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Getting to know mental health


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Hello my name is Katie,

I have adhd, mild autism,anxiety and depression.

As I've been going through secondary school I've been getting bullied for my ADHD because I don't think many people understand it but I'm also bisexual but I prefer girls so about a year ago I had a girlfriend who didn't understand but ADHD I explain to her and she was very understanding and then it was about a week after I think she decided to tell her friends about it which made me very non trustful and I didn't know what to do about it and then I spoke to a student support officer and they spoke to her and she said oh I was just saying it to them to be more aware because they were bullying Katie about it which obviously I didn't know that because they just have been annoying about it and they kept saying of she said this she said that I was like I really so we dated for about 6 to 8 months until we broke it off because of a bully they kept asking us very intimate questions and asked different things because we were both at the time of the lesbian but that all changed because I do sometimes I  find boys kind of cute but I probably wouldn't date them that's why I decided to come bisexual and prefer girls so I sort of wanted to come on here to answer any of your questions because I didn't know whether you guys had any about may be coming out to family or friends or dealing with bullying with it being like another sexuality or or with any mental health illnesses I don't know and I just wanted to help you out from my from my perspective it actually happening to me I tried to stay optimistic about it but when actually happens to you it's sort of a  eye opener in a way because you don't really understand it until actually happens to you. my parents were actually very understanding about me being bisexual because about it because my mum was  actually  bisexual for a bit and yeah my parents were fine with it but people at  school weren't they were being weird about it we do have a pride club at school but I don't go because of my anxiety because God keeps trying to push me out of it because apparently I'm not I'm bisexual even though I am  so yeah I just thought if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Hey there,

Thanks for sharing your story here and also offering your support to our other members; I'm sure you have plenty of advice to give to people :)

I'm glad your parents were understanding and I can imagine this was a big relief for you. Also, I'm sorry that you had to break off your relationship because of the bully; I can imagine that this was really hurtful for you and I just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling? Also, I'm wondering, would you like support for anything at the moment? I'm one of the digital mentors here and I give advice to those who reach out, so I can help you if you want to talk about anything. Speak soon. 


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On 4/22/2022 at 12:29 PM, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

Thanks for sharing your story here and also offering your support to our other members; I'm sure you have plenty of advice to give to people :)

I'm glad your parents were understanding and I can imagine this was a big relief for you. Also, I'm sorry that you had to break off your relationship because of the bully; I can imagine that this was really hurtful for you and I just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling? Also, I'm wondering, would you like support for anything at the moment? I'm one of the digital mentors here and I give advice to those who reach out, so I can help you if you want to talk about anything. Speak soon. 

I just wanted to help people that have been going through things with mental help and explain mental health 😁

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On 4/23/2022 at 5:53 PM, Anxioushedgehog13 said:

I just wanted to help people that have been going through things with mental help and explain mental health 😁

Good stuff. Thank you for being so kind :) 


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