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    “What’s new in the community?”  🆕

    We’ll keep you up-to-date on top trending topics and advice through our monthly newsletter. This will include excerpts of conversations between users and mentors that we think are important, and we'll give shout outs or useful suggestions/advice/tricks that people have shared. 
    Not only will this help to inspire our community to start new conversations and seek advice by promoting positive and helpful content, we also want to let our members know that they are important to us. 

    If you’ve been given a good piece of advice from a fellow community user and you think that they should be showcased in our upcoming newsletter, please highlight their greatness by liking, sharing and commenting on topics. 💜


    "Blog of the Month" 🏆

    We’re also introducing a “blog of the month”, which will be showcased in our newsletters. Our moderators will select their favourite blogs based on how helpful the blog was for other users. 

    Opting out

    By setting up an account with Community you will automatically be opted in to receive our newsletter. If you don’t want to keep updated with our newsletter please untick the newsletter box in the notifications setting or opt out by 'unfollowing' emails. This will be located at the bottom of the email notification. 


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