Also, does anyone else know what happened between you two? I hope you're okay now. We are here for you. Treacle. Take care and speak soon.ย 


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4 hours ago, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

I just wanted to jump in and check up because Aurora won't be back until Monday. I'm wondering, are you safe from your dad now? Also, does anyone else know what happened between you two? I hope you're okay now. We are here for you. Treacle. Take care and speak soon.ย 

Yes I'm safe from my dad. He got arrested last night. Yeah my head of year and the school nurse know about my dad. Yeah I'm okay now. I had a meeting with my school nurse today after school it went pretty well she made me laugh which I needed today.ย 

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14 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Yes I'm safe from my dad. He got arrested last night. Yeah my head of year and the school nurse know about my dad. Yeah I'm okay now. I had a meeting with my school nurse today after school it went pretty well she made me laugh which I needed today.ย 


I'm really sorry to hear that it came to that in the end, but I'm glad you're safe. How are you feeling at the moment? I hope you're doing as okay as you can be.ย 


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3 hours ago, Monsoon said:


I'm really sorry to hear that it came to that in the end, but I'm glad you're safe. How are you feeling at the moment? I hope you're doing as okay as you can be.ย 

I'm doing alright now thank you for asking.ย 

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7 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

I'm doing alright now thank you for asking.ย 

Hey there,

Alright, I'm glad to hear that. I just wanted to check before Aurora comes back on Monday. When she's back, would you like to carry on with her?


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1 minute ago, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

Alright, I'm glad to hear that. I just wanted to check before Aurora comes back on Monday. When she's back, would you like to carry on with her?

Thank you. Yes I would like to carry on with her when she is back. Thank youย 

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On 11/4/2022 at 9:58 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Yes I'm safe from my dad. He got arrested last night. Yeah my head of year and the school nurse know about my dad. Yeah I'm okay now. I had a meeting with my school nurse today after school it went pretty well she made me laugh which I needed today.ย 

Hi Treacle, I'm back online today. Thank you so much for letting us know what's been going on. It sounds like a lot has happened and I know it can be difficult to talk about it. I'm really glad to hear you're safe and that your head of year and school nurse are supporting you. It's nice to hear as well, that your school nurse made you laughย ๐Ÿ™‚.

How are you feeling today? Do you mind me asking, how things have been with your mum? Have you been able to talk to her about what has happened and how is she dealing with it all? Please know that we're always here.ย 


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi Treacle, I'm back online today. Thank you so much for letting us know what's been going on. It sounds like a lot has happened and I know it can be difficult to talk about it. I'm really glad to hear you're safe and that your head of year and school nurse are supporting you. It's nice to hear as well, that your school nurse made you laughย ๐Ÿ™‚.

How are you feeling today? Do you mind me asking, how things have been with your mum? Have you been able to talk to her about what has happened and how is she dealing with it all? Please know that we're always here.ย 

You're welcome. I'm feeling alright now but the bullying has started to happen again. Yes I've been able to talk to my mum. Shes happy that he has gone and she's not upset about it. I've got the bullying going on, mock exams and revision to do I'm under quite alot of stress.ย 

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13 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

You're welcome. I'm feeling alright now but the bullying has started to happen again. Yes I've been able to talk to my mum. Shes happy that he has gone and she's not upset about it. I've got the bullying going on, mock exams and revision to do I'm under quite alot of stress.ย 

It's good to hear that you can talk to your mum about what's been going on. It sounds like you're both relieved that your dad no longer lives with you and you mentioned before that you feel safe now.ย 

I'm sorry to hear that the bullying has started to happen again. From what you were telling me before your head of year and your school nurse have been supporting you with this. Is that still the case? We're here if you want to talk about it some more.ย 

With everything going on, including your mock exams it's only natural that you are feeling stressed at the moment. Is there anything you do to help you feel less stressed? If not you might find some helpful tips in this article hereย https://www.ditchthelabel.org/4-ways-to-ground-yourself-if-you-are-stressed/.ย  If you like you can let me know what you think and if you would like to try out any of the suggestions


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6 hours ago, Aurora said:

It's good to hear that you can talk to your mum about what's been going on. It sounds like you're both relieved that your dad no longer lives with you and you mentioned before that you feel safe now.ย 

I'm sorry to hear that the bullying has started to happen again. From what you were telling me before your head of year and your school nurse have been supporting you with this. Is that still the case? We're here if you want to talk about it some more.ย 

With everything going on, including your mock exams it's only natural that you are feeling stressed at the moment. Is there anything you do to help you feel less stressed? If not you might find some helpful tips in this article hereย https://www.ditchthelabel.org/4-ways-to-ground-yourself-if-you-are-stressed/.ย  If you like you can let me know what you think and if you would like to try out any of the suggestions

Yeah my head of year and the school nurse is helping me she helped me calm down after school because was having a panic attack because I got more stressed about tomorrow. I think it has been sorted because the bullying didn't happen today.ย 

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On 11/8/2022 at 6:18 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Yeah my head of year and the school nurse is helping me she helped me calm down after school because was having a panic attack because I got more stressed about tomorrow. I think it has been sorted because the bullying didn't happen today.ย 

That's good to hear.! I really hope this has been sorted now. You mentioned feeling stressed about Wednesday. Did you have your mock exam then or was it something else you were feeling stressed about?ย 

Can I ask, if you manage to have a look at the article I mentioned in my last post? I'm just wondering if you think that any of those techniques might help you when you're feeling stressed. What do you think?ย 


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9 hours ago, Aurora said:

That's good to hear.! I really hope this has been sorted now. You mentioned feeling stressed about Wednesday. Did you have your mock exam then or was it something else you were feeling stressed about?ย 

Can I ask, if you manage to have a look at the article I mentioned in my last post? I'm just wondering if you think that any of those techniques might help you when you're feeling stressed. What do you think?ย 

Yeah I've been very stressed this week due to mock exams I hร vent had any time to look at the article yet i will try to do it tomorrow if I'm not busy revising.ย 

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On 11/11/2022 at 10:04 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Yeah I've been very stressed this week due to mock exams I hร vent had any time to look at the article yet i will try to do it tomorrow if I'm not busy revising.ย 

No problem. I don't want to add any additional stress. I just thought it might be helpful for when you're feeling stressed. I hope the mock exams went well? How are you feeling this week?ย 


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

No problem. I don't want to add any additional stress. I just thought it might be helpful for when you're feeling stressed. I hope the mock exams went well? How are you feeling this week?ย 

To be honest this week I'm stillf feeling stressed due to having only 5 more mock exams. The bullying has started again and to be really honest I feel like giving up I can't keep going through it again. I've broken down crying around 3 times today. I just can't go through it again.ย 

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10 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

To be honest this week I'm stillf feeling stressed due to having only 5 more mock exams. The bullying has started again and to be really honest I feel like giving up I can't keep going through it again. I've broken down crying around 3 times today. I just can't go through it again.ย 

Hey there,

I just want to jump in and check on how on you before Aurora replies. I noticed what you said about wanting to give up, and I just want to check, are you safe at the moment? I might be reading too much into it, but better safe than sorry.ย  Just incase you need it, here is some safety information if you are in crisis: When you do get back to us, can you let us know how you're doing?ย 

  • UK - The Samaritans: 116 123 (24/7 service)
  • USA - NSPL: 1-800-273-8255
  • A list of worldwide crisis lines: https://www.befrienders.org
  • https://kidshelpphone.ca/urgent-help - You can text, message them online, or call them on the number listed on this page (they are available 24/7)
  • An app I can recommend: https://www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/find-help-now/stay-alive-app/ this has safety plans to make sure you don't harm yourself and you might find it useful.ย 
  • If youโ€™re in the UK, you can text SHOUT to 85258 when you are struggling, and a trained crisis volunteer will text you back. This is great if you find talking on the phone challenging, and itโ€™s completely free 24/7ย 
  • Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and feelings are only temporary. We are here for you.



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16 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

To be honest this week I'm stillf feeling stressed due to having only 5 more mock exams. The bullying has started again and to be really honest I feel like giving up I can't keep going through it again. I've broken down crying around 3 times today. I just can't go through it again.ย 

Hi there, I saw that Monsoon already checked in with you to see if you were feeling safe, If you are in crisis then you have the safety information Monsoon has given you.

I'm really sorry to hear that the bullying has started up again. That must be tough, especially if you're in the middle of your mock exams. Have you spoken to your Head of Year or the school nurse about this? It sounded like they've been taking this very seriously and I'm sure they would want to know if it's starting up again. Please know that we are here for you and even if it might not feel like it now, you can get through this!ย 


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