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What do you wish the person who bullied you knew?


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I wish that the people who bullied me knew what I was going through at home as well as at school. I was going through enough at home but the pain of going to school was adding to the pain. It was hard not wanting to be home and school at the same time but you had to choose one. I wish they actually took the time to get to know me as an individual instead of judge me. I wish that they knew how I felt about myself and how long those feelings last.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish my bully wasnt a sociopath so they could have empathy and see what they were doing was wrong. They had no respect for women at all. It ruined my confidence, self esteem and gave me alot of anxiety. Especially their derogatory commemts about my body. It makes me feel disgusted every time I look at myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I wish the person that bullied me knew that she was actually bullying me. She is actually my best friend. I can never confront her though and when im bullied by her i try ignoring it and remembering the good times and forgetting the past. But it happens over and over again. Sometimes when i get home from school i run straight to my room and cry. I wish she knew just because she is bullied by her sister that she doesnt have to pass on the negativity to me. She always hangs out without me now even though im her best friend. She sometimes ignores my texts for like 5 hours. I just wish that she knew that i felt like this.

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  • 9 months later...

I wish that they knew that they had built a big bubble of fear where ever i went. New friends took ages to trust even tho they never stayed around for long.

I will never forget what they did.

I wish I could forget.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i wish they knew that the whole time they were bullying me, they were wasting their time tbh lol

i wish they knew that their words didnt get to me, in fact, theyve made me the best that i could be

i wish they knew that just because i was a bit different before, doesnt mean they can do that


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  • 1 month later...
I wish they knew how much it hurts me and that even though I sometimes laugh it off or ignore it, I go home and it follows me there. It follows me to my bedroom, it makes me worry about how much food I eat, it stares back at me when I look in the mirror

Jake, it sounds like you may have some symptoms that could mean you are anorexic. I'm not a medical doctor, and I'm not qualified to give medical advice, but even if there is a small possibility, I HIGHLY recommend that you talk to someone about it.

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  • 4 months later...

It would be to my dad. I wish he knew, I already was bullied in primary school and it was enough damage to my esteem and self worth. I wish he knew that, I see patterns of the people that bullied me in primary school and a little of high school in him, and it hurts. I wish he knew I cry everytime he humiliated me, insults me or just repeatedly tells me how useless I am. I wish he knew that it hurts more cause I will never stop loving him. I wish he knew I plan to be independent and love him from a distance where I never have to constantly see him or interact with him. I wish he knew, I wished he protected me through my bullying in primary or at least helped heal them now, other than adding salt to injury. I wish he GENUINELY loved me back at least half of what I love him.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Ditch the Label Staff
I wish they knew their voices are the first to criticize my body when I look in the mirror.

This is so accurate! It takes a lot of work to undo this but it is possible and you are worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was going through a lot of abuse at home back then. I wish they knew how empty everything felt to me. I wish I could've told them how much I wanted to be a part of the life they led- surrounded by people who would fight with them, who would joke with them and make them feel like they had support- and how I just wanted to live. I had an entire school- students and even some staff- who treated me like a toy, someone who never should have been born. They led me into false hope, they beat me when I was down and stomped on the remnants of my willpower.


I wish they could know how I cried for them. No matter how bad things got, all I kept thinking was that I had done something to deserve what had happened. I felt that maybe something happening to them was so terrible that taking it out on me was all they had. I let myself be destroyed because I was too much of a coward to stand up for myself even inside my head. I wish they could know about the hospital trips, the late nights, the hours of staring at walls and trying to drown out the sounds around me.


If there's one thing they ever taught me, it was that keeping my head down and trying to fit in was the worst life to live, I'm just sorry that we both had to learn the hard way.



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I was going through a lot of abuse at home back then. I wish they knew how empty everything felt to me. I wish I could've told them how much I wanted to be a part of the life they led- surrounded by people who would fight with them, who would joke with them and make them feel like they had support- and how I just wanted to live. I had an entire school- students and even some staff- who treated me like a toy, someone who never should have been born. They led me into false hope, they beat me when I was down and stomped on the remnants of my willpower.

I wish they could know how I cried for them. No matter how bad things got, all I kept thinking was that I had done something to deserve what had happened. I felt that maybe something happening to them was so terrible that taking it out on me was all they had. I let myself be destroyed because I was too much of a coward to stand up for myself even inside my head. I wish they could know about the hospital trips, the late nights, the hours of staring at walls and trying to drown out the sounds around me.

If there's one thing they ever taught me, it was that keeping my head down and trying to fit in was the worst life to live, I'm just sorry that we both had to learn the hard way.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey @Scarlet red

We know that a lot of people that have experienced bullying in the past can feel this way, and it definitely becomes harder to trust people and to put walls up as you said.


It's important to note that bullying is never your fault, and you didn't deserve what happened to you. Recovery takes a while sometimes and lots of self love and self care, plus a positive support network, but you will be able to trust people in the future.


Sending solidarity your way,



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Hey @notearslefttocry


I'm sorry to hear that you're being bullied verbally by your friends. Is this the friend that you asked for advice on in your other post? You deserve friends who don't bully you - everyone does. You are worth so much more than this. I know that many people can find it hard to leave these toxic friendships. Have you tried to move on before? Also, I just wanna know if you've spoken to them about how they're treating you? Hope you're okay. Remember, we are here for you and you're not alone.


Sending positive vibes :)


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  • 1 month later...

It’s made me second guess myself so many times. Now I’m in a different school, I still think that someone is going to hit me or take my things or throw things at me. I keep thinking that people whispering about me and looking at me, calling me a loser. You knew that I’d never fight back as I wasn’t strong enough, I hated confrontation. I hate that you’ve affected me. I can’t feel good about myself, I can’t do anything without worrying about someone laughing.

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  • 1 month later...

I wish they knew that what they did would haunt me for forever. Even though they didn't do anything physical to hurt me, eating my lunch alone for 3 years straight in a cafeteria full of people was pretty hard.

It was as if I wanted to extend my hand towards someone for help but when I looked up there was no one I could do so to.

Having anxiety attacks and feeling uncomfortable in every little situation became a life routine for me.

It's not like I don't have any friends now or no social life now, but its just very hollow and it's hard to open up to people, and when I do open up (rarely to someone), they stop talking to me somewhere at some point and I'm again left with an empty shell.

​​​​​​​I wish they knew that what they did during their 'immature' days would haunt me even after years and years and years.

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  • 1 month later...

What they actually did to me as they are in some kind of denial that there behaviour and awful, awful words and humiliation in front of others in a group was bullying.

also I really don't think learning disabilities are a result of poverty. Quiet the very very opposite.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I wish they knew I was going through so many issues such as anxiety and their words just made me want to change everything about myself. Still now, I feel fat and ugly every time I look at myself, and these scars won’t go away.

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I wish my bullies knew that they aren't the only ones who bully me, I also bully myself every single day and them saying the things I think about myself just makes everything even worse for me to cope with it.

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i wish they knew how much i was hating myself at that time and they knew how much damage they were causing in me. and that they were just making things way worse for me.

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