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Megs- ย  ย 

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This post was recognized by Aurora!

"This is really helpful. Thank you for posting this!"

Megs- was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 25 points.


Coping skills for anyone who needs them:


Take a time-out. Practice yoga, listen to music, meditate, etc. Stepping back from the problem helps clear your mind.

Eat well-balanced meals. Do not skip any meals. You need to eat.

Get enough sleep. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest.

Take deep breaths. Inhale and exhale slowly.

Do your best. Instead of trying to be perfect, which isn't possible, be proud of yourself either way. You are amazing.

Learn what triggers your anxiety/depression. Is it family, school, or something else that you know? Write it in a journal when you're feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed. Sometimes it is good to let it out.

Talk to someone. Tell friends and family if you're feeling overwhelmed, or let them know whats going on,ย and let them know how they can help you.

Talk to a therapist or an adult you trust for professional help.

Other coping skills:

Take a bath or shower.

Read, write, draw, paint.

Watch a movie.

Go outside, take a walk, surround yourself with nature.

Exercise or play sports.

Get some sleep.

Eat healthy food (and dessert of course).

Spend time with pets.

Hang out with friends.

Listen to music or sing.


More things for coping skills:


Exercise (running, walking, sports, working out)

Write (journal, poetry, stories)

Scribble/draw on paper

Draw a picture or color


Be with friends or family

Watch a favorite tv show or movie

Play an instrument

Do a wordsearch, crossword, etc

Paint your nails

Do your makeup

Do your hair


Listen to music

Punch a punching bag or pillow

Let yourself cry (it's okay to cry)

Take a nap

Spend time with your pets

Go shopping

Take a shower or a bath


Read a book or magazine


Clean your room or clean anything

Organize your room

Write a letter to someone

Hug someone or a pillow


Finish something that you have been putting off

Try a new hobby

Make a list of things you are grateful for

Contact a therapist or trusted adult

Play a video game

Go to the gym

Watch Sports

Take a walk in nature

Do something kind for someone

Call of text someone

Take a bubble bath

Wrap up in a warm blanket

Make a healthy snack

Watch a funny movie

Laugh by yourself or with friends or family

Sit in the sun

Go out to eat

Make a gift for someone

Meet a friend for lunch or dinner


Deep breathing


I also wanted to add in a distraction that helps me when in a bad situation: itโ€™s called the 54321 grounding technique: hereโ€™s the link:ย 


Always remember:


Edited by Megs-
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  • Digital Mentor

What a lovely, helpful post. Thank you so much @Megs-. I'm sure lots of others will find this really helpful.ย 

Would you like to share with us, which coping skills you find particularly helpful?ย 


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1 hour ago, Aurora said:

What a lovely, helpful post. Thank you so much @Megs-. I'm sure lots of others will find this really helpful.ย 

Would you like to share with us, which coping skills you find particularly helpful?ย 

The 54321, cuddling my kittens, drawing, and watching tv!

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  • Digital Mentor
22 hours ago, Megs- said:

The 54321, cuddling my kittens, drawing, and watching tv!

These are all great examples. It's a nice mixture, too because you have:

something that can help you feel grounded (the 54321 exercise)

something to make you feel safe (your kittens - I find cuddling something can help us feel safe) and connect to someone (it doesn't have to be a person)

something to let out your emotions (drawing)

something to distract you (watching TV).

Did I get that right? Feel free to let me know if I didn't - it's different for everyone.ย ย 


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41 minutes ago, Aurora said:

These are all great examples. It's a nice mixture, too because you have:

something that can help you feel grounded (the 54321 exercise)

something to make you feel safe (your kittens - I find cuddling something can help us feel safe) and connect to someone (it doesn't have to be a person)

something to let out your emotions (drawing)

something to distract you (watching TV).

Did I get that right? Feel free to let me know if I didn't - it's different for everyone.ย ย 

That is exactly right

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  • 2 months later...

bumping this so others can use if they need to use safe ways to let their emotions out <3 sending hugs

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  • 8 months later...

I know this was last year but I am bumping it!

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1 hour ago, Luie said:

Great shout!


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