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I don't know if this friendship is good for me :c help pls

Ofek Β  Β 

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Hello, first of all thank you for reading this, I appreciate that.

So I have a good friend like 3 years now and it's maybe our last year together before high school, but all the time that we are friends I feel bad and sad, for example: when I came to school with short pants he told me that I'm an idiot and it's cold outside... I also wanted to make a YouTube channel but he said that I will fail, I have streamed a bit but stopped because he joined my stream and laughed at me...

The problem is that he's shy and doesn't have much friends so I don't know what to do, this friendship needs to over somehow but I don't know how to end it... My motivation is down when I'm with him and everything I wanna do is always bad. Also when I was sick (covid 19) and he wasn't sick he told me that I'm weak... Another example is on winter, my hands was dry because of the cold and winds and his hands wasn't so he laughed at me and told me that my hands/fingers are weak.

I'm asking the community to help me out please, everything I'm doing he's laughing at...

Thanks for helping πŸ™

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  • Ofek changed the title to I don't know if this friendship is good for me :c help pls

OMG!!!that so called friend of yours is so toxic.you should cut away from people like that.friendship should be something beautiful,good friends would not bring you down,insult you or make a joke out of you.you should get a friend who really cares about you and support you☻

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  • 2 weeks later...

That guy is seriously not sounding like a good friend-

I don't know how you could end the friendship, but whenever he tries to tell you like mean stuff just think the opposite. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe there's a reason he doesn't have other friends (because of how toxic he is). It's not your responsibility to change people or stay in a toxic friendship to please the other person. Yes, it might be helping him, but it sounds like it's draining you. You should put yourself first. You can just outright say that the friendship is toxic for you and that you are ending it, or you can slowly distance yourself (spend more time alone or with others) so then you two can naturally drift apart. You deserve better.Β 

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