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    Everything you need to know about Clubs

    Introducing Clubs (formerly known as Tribes)

    Super passionate about something but can't quite find the right place to talk about it? Want to find a way of meeting more people with common interests? We've got just the thing! Introducing Clubs; making it easier than ever to talk about the things you're really passionate about and to move the conversation away from the main public forums. Clubs are built around a common interest and have their own separate discussion forums. Some Clubs are public, allowing all members to participate without joining, whereas others are private, meaning that you need to join the Club before you're able to join the conversation. Once you've joined a Club, you'll be added to the member list and the Clubs you join will then be added to your profile.

    You can view the Club Directory and join the Clubs you're most interested in here.

    Please remember that all content posted to Clubs is still subject to moderation and our Community Guidelines.

    Why Can't I View a Club?

    Some Clubs are invite only, meaning that whilst you may be able to view them on the Club Directory, you will need to receive an invitation from a moderator of the Club in order to access it. Other Clubs are members only, meaning that you'll simply need to join the club before viewing the content.

    Creating Your Own Club

    Can't find the Club you're looking for? Why not create your own? As a member, you are able to create your own Club and invite others to join. As the Club owner, you'll have full moderation rights within your Club, and you'll also be able to invite other moderators to join your ranks. You can create and upload your own Club icons and cover photos and configure your own forums.

    Please note that we cannot accept Clubs that are in violation of our Community Guidelines. We additionally are unable to accept Clubs that are focused on, or could be used to promote either political or religious beliefs.

    Here's how:


    Once your Club has been created, it will then need to be approved by Ditch the Label before it is published. This may take anything from a few minutes to a few hours. Once approved, you'll then be able to add more customisations, set up your private forums and invite other members to join. 

    • To add a cover photo: similar to your profile cover photo, head to your Club homepage and then click 'Add Photo' in the top right corner of the placer image.
    • To add a forum: on your Club homepage, select 'Manage Club' then under 'Add Feature', select 'Threads', you'll then be able to configure your private Club forum!
    • Invite members: on your Club homepage, select 'Manage Club' followed by 'Invite Members'
    • Add a moderator: to promote one of your Club members to moderator, head to your member list and click the settings icon next to the member username and then appoint them as a moderator.


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