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I don’t want to be here anymore


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Why do I even bother. There telling me a email been sent saying I won’t be receiving help from if I got sent to hospital I can’t be asked with that shit fuck ofc let me d-e

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  • Digital Mentor
1 hour ago, Leilaaaa said:

Why do I even bother. There telling me a email been sent saying I won’t be receiving help from if I got sent to hospital I can’t be asked with that shit fuck ofc let me d-e

Hi there, it sounds like you're very upset at the moment. I've just replied to your message in confidential support. Maybe you can tell me more about the email in confidential support and why you won't be getting any help. We're here for you


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I don't know if there's anything I can say to help. We all want you here, @Leilaaaa. We all want you alive, and safe, and well. We want you to feel comforted, and wonderful, and perfect. Because you are perfect, and no one else can take the spot that you fill in the world, and in our hearts. Yes, we're all a bit of strangers here on DTL, but in a way we are family, because we support each other. We hold each other up, and protect each other. We're always here for each other. And you, Leila, have supported so many people here at DTL, myself included, so we want to do the same for you. Please don't take your life, Leila. We want you here. ❤️

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13 hours ago, Dewdrop said:


I don't know if there's anything I can say to help. We all want you here, @Leilaaaa. We all want you alive, and safe, and well. We want you to feel comforted, and wonderful, and perfect. Because you are perfect, and no one else can take the spot that you fill in the world, and in our hearts. Yes, we're all a bit of strangers here on DTL, but in a way we are family, because we support each other. We hold each other up, and protect each other. We're always here for each other. And you, Leila, have supported so many people here at DTL, myself included, so we want to do the same for you. Please don't take your life, Leila. We want you here. ❤️

Aww this is so sweet. I agree @Leilaaaa you're a valued and loved member here

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1 hour ago, Leilaaaa said:

I’m in hospital again this is getting ridiculous 

Hey soon you wont be

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5 minutes ago, Leilaaaa said:

Feeling awful

I dunno what I could do, but is there anything I can do to help you out?

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  • Digital Mentor
13 hours ago, Leilaaaa said:

Feeling awful

Heyy @Leilaaaa - Hang in there, I know it can be real difficult. I have messaged you on Confidential Support if you need more one to one support but I think the rest of the members @Leo B. Fall @Thisboiistrans @Dewdropand more are being really supportive. You've got this!


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12 hours ago, Leilaaaa said:

@Leo B. Fall thank you lovely 🥰 

Course fam. Feel free to pm me whenever, I hope things get better for you. Do your best to be safe <3 /p

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