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I want help, I've been Non-Binary for almost two years starting as a female, Iwas always  different, I never wore dresses and I was and still am very athletic and I see no interest in things that other girls around me like. I've been happy and content with my friends and family, who have all accepted me. But recently there been this little ache in my chest, I want something but I don't know what is it. This little ache grows sometimes and makes me feel sick and tired but other times it dulls and there's nothing. I've never been depressed and it's not that I feel miserable with how I look, I just that while I am ecstatically happy there's a little ache that wears me away. Sometimes braiding my hair helps or wearing a bracelet or something, but it only eases my ache. Every once and a while I want to wear a dress but I usually would never want to. Then again sometimes wearing t-shirts and a normal pair of pants doesn't help either. But the strangest times are when I feel completely normal and content. I think I might be flipping through male and female phases but I don't know what to do about it, what will help? I'm at be only looking at it from a certain point of perspective but I feel better if I change my clothing but is there something else I can do. While I writing this I've been feeling worse, it feels like a strong pressure on my chest, what can I do? I don't think I've ever had dysphoria, what is happening? Please, I'm very confused.

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Hey Piper! I think I might be trans, and I felt this for a loooooong while, until I decided to wear a hoodie to cover myself up, and wear longer pants, it helped me because it wasn’t based on one gender specifically. Maybe you can try mapping out any patterns and decide what to wear based on that? Just a suggestion, tell me if it helps! Hugs! 🤗♥️ 

Edited by Ciaran
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