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    Trigger Warnings for Sensitive Content

    About Trigger Warnings

    Keeping you safe and giving you the best and most supportive community experience on our forums is at the core of everything that we do at Ditch the Label. We understand that some topics can be triggering and distressing to some users and with this sensitivity in mind, we have a Trigger Warning feature across the entire community. When a piece of content has been tagged with a Trigger Warning, it will automatically come with a notice to other members to indicate that it may be upsetting and users will need to accept this notice in order to view the content. 

    You can quickly spot a piece of triggering content by the following: 

    trigger-warnings copy.jpg

    It is then up to you to decide whether or not you'd still like to view the content. We understand that on most occasions, the content will not be triggering, but this feature is put in place to protect all users and to truly ensure that our community remains a safe space.

    How to Set a Trigger Warning

    Whenever you post a thread or reply, you can opt to 'Include Trigger Warning'. Doing so will automatically flag the content as being sensitive to other users and they can choose to still read it once they have dismissed the notice. We've set it so that you can select one or more trigger warnings to your content, including:

    • 18+
    • Abuse
    • Blood
    • Death
    • Disordered Eating
    • Hate
    • Mental Illness
    • Miscarriage/Abortion
    • Self-Harm
    • Sex
    • Sexual Assault & Rape
    • Suicide
    • Trauma
    • Violence
    • Other

    We do ask that all users are familiar with this function and are conscious about appropriately tagging their content, even if they do not personally find it triggering themselves. Our Mentors and Moderators are also able to manually update content to add Trigger Warnings and will do their best to ensure that everything is appropriately tagged. To select multiple triggers, simply hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard and select as many as is appropriate from the drop-down selections. 

    set-trigger-warnings copy.jpg

    Can I Choose to Automatically Hide Triggering Certain Posts?

    To take this feature to the next level, we are also allowing you to select topics that you really don't want to see on our Community. By doing so, these threads and replies will be automatically filtered from your community experience and you will not see them. You can change your preferences in Account Settings. Please note that in order for this feature to work correctly, it is vital that a piece of content has been appropriately tagged, otherwise you may still see it. We will do our best to moderate posts where we feel a Trigger Warning is appropriate and are also asking all users to be mindful of potential triggers and sensitivities and to tag any content they create that could be triggering to other members. Additionally, if you spot a piece of content that hasn't been tagged and you feel that it should be, you can now report that post directly to us and we will review the content.

    Can This Feature be Disabled?

    Yes. You can choose not to see any trigger warnings on content and to have this feature fully disabled from your community experience. This can be done in Account Settings.

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