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What is one thing you would tell your younger self?


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No you don’t just feel like you want to be friends with girls you like them too as well as boys because you are bi and your best friend isn’t that she is controlling and don’t be sad when she stops talking to you and two years after that you will meet the two best most supportive friends you could ask for and your love for reptiles will blossom to the point when you actually own them ( don’t get the snake he is nothing but trouble and you will have to rehome him ) never stop drawing and reading and be yourself P.S snake bites are not as bad as you think 

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I would tell my younger self to not walk whilst looking at flowers as it will end up with you walking into a lamp post. (this happened to me lol) 

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Your aloud to like her its ok you can like whoever you want *head pats

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  • Digital Mentor
On 7/1/2021 at 3:58 PM, paperadventures said:

If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would tell your younger self? I'm curious! 😊

Do some financial education e.g. Taxes, Budgeting, learn about the market etc. 


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  • Digital Mentor
On 7/1/2021 at 3:58 PM, paperadventures said:

If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would tell your younger self? I'm curious! 😊

Heyy @paperadventures, I am Luie, one of the support mentors with DTL. I see that you have been a member since 2015 but have come back, so that's amazing to have you with us on the community. Just a refresher if you need it: You can start conversations like this or even join other topics on the forums option. We also offer one to one support if you'd prefer that, if you click on 'Confidential Support' in the top bar next to blogs, you can send a request and one of the support mentors will get back to you. 



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On 7/4/2021 at 4:04 AM, Panda said:

Never to put the Lego away. Even if I felt bored by it or outgrown.

Haha I love this one!


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‘You didn’t deserve what they did to you’ 

a sad one but a very true one! 

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