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Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only just getting back to you I've been really busy with family and school work and trying to get out of a relationship. I talked to my mum and she didn't really get what I meant so I kinda just gave up but she hasn't been making me do the house work due to me being in my room for most of the day revising for upcoming exams. Yes the council knows that I'm young carer me and my mum have got help from the school who do really help us out. 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 2/19/2023 at 12:13 AM, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only just getting back to you I've been really busy with family and school work and trying to get out of a relationship. I talked to my mum and she didn't really get what I meant so I kinda just gave up but she hasn't been making me do the house work due to me being in my room for most of the day revising for upcoming exams. Yes the council knows that I'm young carer me and my mum have got help from the school who do really help us out. 

Hi Treacle, no problem at all. I'm glad to hear you're getting help from the school and that your mum didn't make you do the house work. Do you think, that even though it felt like she didn't get what you meant when you spoke to her - maybe she reflected on it after your conversation and that's why she didn't ask you to do the housework? Just a thought.....

I hope your revision has been going well. How do do you feel about your upcoming exams? 

You also mentioned about trying to get out of relationship. Would you like to talk about it? Don't feel you have to. But we are here if you do want to talk about it. 


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Hi Aurora,


So sorry I've only just saw your message bene really busy and it's been a hectic week at school for me.

Yeah I feel like she did understand on what I was on about. To be honest I have had so many breakdowns and panic attacks this week and my head of year thinks I will be experiencing them for the next 3 weeks due to mock GCSES coming up. No I'm alright I don't want to talk about it but just to let you know I'm not with him anymore and I'm starting to feel better but I'm still stressed anxious and I'm mentally exhausted.

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  • Digital Mentor
14 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

So sorry I've only just saw your message bene really busy and it's been a hectic week at school for me.

Yeah I feel like she did understand on what I was on about. To be honest I have had so many breakdowns and panic attacks this week and my head of year thinks I will be experiencing them for the next 3 weeks due to mock GCSES coming up. No I'm alright I don't want to talk about it but just to let you know I'm not with him anymore and I'm starting to feel better but I'm still stressed anxious and I'm mentally exhausted.

No problem. Please don't feel you have to reply if you don't have the time. I totally understand and I want to make sure that this doesn't add to your stress load. Exam times can be really stressful and it sounds like it's been having an effect on your wellbeing. Are you getting support at school around this? I also just wanted to check if are you able to have a bit of down time, where you don't do any revision and try to take your mind of everything? I know it can be difficult to make time for this but it's so important that we take care of ourselves during busy exam periods. We're here for you and wish you good luck with all the exams. Hope they go really well.  


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/24/2023 at 11:58 AM, Aurora said:

No problem. Please don't feel you have to reply if you don't have the time. I totally understand and I want to make sure that this doesn't add to your stress load. Exam times can be really stressful and it sounds like it's been having an effect on your wellbeing. Are you getting support at school around this? I also just wanted to check if are you able to have a bit of down time, where you don't do any revision and try to take your mind of everything? I know it can be difficult to make time for this but it's so important that we take care of ourselves during busy exam periods. We're here for you and wish you good luck with all the exams. Hope they go really well.  

Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only getting back to you it's been a hectic 3 weeks with exams and trying to revise for the exams but yes I'm getting support from my head of year who keeps checking in on me in the morning and after my exam and some days when she checks in on me I just break down crying in front of her because I'm just really stressed but also feel like the exam was not good. I had a weekend where I didn't do any revision but on Monday my brain went into full panic mode before my exam and miss E was trying to calm me down. Some of my exams have gone good and some of the exams have gone bad. 

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  • Ditch the Label Staff
17 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only getting back to you it's been a hectic 3 weeks with exams and trying to revise for the exams but yes I'm getting support from my head of year who keeps checking in on me in the morning and after my exam and some days when she checks in on me I just break down crying in front of her because I'm just really stressed but also feel like the exam was not good. I had a weekend where I didn't do any revision but on Monday my brain went into full panic mode before my exam and miss E was trying to calm me down. Some of my exams have gone good and some of the exams have gone bad. 

Hi @Treacle I'm just jumping in to let you know that @Aurora will be back online on Monday.

Are you happy to wait for her or would you prefer another mentor replies in the meantime? 


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  • Digital Mentor
On 3/8/2023 at 8:44 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only getting back to you it's been a hectic 3 weeks with exams and trying to revise for the exams but yes I'm getting support from my head of year who keeps checking in on me in the morning and after my exam and some days when she checks in on me I just break down crying in front of her because I'm just really stressed but also feel like the exam was not good. I had a weekend where I didn't do any revision but on Monday my brain went into full panic mode before my exam and miss E was trying to calm me down. Some of my exams have gone good and some of the exams have gone bad. 

Hi @Treacle 246, no need to apologise. Exam times are really stressful and it sounds like you've been really busy. This is a safe space for you and there is no pressure at all for you to reply if you're busy. 

Thank you @Blondie for jumping in. I didn't think I would be able to be online today but luckily I do have a bit of time now so I thought I would reply today - then you don't have to wait until Monday, Treacle 🙂

I'm really pleased to hear that your Head of Year has been checking in with you every day. It sounds like she has been giving you a safe space at school where you could let out your emotions when you were feeling overwhelmed. Is that right? Also, am I right in thinking that you've finished all your exams now? I really hope you get the results you are hoping for. How are you feeling? 


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, no need to apologise. Exam times are really stressful and it sounds like you've been really busy. This is a safe space for you and there is no pressure at all for you to reply if you're busy. 

Thank you @Blondie for jumping in. I didn't think I would be able to be online today but luckily I do have a bit of time now so I thought I would reply today - then you don't have to wait until Monday, Treacle 🙂

I'm really pleased to hear that your Head of Year has been checking in with you every day. It sounds like she has been giving you a safe space at school where you could let out your emotions when you were feeling overwhelmed. Is that right? Also, am I right in thinking that you've finished all your exams now? I really hope you get the results you are hoping for. How are you feeling? 

Yes my head of year has given me a safe space in school where I can just let my emotions out. Nope I haven't finished my exams yet I still got 3 more to do. I'm feeling better than this morning when I was talking to my head of year and I told her that I've had 4 panic attacks 3 anxiety attacks and 2 breakdowns and that was just this morning. After my exam I had a breakdown and my science teacher took me Into the science and she calmed me down and didn't let me go to the lesson that I was supposed to be in after the exam. 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 3/10/2023 at 10:55 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Yes my head of year has given me a safe space in school where I can just let my emotions out. Nope I haven't finished my exams yet I still got 3 more to do. I'm feeling better than this morning when I was talking to my head of year and I told her that I've had 4 panic attacks 3 anxiety attacks and 2 breakdowns and that was just this morning. After my exam I had a breakdown and my science teacher took me Into the science and she calmed me down and didn't let me go to the lesson that I was supposed to be in after the exam. 

It sounds like the exams are really having an impact on your emotional wellbeing. Is that right? It's great that you can speak to your head of year and some of your other teachers and that they are helping you to feel calmer. If you keep having panic attacks and anxiety, I'm just wondering whether you might be able to see a counsellor to help you with this. A counsellor might be able to give you some strategies to help you with your anxiety. I can imagine that it might be a bit much to think about right now, while you're still writing your exams but do you think this something you might want to think about once you've finished all your exams?

In the meantime, can you think of anything that helps you to feel calmer in those situations? I know you mentioned deep breaths and counting to 10 before. Is that still helpful?

Good luck with your last three exams. I hope they go really well. 


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  • Digital Mentor
On 3/13/2023 at 12:13 PM, Aurora said:

It sounds like the exams are really having an impact on your emotional wellbeing. Is that right? It's great that you can speak to your head of year and some of your other teachers and that they are helping you to feel calmer. If you keep having panic attacks and anxiety, I'm just wondering whether you might be able to see a counsellor to help you with this. A counsellor might be able to give you some strategies to help you with your anxiety. I can imagine that it might be a bit much to think about right now, while you're still writing your exams but do you think this something you might want to think about once you've finished all your exams?

In the meantime, can you think of anything that helps you to feel calmer in those situations? I know you mentioned deep breaths and counting to 10 before. Is that still helpful?

Good luck with your last three exams. I hope they go really well. 

Hi @Treacle 246, I just wanted to let you know that I will be away until the 28th March. If you would like some support in the meantime from one of the other mentors please just mention it in your post and they'll be happy to jump in while I'm away. 

I hope your last three exams are going really well


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2023 at 1:42 PM, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, I just wanted to let you know that I will be away until the 28th March. If you would like some support in the meantime from one of the other mentors please just mention it in your post and they'll be happy to jump in while I'm away. 

I hope your last three exams are going really well

Hi Aurora,

Beem really busy so haven't been online. Long story short exams went alright. Getting my mock results and grades tomorrow. I've been in a toxic relationship for around 4 months it seemed to be going alright but it got to where there was lack of support and he wouldn't trust me. 


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  • Digital Mentor
14 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Beem really busy so haven't been online. Long story short exams went alright. Getting my mock results and grades tomorrow. I've been in a toxic relationship for around 4 months it seemed to be going alright but it got to where there was lack of support and he wouldn't trust me. 

Hi @Treacle 246, no problem. I've been away myself and have only been back online today. I'm really glad to hear that your exams went alright. Good luck for tomorrow. Really hope you get the results you're hoping for 🤞

Thank you for sharing that you've been in a toxic relationship. I can imagine that must be tough for you. Sometimes it can be difficult to spot and it's good that you've noticed the lack of support and trust. Both those things are so important in a healthy relationship. Would you agree? I get the impression that you are looking out for yourself, which is great. Do you mind me asking, are you still together? 


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, no problem. I've been away myself and have only been back online today. I'm really glad to hear that your exams went alright. Good luck for tomorrow. Really hope you get the results you're hoping for 🤞

Thank you for sharing that you've been in a toxic relationship. I can imagine that must be tough for you. Sometimes it can be difficult to spot and it's good that you've noticed the lack of support and trust. Both those things are so important in a healthy relationship. Would you agree? I get the impression that you are looking out for yourself, which is great. Do you mind me asking, are you still together? 

Yes we are still together because I haven't seen him but my head of year does not want me speaking to him or saying to him I want to break up when he's in she wants me to just move away from him and just don't speak to him. One I don't think it will work because he usually walks me home. Two he follows me around school and after school. 3 if I do break up with him he's going to start spread rumours about me. FYI I've been in a relationship with him before and we wanted to try again but right now I'm fed up with being in a relationship with him. This is exactly what happened last time. Yes I would agree that a relationship is built from trust and support. 



I passed science. I've definitely improved on my exams from last time I did them. 


Yes I am looking out for my self this is on of the reasons why I wanted to not be in a relationship. I just want to focus on my self and have a positive view point when going into exams in April, May and they end in june. 

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  • Digital Mentor
15 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Yes we are still together because I haven't seen him but my head of year does not want me speaking to him or saying to him I want to break up when he's in she wants me to just move away from him and just don't speak to him. One I don't think it will work because he usually walks me home. Two he follows me around school and after school. 3 if I do break up with him he's going to start spread rumours about me. FYI I've been in a relationship with him before and we wanted to try again but right now I'm fed up with being in a relationship with him. This is exactly what happened last time. Yes I would agree that a relationship is built from trust and support. 


I passed science. I've definitely improved on my exams from last time I did them. 

Yes I am looking out for my self this is on of the reasons why I wanted to not be in a relationship. I just want to focus on my self and have a positive view point when going into exams in April, May and they end in june. 

That's great news that you passed science and that you've improved on your exams from last time. Amazing - I'm so glad all your hard work has paid off 🥳!!

I can totally understand why you want to focus on yourself right now and not be in a relationship. Especially if there is a lack of trust and support. How do you think your boyfriend would react if you told him you needed to focus on yourself right now? You mentioned that he would spread rumours about you if you broke up with him. Do you think he would also do that, even if you explained that you need time to yourself so you're ready for your upcoming exams. Do you mind me asking, has he done that before? It's interesting that your head of year doesn't want you to tell him that you want to break up with him. Why do you think that is? 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/30/2023 at 12:59 PM, Aurora said:

That's great news that you passed science and that you've improved on your exams from last time. Amazing - I'm so glad all your hard work has paid off 🥳!!

I can totally understand why you want to focus on yourself right now and not be in a relationship. Especially if there is a lack of trust and support. How do you think your boyfriend would react if you told him you needed to focus on yourself right now? You mentioned that he would spread rumours about you if you broke up with him. Do you think he would also do that, even if you explained that you need time to yourself so you're ready for your upcoming exams. Do you mind me asking, has he done that before? It's interesting that your head of year doesn't want you to tell him that you want to break up with him. Why do you think that is?

Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only getting back to you. I've been really busy with revising and getting out of a toxic relationship. I went out with friends Tuesday and now who i call my ex. While I was out he called me and said why haven't you been answering my calls and messages. Told him because he hasn't checked in on me when I wasn't in school for two days. Wasn't in school wa because I was in hospital because had a very high temperature and I wasn't eating. He told me that I told him to leave me alone but I haven't spoke to him and he kept telling me lies about how I said things to him but when I said to him I'm fed up with being in a toxic relationship with him he didn't care and at the end of the call he told me to kill my self. 

Sorry this is very long. 

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  • Digital Mentor
12 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

Sorry that I'm only getting back to you. I've been really busy with revising and getting out of a toxic relationship. I went out with friends Tuesday and now who i call my ex. While I was out he called me and said why haven't you been answering my calls and messages. Told him because he hasn't checked in on me when I wasn't in school for two days. Wasn't in school wa because I was in hospital because had a very high temperature and I wasn't eating. He told me that I told him to leave me alone but I haven't spoke to him and he kept telling me lies about how I said things to him but when I said to him I'm fed up with being in a toxic relationship with him he didn't care and at the end of the call he told me to kill my self. 

Sorry this is very long. 


Heyy @Treacle 246,  @Aurora is off till the 24th of this month so I thought I'd jump in here. 

 I'm sorry to hear that you've been through a difficult time with your ex. It's important to prioritize your own well-being, especially when you're dealing with physical and emotional health issues. It's also important to set boundaries with people who are toxic or abusive towards you. It sounds to me like your ex-partner may not be respecting your boundaries and may be trying to manipulate you with lies and hurtful statements. Telling someone to kill themselves is not only extremely hurtful, but it is also a form of emotional abuse. I am truly sorry to hear this. How are you coping with it all?

It may also be helpful to consider cutting off contact with your ex-partner if they continue to behave in a toxic or abusive manner. Do you think this would be challenging to do or something that's manageable? 



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On 4/8/2023 at 10:10 AM, Luie said:

Heyy @Treacle 246,  @Aurora is off till the 24th of this month so I thought I'd jump in here. 

 I'm sorry to hear that you've been through a difficult time with your ex. It's important to prioritize your own well-being, especially when you're dealing with physical and emotional health issues. It's also important to set boundaries with people who are toxic or abusive towards you. It sounds to me like your ex-partner may not be respecting your boundaries and may be trying to manipulate you with lies and hurtful statements. Telling someone to kill themselves is not only extremely hurtful, but it is also a form of emotional abuse. I am truly sorry to hear this. How are you coping with it all?

It may also be helpful to consider cutting off contact with your ex-partner if they continue to behave in a toxic or abusive manner. Do you think this would be challenging to do or something that's manageable? 

Hi Luie

I've been feeling down and thinking i was in the wrong when broke up with my ex. But other than that I'm coping to deal with it but I'm really scared about going back to school next week. I've already blocked my ex and deleted his number he did the last time I dated him last year and I don't know why I got back with him to be honest. The last relationship was very toxic and it didn't put me in a good place. But my ex td me to my face that he wasn't toxic and he cares about me I didn't want to believe it but he convinced me to believe him. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been feeling down and thinking i was in the wrong when broke up with my ex. But other than that I'm coping to deal with it but I'm really scared about going back to school next week. I've already blocked my ex and deleted his number he did the last time I dated him last year and I don't know why I got back with him to be honest. The last relationship was very toxic and it didn't put me in a good place. But my ex td me to my face that he wasn't toxic and he cares about me I didn't want to believe it but he convinced me to believe him. 

Went back to school Tuesday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He left me alone and he hasn't spread any rumours about me yet 


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  • Digital Mentor
20 hours ago, Treacle 246 said:

I've been feeling down and thinking i was in the wrong when broke up with my ex. But other than that I'm coping to deal with it but I'm really scared about going back to school next week. I've already blocked my ex and deleted his number he did the last time I dated him last year and I don't know why I got back with him to be honest. The last relationship was very toxic and it didn't put me in a good place. But my ex td me to my face that he wasn't toxic and he cares about me I didn't want to believe it but he convinced me to believe him. 

Went back to school Tuesday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He left me alone and he hasn't spread any rumours about me yet 

Heyy @Treacle 246, It's understandable that you're feeling down and questioning your decision to break up with your ex, especially if he convinced you that he wasn't toxic and cares about you. However, it's important to remember that you made the decision to end the relationship for a reason, and it's likely that those reasons still exist. I am glad to hear that your first day back at school wasn't as bad as you thought it would be and that your ex has left you alone so far. It's also great that you've taken steps to protect your well-being by blocking him and deleting his number. I'd say that it's important to continue focusing on your own healing and growth, even if it means avoiding interactions with your ex. How does this sound to you?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Digital Mentor

Hi @Treacle 246, I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? I'm really glad to hear that things weren't as bad as you thought with your Ex when you went back to school after the holidays. 


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4 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi @Treacle 246, I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? I'm really glad to hear that things weren't as bad as you thought with your Ex when you went back to school after the holidays. 

Hi Aurora,

To be honest I'm really struggling with mental health and school life 

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  • Digital Mentor
1 hour ago, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

To be honest I'm really struggling with mental health and school life 

Heyy @Treacle 246, Sorry to hear that you've been struggling with your mental health and things at school. I want to jump in and check if you'd like to speak about this over on confidential support? It's a much more of a private space where you can receive 1-1 support from the support mentors. It's next to 'blogs' in the top bar.  Whatever is a more comfortable option for you.


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18 minutes ago, Luie said:

Heyy @Treacle 246, Sorry to hear that you've been struggling with your mental health and things at school. I want to jump in and check if you'd like to speak about this over on confidential support? It's a much more of a private space where you can receive 1-1 support from the support mentors. It's next to 'blogs' in the top bar.  Whatever is a more comfortable option for you.

Yes please if that is alright. 

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  • Digital Mentor
On 5/3/2023 at 4:52 PM, Treacle 246 said:

Hi Aurora,

To be honest I'm really struggling with mental health and school life 

Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that. I can see that you're now talking to Louie about it on confidential support. We're here for you. 


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On 5/5/2023 at 11:29 AM, Aurora said:

Hi there, I'm sorry to hear that. I can see that you're now talking to Louie about it on confidential support. We're here for you. 

Hi Aurora, 

Thank you that means alot to me. 

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