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Aurora Β  Β 

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Just now, jazzy.sky said:

Aww thank you Megs you're such a sweetheart!! Same for you too, never forget how loved you are and how awesome u are tooπŸ’«πŸŒŸβ™₯οΈπŸ’«βœ¨οΈπŸŒŸ

Aww, stop it!! You’re loved so incredibly much too! You’re the star in my heart πŸ’žπŸŒŸ

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3 hours ago, jazzy.sky said:


Make sure to rest up plenty and get to bed early tonight Megs!!

12am, not going bed anytime soon hahaΒ 

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10 hours ago, Megs- said:

Aww, stop it!! You’re loved so incredibly much too! You’re the star in my heart πŸ’žπŸŒŸ

Omg awww 😭πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΊπŸ’ž Megswhen I say you are the beat in my heart πŸ₯ΊπŸ’žπŸ’ž

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9 hours ago, Megs- said:

12am, not going bed anytime soon hahaΒ 

Hope you did get sleep eventually!Β 

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  • Ditch the Label Staff

Hello everyone! Just an update from me - I've been pulled on a few other projects of late which is why I've been less active, but really glad to see that everything is running smoothly and that you have all been so welcoming to @Lennie! It's amazing to see our community grow and I'm so proud of what we're all creating and contributing towards!Β 

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23 hours ago, jazzy.sky said:

Just some updates!

Did my maths exam yesterday,Β  the paper itself was quite nice but I wasn't really able to focus and I couldn't see the time from where I was satΒ 

But I managed to persist and get it done, I hope I didn't completely flop thatΒ 

I've got my DT exam today and I didnt manage to revise for it during halfterm cos I was so focused on maths so I'm trying to have a last minute moment to catch up on it

I really hope I can perform well on this exam and not be distracted by others like in yesterday's exam

I can do it! (Thanks for the tip of talking positively to myself, I can feel it work)

How have you been @Aurora?

Hi @jazzy.sky, thank you so much for your updates. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I had Tuesday off so I could spend some time with my family from New Zealand. It's been so lovely seeing them - I just wish we would get to see each other more often....Β 

That's annoying that you couldn't see the time from where you are sat.  Did you get to speak to the teachers about it so they could make sure it didn't happen again for your next exam? I'm glad to hear the paper itself was quite nice - hopefully that means you've done well as you seem to know how to answer the questions. I've got all my fingers crossed for you that you get the result you're hoping for 🀞🀞!!

How did your DT exam go?Β  I really hope it went well. Was that your last exam?Β 

I'm glad to hear that you've been finding the positive self talk helpful. You can use it for all kinds of situations. For example, when I notice that I am starting to feel stressed I tell myself 'It's OK, I've had loads on in the past and I always somehow manage to get it all done. I can do this!' and thisΒ Β usually helps me to feel calmer and focus on getting everything done.Β 

Do you have anything nice planned for the weekend?Β 





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16 hours ago, Megs- said:

( weather is getting better!) apparent snow in parts of the uk today πŸ₯΄πŸ˜‚

What?! Snow in June in the UK - I can't believe itΒ πŸ₯Ά! I had no idea, thanks for letting us know, @Megs-Β I love snow but not in JuneΒ πŸ˜‚

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12 minutes ago, Harper said:

Hello everyone! Just an update from me - I've been pulled on a few other projects of late which is why I've been less active, but really glad to see that everything is running smoothly and that you have all been so welcoming to @Lennie! It's amazing to see our community grow and I'm so proud of what we're all creating and contributing towards!Β 

Thanks for the update Harper. We do have an amazing community here at Ditch the Label and I am very proud to be part of it 😊


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Can @LennieΒ stay forever πŸ‘€ @Harper??

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3 hours ago, jazzy.sky said:

Omg awww 😭πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΊπŸ’ž Megswhen I say you are the beat in my heart πŸ₯ΊπŸ’žπŸ’ž


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12 minutes ago, Aurora said:

What?! Snow in June in the UK - I can't believe itΒ πŸ₯Ά! I had no idea, thanks for letting us know, @Megs-Β I love snow but not in JuneΒ πŸ˜‚

Yep!! Apparently northern parts of England got snow hahaΒ 

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8 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Can @LennieΒ stay forever πŸ‘€ @Harper??

I’ll make a pention so you say yes πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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38 minutes ago, Harper said:

Hello everyone! Just an update from me - I've been pulled on a few other projects of late which is why I've been less active, but really glad to see that everything is running smoothly and that you have all been so welcoming to @Lennie! It's amazing to see our community grow and I'm so proud of what we're all creating and contributing towards!Β 

Appreciate the update Harper!


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3 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi @jazzy.sky, thank you so much for your updates. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I had Tuesday off so I could spend some time with my family from New Zealand. It's been so lovely seeing them - I just wish we would get to see each other more often....Β 

That's annoying that you couldn't see the time from where you are sat.  Did you get to speak to the teachers about it so they could make sure it didn't happen again for your next exam? I'm glad to hear the paper itself was quite nice - hopefully that means you've done well as you seem to know how to answer the questions. I've got all my fingers crossed for you that you get the result you're hoping for 🀞🀞!!

How did your DT exam go?Β  I really hope it went well. Was that your last exam?Β 

I'm glad to hear that you've been finding the positive self talk helpful. You can use it for all kinds of situations. For example, when I notice that I am starting to feel stressed I tell myself 'It's OK, I've had loads on in the past and I always somehow manage to get it all done. I can do this!' and thisΒ Β usually helps me to feel calmer and focus on getting everything done.Β 

Do you have anything nice planned for the weekend?Β 

Hey Aurora!!

Awww no don't apologise! I am so glad to hear you got to spend quality time with your family from New Zealand πŸ’žπŸ’žΒ  what did you guys get up to?

I wish I told someone about it but I didn't sadly

Hopefully I dont get put there againΒ 

Awww thank you Aurora you are so sweet!!! πŸ’žπŸ€—πŸ’—

My DT exam was amazing, there was a few questions that I want too confident on but the rest was really lovely! I had a comfy seat and the invigilator was so sweet and everything was awesome!

I wish it was my last exam, sadly I've still got 3 more to go

One next Tuesday(maths), then the Wednesday(Dt) after and then in 2 weeks time on Thursday (20th) I have my final exam (Maths)

Thank you for the tips, you're always so thoughtful!! πŸ’«πŸ€—πŸ’—

I have revision to do but hopefully i can go to the skate park - I got new pads so I can try to push myself out if my comfort zone moreΒ 

Also would love to go for a nice walk somewhere

How about yourself, what do you have planned? Hopefully you have a nice lazy weekend as you've been so busy πŸ€—πŸ€—




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19 hours ago, jazzy.sky said:

Hey Aurora!!

Awww no don't apologise! I am so glad to hear you got to spend quality time with your family from New Zealand πŸ’žπŸ’žΒ  what did you guys get up to?

I wish I told someone about it but I didn't sadly

Hopefully I dont get put there againΒ 

Awww thank you Aurora you are so sweet!!! πŸ’žπŸ€—πŸ’—

My DT exam was amazing, there was a few questions that I want too confident on but the rest was really lovely! I had a comfy seat and the invigilator was so sweet and everything was awesome!

I wish it was my last exam, sadly I've still got 3 more to go

One next Tuesday(maths), then the Wednesday(Dt) after and then in 2 weeks time on Thursday (20th) I have my final exam (Maths)

Thank you for the tips, you're always so thoughtful!! πŸ’«πŸ€—πŸ’—

I have revision to do but hopefully i can go to the skate park - I got new pads so I can try to push myself out if my comfort zone moreΒ 

Also would love to go for a nice walk somewhere

How about yourself, what do you have planned? Hopefully you have a nice lazy weekend as you've been so busy πŸ€—πŸ€—

Hi @jazzy.sky,

That's great news that your DT exam went so well. Yay πŸŽ‰!! Hopefully, it'll be the same for your next three exams. Are you feeling pretty confident about them all or is there one in particular you are worried about?

I'm sure you already know all the top tips for writing exams but one of the things I find helpful is to start off with the easy questions first, if possible. If that isn't possible and I get stuck on a question, I just leave it for later and look at the next question. It's usually possible to come back to that one at the end.Β 

I think trips to the skate park sound great. It's so important to have some study breaks and going skating and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone sounds idealΒ πŸ™‚πŸ›Ή

I did have a great time with my NZ family. I took them out for brunch a couple of times. We tried this place that I have been wanting to try for ages - it has a cold started platter with lots of different dips (eg hummus, beetroot, aubergine etc) and then all this exciting flatbread with different spices and toppings to go with it. It was really yummy. I also took them sightseeing and on a little boat trip. It was so lovely.Β 

Ha, still no quiet weekend in sight I'm afraidΒ πŸ˜…Β but that's OK. The weather is really nice where I am at the moment and we have some nice things planned so I don't mind. I'm going to a summer fete on Saturday and then we have a street BBQ on Sunday. Should be funΒ πŸ˜ƒ

I also want to wish you good luck in case I don'tΒ  get to speak to you until after your exam on Tuesday. Although I'm sure you won't need the luck as you can do thisΒ πŸ’ͺ

You Got This Exams GIF




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31 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Hi @jazzy.sky,

That's great news that your DT exam went so well. Yay πŸŽ‰!! Hopefully, it'll be the same for your next three exams. Are you feeling pretty confident about them all or is there one in particular you are worried about?

I'm sure you already know all the top tips for writing exams but one of the things I find helpful is to start off with the easy questions first, if possible. If that isn't possible and I get stuck on a question, I just leave it for later and look at the next question. It's usually possible to come back to that one at the end.Β 

I think trips to the skate park sound great. It's so important to have some study breaks and going skating and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone sounds idealΒ πŸ™‚πŸ›Ή

I did have a great time with my NZ family. I took them out for brunch a couple of times. We tried this place that I have been wanting to try for ages - it has a cold started platter with lots of different dips (eg hummus, beetroot, aubergine etc) and then all this exciting flatbread with different spices and toppings to go with it. It was really yummy. I also took them sightseeing and on a little boat trip. It was so lovely.Β 

Ha, still no quiet weekend in sight I'm afraidΒ πŸ˜…Β but that's OK. The weather is really nice where I am at the moment and we have some nice things planned so I don't mind. I'm going to a summer fete on Saturday and then we have a street BBQ on Sunday. Should be funΒ πŸ˜ƒ

I also want to wish you good luck in case I don'tΒ  get to speak to you until after your exam on Tuesday. Although I'm sure you won't need the luck as you can do thisΒ πŸ’ͺ

You Got This Exams GIF

Thank you awesome Aurora πŸ’ž

Really appreciate you! I'm scared for all my other exams to be truly honest but I'll face the fear and do them anyway

Oooh that's a cool approach, I usually see which question appeals to me most and ease myself into the exam by doing the 2 markers and then find the big markers and focus on those - i tend to jump around the exam haha so your approach sounds much better

Thank youu! I'm hoping to learn how to do a rock to fakie and finally try dropping in but my park have really steep ramps - sadly nothing small and mellow like a mini ramp to gain confidence on

Yayyy I am super happy to hear that, that brunch spot sounds sooo yummy πŸ˜‹ what was your fav thing you ate there? Also the boat trip mustve been so much fun!!!

Awwww bless you! Hope you have fun at the BBQ and the summer fete!

Thank you for the good luck Aurora (will deffo come in handy haha)

Thank you for your amazing tips, lovely updates and for the luck πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž




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2 hours ago, jazzy.sky said:

Thank you awesome Aurora πŸ’ž

Really appreciate you! I'm scared for all my other exams to be truly honest but I'll face the fear and do them anyway

Oooh that's a cool approach, I usually see which question appeals to me most and ease myself into the exam by doing the 2 markers and then find the big markers and focus on those - i tend to jump around the exam haha so your approach sounds much better

Thank youu! I'm hoping to learn how to do a rock to fakie and finally try dropping in but my park have really steep ramps - sadly nothing small and mellow like a mini ramp to gain confidence on

Yayyy I am super happy to hear that, that brunch spot sounds sooo yummy πŸ˜‹ what was your fav thing you ate there? Also the boat trip mustve been so much fun!!!

Awwww bless you! Hope you have fun at the BBQ and the summer fete!

Thank you for the good luck Aurora (will deffo come in handy haha)

Thank you for your amazing tips, lovely updates and for the luck πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

Aww, thank you so much lovely jazzy.sky! I was busy with some other things and I'm afraid I have to log off now but I will reply properly when I'm back online (Tuesday). I just wanted to say that I love what you said here


but I'll face the fear and do them anyway

That's a great attitude to have. You can do this @jazzy.skyΒ πŸ’ͺ

Wishing you loads of good luckΒ πŸ€ and I will properly catch up with you on Tuesday


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8 minutes ago, Megs- said:


Hey wonderful Megs!!

Just came back from school, how is my fav person doing today?Β 

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Just now, jazzy.sky said:

Hey wonderful Megs!!

Just came back from school, how is my fav person doing today?Β 

Had a very distressing night/early hours Β , managed to get home at 5am but! I did get stopped getting chased by geese. Got so scared! I hate birds no matter if they’re small or big like that! How are you? :)!

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4 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Had a very distressing night/early hours Β , managed to get home at 5am but! I did get stopped getting chased by geese. Got so scared! I hate birds no matter if they’re small or big like that! How are you? :)!

Omg I am so sorry to hear that Megs, are you doing better now?

Gosh I am so scared of geese, the fact that they have teeth too Is just πŸ’€πŸ˜­ hope you ran away really quickly Coa when they bite it hurts so bad

But ong that sounds like quite the night/early morning 🀯 how comes there were geese near you? 😭 you're brave for dealing with them haha I would've shrieked

I'm doing alright thanks Megs! Just very tired haha

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20 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

Omg I am so sorry to hear that Megs, are you doing better now?

Gosh I am so scared of geese, the fact that they have teeth too Is just πŸ’€πŸ˜­ hope you ran away really quickly Coa when they bite it hurts so bad

But ong that sounds like quite the night/early morning 🀯 how comes there were geese near you? 😭 you're brave for dealing with them haha I would've shrieked

I'm doing alright thanks Megs! Just very tired haha

I was sat on the beach and sitting with my nan, she’s scattered in the beach. But, I’ve never seen geese on the beach before! I could have been imagining things but, I surely wouldn’t have got so scared if I saw them! I tried running from them and they kept following me! Let’s just say, I am never going back for the time future haha 😝 

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9 minutes ago, Megs- said:

I was sat on the beach and sitting with my nan, she’s scattered in the beach. But, I’ve never seen geese on the beach before! I could have been imagining things but, I surely wouldn’t have got so scared if I saw them! I tried running from them and they kept following me! Let’s just say, I am never going back for the time future haha 😝 

Awww that's so sweet Megs πŸ’—

I've never seen geese on the beach either that's so odd! I wonder why they were there

Bless you,it all mustve been overwhelming πŸ₯Ί

That's honestly understandable πŸ’— would you go back if your sister joined you so if that happens again you have back up? Just so you don't miss out on being with your grandma on the beach out of fear from the geese?

Sending hugs πŸ«‚Β 


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32 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

Awww that's so sweet Megs πŸ’—

I've never seen geese on the beach either that's so odd! I wonder why they were there

Bless you,it all mustve been overwhelming πŸ₯Ί

That's honestly understandable πŸ’— would you go back if your sister joined you so if that happens again you have back up? Just so you don't miss out on being with your grandma on the beach out of fear from the geese?

Sending hugs πŸ«‚Β 

Oh, she had a daughter so she can’t haha! It’s unusual for them to be there! Are you online this afternoon?/evening? Just would like to talk to you hehe!! I miss you πŸ₯° xx

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50 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Oh, she had a daughter so she can’t haha! It’s unusual for them to be there! Are you online this afternoon?/evening? Just would like to talk to you hehe!! I miss you πŸ₯° xx

Awwww congratulations to your sister! Aww that's so wonderful ❀️ I bet your the best aunt ever

Awww you're such a sweetheart,Β  I miss you too xx always love talking with you

I'll try my best to be online Megs, im gonna be off for 30 mins rn cos I'm about to have dinner but ill be right back to talk with you!!Β 

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