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I'm being Extorted


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Abuse, Mental Illness, Trauma

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I need desperate help, I have had a past of mental illness from a past breakup that had consisted of suicidal paranoia and severe depression. I was messaged by someone online who seemed nice and to cut it long story short she (now apparently a dude) has gotten hold of my nudes and saved all that I sent and is holding them for ransom out of sheer fear and desperation I gave in and paid a large sum and did all that was said but now I'm being asked to pay to his 'department' a sum greater than what I had paid. I'm currently a nervous wreck and have no idea what to do. I have begged and pleaded for a 24 hour window I don't know what to do now 

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I've now made my account private and haven't said anything further too them. I'm worried that they'll send it all to my friends on insta. 

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Hi, I'm Catsup one of the support mentors here.  You made a good decision making your account private and I understand that this must be very overwhelming for you.

First of all, they are definitely intimating you and make sure you do not send any more money to this person. 

Can I ask what platform they used to message you and if you have the evidence?  (then please send a screenshot of this with both of your usernames to support@ditchthelabel.org and we can report this for you. This will not get you in trouble with the police, and it may mean that his account gets removed. We are trusted flaggers at Ditch the Label, and any report we make is prioritized by the platform and looked at first.

We are here to support you and please keep us updated with what is going on and do remember that none of this is your fault!


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