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Questioning my sexuality


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Last weekend I was hanging out with some friends (I am a girl), and me and one of the other girls went in the hot tub together. We were joking around and having a good time and then I jokingly kissed her, but surprisingly, she grabbed my head and kissed back. We both pulled away and started laughing about it, but laying in my bed that night I realized I didn't feel like it was a joke. I've always thought this girl was so beautiful and nice, and I realized I didn't exactly know if I thought of these traits in a platonic way. Her parents are VERY homophobic, and I went to her church with her a couple times, and it's safe to say she is surrounded by a community that would never accept anyone who is not straight, I've questioned by sexuality before, but I thought everyone did that so I ignored any feelings about it. I've liked guys before and been attracted to them even,  and I feel like I can't talk to anyone under the fear they'll think I'm disgusting or confused. Everyone at our school is insanely homophobic to the point of bullying all the openly LQBTQ+ kids. I don't know if anyone has been in this situation before. but please give me some advice if you have.

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Hey there,

Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m one of the digital mentors here and I give advice to those who reach out :)

I just want you to know that this is a completely supportive, accepting, and non-judgmental space, so you can talk about anything you like here. I’m wondering then, what would you like advice on, is it your sexuality, or the situation, or both? 


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Sure thing. I'm wondering then, how does the way you feel about guys compare to the way you feel about girls? Can you tell me more about that? 


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Well I've really only ever had a crush on one guy, and I don't feel like I have a crush on the friend in question, but it feels like more of an attraction. Like I want to do what we did again and just be around her. I have never really felt that way about a guy, so I don't really know how to compare my feelings.

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Hey there,

That's okay. I think it's really significant that you want to do what you did again and just be around her, because to me, that shows a definite attraction. What do you think? 


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