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What do you wish the person who bullied you knew?

jake Β  Β 

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I wish they knew what they were doing was hurting me. They probably don't even remember any of it anymore but it still haunts me till date. I wish someone would have told them the consequences of their actions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I wish they knew how their unkind words made me feelπŸ˜” and how there toxic behavior left me bitter but nowΒ  I know that those unkind words are a reflection of themselvesΒ  and a symptom of low self esteemΒ  so in order to feel better about themselves theyΒ  put me down . But this encounter has made me a stronger personΒ  and made me indifferent toΒ  their cruel words and actions.

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I wish my bully knew how hard life was for me. That every time I ran into the toilets crying I looked at myself in the mirrors and thought what was wrong with myself? I thought I was ugly, stupid, weird. And the thing that hurt the most was that you stopped my best friend hanging out with me because they didn't want you to see her with me.

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I wish they knew I’m fragile and I can easily forgive people it takes me two days to forgive someone and go threw the grieving process but I still think everyday how it was my faultΒ 

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I wish they knew what kind of family i come from and how 'happy' i am/was  😁

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  • 1 month later...

that the only reason thatΒ  i did not stab them with my pencil like every one eles that bullies my is that i was sooooo sad about my long time crush moving away "Sawer you saved a mans hand"

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I wish he knew that I'm happy now. But he can't, because I'm not sure about it. I amΒ happier,Β but I still display a lot of anxious behaviors.Β 

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  • 4 weeks later...
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Trauma

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I wish that my bully knew that I have PTSD when it comes to verbal or physical 4BU$3.Β Β Β I have told him about my PTSD and he didnΒ΄t know what that even was. I swear, he was extremely ignorant-

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On 8/16/2020 at 10:23 AM, notearslefttocry said:


I am so sorry for you. I don't life in an english speaking country but when you are 12 you go to a different school (like middle and high school together) And i didn't know anybody there and the first 2 years I had "friends" who saw me as that girl who wants to be our friend. I made a new friend at the end of the second year who is so nice. I kinda know what your going trough but I promise you wil feel better and I know that when you don't have anyone else you stay with your "friends" but you will find the perfect person for yourself :)

I wish you al the best and hope that you can get away from your toxic friends

(Sorry if I did spel something wrong (why? read the second sentence))

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I wish they knew how much pain they caused me. I was so alone and scared. I hated myself. I wish they knew how much impact they can have on people and that I nor anybody else deserved such treatment. I wish they knew how cruel they were.


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Um I wish they could have known that... it fucks you mentally.

It's super painful, enduring this sort of thing every single time...Β  I wish they knew that this mental agony never goes away, even if it's 2 or 3 or 5 years later. It still lingers around, it still remains in my brain like a devil conquering everything around it's vicinity.

Also the fact that this sort of incident can leave one crippled. Mentally, physically, or both. And most of the times, this shit ain't reversible.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Sexual Assault & Rape

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i wish they knew about my sexual trauma before being such a dick to me. its not funny when the piss kink jokes remind me of what happened to me!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish they new that I have serious mental health issues such as ADHD, potentially Autism, anger issues and extremely low self-esteem

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  • 1 month later...

First, I wish my victim knew that I think of them, and what I did to them, every time I have a Β snowball fight in December , every time I watercolor, and every time I see multiple cats together. I’m so sorry, ____.Β 

Second, I wish that the people who bullied me knew that I needed friends, and as there were seven of us in a grade, that was hard enough without you telling everyone that I was worthless and would drag them back. Would you have still told me that I should give up everything I enjoy because I β€˜wasn’t good at it’ if you knew that one of my close friends was talking about suicide? Would you still have done what you did if you knew that you were hugely impacting (negatively) a three year friendship that I formed after nine years chasing after people to be my friends?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish they knew how much it hurt. How many times I cried and how low they made me feel. Like I was just their punching bag and nothing more. I still feel that way towards them even though they stopped. I've been trying to forgive them but it's hard.

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On 8/18/2017 at 6:01 AM, jake said:

Hey Community,

As someone who has gone through my own fair share of bullying IΒ wanted to ask you all a question. πŸ‘‡πŸ»

  • What do you wish the person who is bullying/bullied you knew?

For me it would be to a guy from school when i was 15/16. I wish you knew IΒ already had such fragile self esteem, I already felt ugly and not good enough. I already felt painfully awkward around the opposite sex and it felt like you took a sledge hammer to what was a paper cut.

Above all I wish you knew how it felt to be bullied by you. To be on the receiving end of your own cruel and toxic behaviour. But maybe you did because even though you said those words aloud to me they came from your voice and you had to live with that voice everyday and I bet you anything it said even worse things to you.

Have a think, what would you like them to know?

If you feel like it post back and share what you would say. πŸ“

Sending support and positivity as always.

I got bullied when I was younger 3-7, I wish they knew what it was like in my shoes , and of course people didn't care I was getting bullied because they were perfect , lucky I moved


On 12/19/2021 at 6:56 AM, partha2004 said:

Um I wish they could have known that... it fucks you mentally.

It's super painful, enduring this sort of thing every single time...Β  I wish they knew that this mental agony never goes away, even if it's 2 or 3 or 5 years later. It still lingers around, it still remains in my brain like a devil conquering everything around it's vicinity.

Also the fact that this sort of incident can leave one crippled. Mentally, physically, or both. And most of the times, this shit ain't reversible.

I agree they sure do mess with your mental health

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish the people who bullied me knew 1st that I was just trying to be me and I was already struggling with self love. They put me in a really bad placeΒ  even now I feel like I'm not good enough when people around me say that I'm pretty or I'm smart or literally any compliment I still feel like they're saying it out of pity. To my second bully I wish they knew that just because I'm bi they should not get to say things about me and the school let's them get away with it. One time she said to me that I should k!ll myself because I was bi and the school just said next time we're going to call your parents to the bully. I hope she will know one day that she really hurt me and still is even if she's not saying anything to my face.


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8 hours ago, Crazygirl said:

I wish the people who bullied me knew 1st that I was just trying to be me and I was already struggling with self love. They put me in a really bad placeΒ  even now I feel like I'm not good enough when people around me say that I'm pretty or I'm smart or literally any compliment I still feel like they're saying it out of pity. To my second bully I wish they knew that just because I'm bi they should not get to say things about me and the school let's them get away with it. One time she said to me that I should k!ll myself because I was bi and the school just said next time we're going to call your parents to the bully. I hope she will know one day that she really hurt me and still is even if she's not saying anything to my face.

I'm so sorry to hear that , that must suck especially for your mental health,Β  bullies are the worst.Β  Hopefully her parents do something about it, I don't get why so students don't let people love the same gender or both genders or none. I hope she learns her lesson too

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish she knew that she was one of many ppl in my life who made me insecure abt myself. Without her in my life anymore I am able to be myself and live the way I wanted.Β 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/12/2022 at 12:15 PM, thesinkingsonnet said:

I wish she knew that she was one of many ppl in my life who made me insecure abt myself. Without her in my life anymore I am able to be myself and live the way I wanted.Β 

Oh that's sucks I felt the same way, I'm so sorry for you and bet your pretty on the outside and the inside of your heart ❀️

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  • 5 months later...

I wish that the person that bullied me knew what i was going through and wouldn't bully me about my mom (My mom left me as soon as i was born.)

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