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Updates, checking in and general chat

Aurora ย  ย 

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Hi Everyone,ย 

I thought it would be nice to have a space where we can update each other on what has been going on for us and chat about anything that's on our mind. Anyone is welcome to join the chatย ๐Ÿ™‚

@jazzy.skyย maybe we can carry on talking here? Does that suit you? How is your revision going? Hope it's going well and you're starting to feel prepared for next week. You mentioned that you've been listening to some more audiobooks. Are there any you can recommend?ย 

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7 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Hi Everyone,ย 

I thought it would be nice to have a space where we can update each other on what has been going on for us and chat about anything that's on our mind. Anyone is welcome to join the chatย ๐Ÿ™‚

@jazzy.skyย maybe we can carry on talking here? Does that suit you? How is your revision going? Hope it's going well and you're starting to feel prepared for next week. You mentioned that you've been listening to some more audiobooks. Are there any you can recommend?ย 

Hey awesome Aurora!! ๐Ÿ’—

Thank you so much for making this space for me to chat with you!ย  Revision is going ok (very long and still feeling underconfident if I'm truly honest - but I'm trying my best) thank you!

How are you doing and did you get to have a relaxed weekend?ย 

I've been listening to David Tennant reading the series of HTTYD and he does a wonderful job voicing all the characters, I was already aย  massive fan of how to train your dragon (as you know haha) but he brings a different energy to the books and it's really well put together- lots of sound effects too which definitely helps with imagining the settings

Have you got any updates yourself? Also, how are the kittens doing? :D



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21 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

Hey awesome Aurora!! ๐Ÿ’—

Thank you so much for making this space for me to chat with you!ย  Revision is going ok (very long and still feeling underconfident if I'm truly honest - but I'm trying my best) thank you!

How are you doing and did you get to have a relaxed weekend?ย 

I've been listening to David Tennant reading the series of HTTYD and he does a wonderful job voicing all the characters, I was already aย  massive fan of how to train your dragon (as you know haha) but he brings a different energy to the books and it's really well put together- lots of sound effects too which definitely helps with imagining the settings

Have you got any updates yourself? Also, how are the kittens doing? :D

You're very welcomeย ๐Ÿ˜Šย It's lovely talking to you!!

I'm glad to hear revision is going OK. Thanks for sharing that you are feeling underconfident. I think most of us know, how you feel. Funnily enough, one of the things I have noticed is that I generally do better in the exams where I don't feel that confident in comparison to those where I do. I think it might have something to do with me putting more effort into those, where I don't feel confident. Looking back, is that something you have noticed as well or is it different for you? Just remember that you are trying your best and that is all you can do. You've got this!

I know what you mean - David Tennant is such a great audiobook narrator! It's brilliant that they have the series on Borrow Box! It's probably pretty popular I would imagine. I quite listening to audiobooks that I have already read myself. How about you?ย 

Unfortunately my weekend wasn't quite as relaxed as I was hoping. Quite a bit of family stuff and then we noticed that this stray cat that comes into our garden still has a badly infected eye so we've been trying to get him some help. Unfortunately it hasn't been as easy as I was hoping....ย 

The kittens are doing well though. Our neighbour has found a new home for three of them but two are still left and they are the cutest things everย ๐Ÿฅฐย I must try and take a photo the next time they 'visit' so I can post it here.ย 

Just to let you know that I have to log off soon but I will be back online tomorrow.ย 


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1 hour ago, Aurora said:

You're very welcomeย ๐Ÿ˜Šย It's lovely talking to you!!

I'm glad to hear revision is going OK. Thanks for sharing that you are feeling underconfident. I think most of us know, how you feel. Funnily enough, one of the things I have noticed is that I generally do better in the exams where I don't feel that confident in comparison to those where I do. I think it might have something to do with me putting more effort into those, where I don't feel confident. Looking back, is that something you have noticed as well or is it different for you? Just remember that you are trying your best and that is all you can do. You've got this!

I know what you mean - David Tennant is such a great audiobook narrator! It's brilliant that they have the series on Borrow Box! It's probably pretty popular I would imagine. I quite listening to audiobooks that I have already read myself. How about you?ย 

Unfortunately my weekend wasn't quite as relaxed as I was hoping. Quite a bit of family stuff and then we noticed that this stray cat that comes into our garden still has a badly infected eye so we've been trying to get him some help. Unfortunately it hasn't been as easy as I was hoping....ย 

The kittens are doing well though. Our neighbour has found a new home for three of them but two are still left and they are the cutest things everย ๐Ÿฅฐย I must try and take a photo the next time they 'visit' so I can post it here.ย 

Just to let you know that I have to log off soon but I will be back online tomorrow.ย 

Awwww I love talking with you too @Aurora! ๐Ÿ’—ย 

That's so cool!

personally if I feel confident I do better as I dont overthinkย  or doubt my abilities. Thank you so much for the kind words ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ โค๏ธย 

Haha you're not wrong! Super popular series and most of the auidobooks have been borrowed - yesss me too, love listening to pretend books because it means I don't have to focus super hard on what is being said as I get the jist

Awww nooo I am so sorry to hear that Aurora

Bless your heart, hopefully this upcoming weekend you get to relax and im sure the stray will get better, I think it's super sweet of you to try and help him

Awwwww yesss

Thank you for the updates Aurora!! Speak to you soon :D




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20 hours ago, jazzy.sky said:

Awwww I love talking with you too @Aurora! ๐Ÿ’—ย 

That's so cool!

personally if I feel confident I do better as I dont overthinkย  or doubt my abilities. Thank you so much for the kind words ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ โค๏ธย 

Haha you're not wrong! Super popular series and most of the auidobooks have been borrowed - yesss me too, love listening to pretend books because it means I don't have to focus super hard on what is being said as I get the jist

Awww nooo I am so sorry to hear that Aurora

Bless your heart, hopefully this upcoming weekend you get to relax and im sure the stray will get better, I think it's super sweet of you to try and help him

Awwwww yesss

Thank you for the updates Aurora!! Speak to you soon :D

Happy Friday @jazzy.sky! Thank you so much for your kind wordsย โค๏ธ

That makes sense about doing better when you feel confident. Hopefully that confidence will come in time for your exam. What you might find helpful is to come up with a sentence that you keep saying out loud to yourself every day before your exam to help build your confidence. It could be something like "I can do this - I know I can!" or "I have done lots of revision and I am giving it my best!" or anything else that you think might be helpful. How does that sound and would you like to give it a try?

Have you got any plans for the weekend (apart from revision)?ย 



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13 minutes ago, Aurora said:

Happy Friday @jazzy.sky! Thank you so much for your kind wordsย โค๏ธ

That makes sense about doing better when you feel confident. Hopefully that confidence will come in time for your exam. What you might find helpful is to come up with a sentence that you keep saying out loud to yourself every day before your exam to help build your confidence. It could be something like "I can do this - I know I can!" or "I have done lots of revision and I am giving it my best!" or anything else that you think might be helpful. How does that sound and would you like to give it a try?

Have you got any plans for the weekend (apart from revision)?ย 

Happy Friday Aurora!! ๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŒŸ

Awww, my pleasure! You're always so sweet!!

Thank you so much for that tip, will most definitely be using it :D sounds really awesome thank youuu, im sure it will help me stay calm and have a bit more confidence in myselfย 

Plans for the weekend - aside from revision - probably a walk somewhere nice, im praying the weather isn't always so miserable as its been raining every day now so I havent gone skating like I hopedย 

Later today I've got a cool squad meeting with my youth charity club to discuss next steps for our fundraising and services to help the local communityย 

but for the weekend, nothing too interesting unfortunately haha but I'm sure I'll figure something out:D

How about you Aurora?


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25 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

Happy Friday Aurora!! ๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŒŸ

Awww, my pleasure! You're always so sweet!!

Thank you so much for that tip, will most definitely be using it :D sounds really awesome thank youuu, im sure it will help me stay calm and have a bit more confidence in myselfย 

Plans for the weekend - aside from revision - probably a walk somewhere nice, im praying the weather isn't always so miserable as its been raining every day now so I havent gone skating like I hopedย 

Later today I've got a cool squad meeting with my youth charity club to discuss next steps for our fundraising and services to help the local communityย 

but for the weekend, nothing too interesting unfortunately haha but I'm sure I'll figure something out:D

How about you Aurora?

I'm glad it sounds like something that might work. Maybe you can give it a try and see what you think. It often feels a bit strange to begin with but if we keep repeating the same sentence again and again, our brain starts to believe what it hears and this can help to build our confidence

I'm really hoping the weather will improve and it will stop raining!! Apparently the UK has been experiencing record rainfall in the past 18 months - surely it's time for a breakย ๐Ÿ™ย I hope you enjoy your walk and hopefully the weather will allow you to get some skate time as well.ย 

That's great that you're involved with your youth charity club and that you're trying to help your local community. I think I can remember you mentioning that you did a camp out with them before to raise money. Is that right or am I misremembering something here?ย 

I've got family arriving from New Zealand thins weekend - they'll be staying with us for a week. I'm so looking forward to seeing them!! Because they live in New Zealand I hardly ever get to see them. New Zealand is just so far away and so expensive to get there. It therefore feels like a real treat to see themย ๐Ÿ˜ƒย 

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1 hour ago, Aurora said:

I'm glad it sounds like something that might work. Maybe you can give it a try and see what you think. It often feels a bit strange to begin with but if we keep repeating the same sentence again and again, our brain starts to believe what it hears and this can help to build our confidence

I'm really hoping the weather will improve and it will stop raining!! Apparently the UK has been experiencing record rainfall in the past 18 months - surely it's time for a breakย ๐Ÿ™ย I hope you enjoy your walk and hopefully the weather will allow you to get some skate time as well.ย 

That's great that you're involved with your youth charity club and that you're trying to help your local community. I think I can remember you mentioning that you did a camp out with them before to raise money. Is that right or am I misremembering something here?ย 

I've got family arriving from New Zealand thins weekend - they'll be staying with us for a week. I'm so looking forward to seeing them!! Because they live in New Zealand I hardly ever get to see them. New Zealand is just so far away and so expensive to get there. It therefore feels like a real treat to see themย ๐Ÿ˜ƒย 

Thank you lovely Aurora!

You are absolutely right and I'm sure telling myself I can do it will make me more confident :)

oh my goodness! 18 months? ๐Ÿ˜ญ yeah, about time we got some nice weather haha

thank you so much for your wishes, you are incredibly kind ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Omg what a fantastic memory! I did have a sleep out last October to raise money fir helping the homeless and to spread awareness that lots of children sleep rough too

how wonderful! I hope you all have a lovely time together!!! New Zealand is such aย  gorgeous place, such a shame its so far away ๐Ÿ˜ขย 

I'm certain they will be absolutely thrilled to see you again after so long and you will get to make many happy memories together โค๏ธย 


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Just some updates!

Did my maths exam yesterday,ย  the paper itself was quite nice but I wasn't really able to focus and I couldn't see the time from where I was satย 

But I managed to persist and get it done, I hope I didn't completely flop thatย 

I've got my DT exam today and I didnt manage to revise for it during halfterm cos I was so focused on maths so I'm trying to have a last minute moment to catch up on it

I really hope I can perform well on this exam and not be distracted by others like in yesterday's exam

I can do it! (Thanks for the tip of talking positively to myself, I can feel it work)

How have you been @Aurora?

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On 5/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, Aurora said:

I'm glad it sounds like something that might work. Maybe you can give it a try and see what you think. It often feels a bit strange to begin with but if we keep repeating the same sentence again and again, our brain starts to believe what it hears and this can help to build our confidence

I'm really hoping the weather will improve and it will stop raining!! Apparently the UK has been experiencing record rainfall in the past 18 months - surely it's time for a breakย ๐Ÿ™ย I hope you enjoy your walk and hopefully the weather will allow you to get some skate time as well.ย 

That's great that you're involved with your youth charity club and that you're trying to help your local community. I think I can remember you mentioning that you did a camp out with them before to raise money. Is that right or am I misremembering something here?ย 

I've got family arriving from New Zealand thins weekend - they'll be staying with us for a week. I'm so looking forward to seeing them!! Because they live in New Zealand I hardly ever get to see them. New Zealand is just so far away and so expensive to get there. It therefore feels like a real treat to see themย ๐Ÿ˜ƒย 

( weather is getting better!) apparent snow in parts of the uk today ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜‚

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43 minutes ago, Megs- said:

( weather is getting better!) apparent snow in parts of the uk today ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜‚

Oooh is there snow where you are Megs?

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Just now, jazzy.sky said:

Oooh is there snow where you are Megs?

Haha, I so wish there was! I think itโ€™s for northern England, I live near the sea so sadly wonโ€™t be happening!!ย 

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Just now, Megs- said:

Haha, I so wish there was! I think itโ€™s for northern England, I live near the sea so sadly wonโ€™t be happening!!ย 

Awwwww ๐Ÿ˜ญ hopefully you get to see snow soon โค๏ธ

The sea is gorgeous ๐Ÿ˜โœจ๏ธ how is the weather rn over where you are Megs?



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1 minute ago, jazzy.sky said:

Awwwww ๐Ÿ˜ญ hopefully you get to see snow soon โค๏ธ

The sea is gorgeous ๐Ÿ˜โœจ๏ธ how is the weather rn over where you are Megs?

Hot hot hottttt!! Too bโ€™ hot n I hate summer haha. I love the sea but my nana was scattered there so sometimes I go there but sometimes itโ€™s triggering so 50/50! But itโ€™s beautiful when itโ€™s not so bโ€™ warm!

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2 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Hot hot hottttt!! Too bโ€™ hot n I hate summer haha. I love the sea but my nana was scattered there so sometimes I go there but sometimes itโ€™s triggering so 50/50! But itโ€™s beautiful when itโ€™s not so bโ€™ warm!

Omg it's already hot? Make sure to stay in the shade and keep cool ๐Ÿ’— drink lots of water too

Awww omg bless her, was your nana doing ok after that? I'm so sorry for you and her, and im sorry to hear that Megs ๐Ÿฅบ

What kind of beach do you have, is it a sandy one or a pebbley one?

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4 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

Omg it's already hot? Make sure to stay in the shade and keep cool ๐Ÿ’— drink lots of water too

Awww omg bless her, was your nana doing ok after that? I'm so sorry for you and her, and im sorry to hear that Megs ๐Ÿฅบ

What kind of beach do you have, is it a sandy one or a pebbley one?

She has always said when she passed away her wish to be placed in the beach I live near by, wonโ€™t say as itโ€™s my home town but, she moved here when I was a young child and, passed when I was 7 years old but, me and my oldest sister took into consideration what she wanted and when she passed suddenly we did that. It was a beautiful moment it really was, but sad too. But, she always gives me signs sheโ€™s with me. Sorry for a downer haha!ย 
itโ€™s soo dandy! But thereโ€™s another beach that you can walk round to, still connected but thatโ€™s stones. Hurts your feet, but thatโ€™s a beautiful small beach too!! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’–

Edited by Megs-
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2 minutes ago, Megs- said:

She has always said when she passed away her wish to be placed in the beach I live near by, wonโ€™t say as itโ€™s my home town but, she moved here when I was a young child and, passed when I was 7 years old but, me and my oldest sister took into consideration what she wanted and when she passed suddenly we did that. It was a beautiful moment it really was, but sad too. But, she always gives me signs sheโ€™s with me. Sorry for a downer haha!ย 
itโ€™s soo dandy! But thereโ€™s another beach that you can walk round to, still connected but thatโ€™s stones. Hurts your feet, but thatโ€™s a beautiful small beach too!! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’–

Awww Megs that is absolutely lovely of you and your sister

I am so sorry for your loss, may your nana rest in peace ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ that's so sweet and so true, there are always signs that our loved ones are near โค๏ธย  aww no don't apologise, always love talking with you no matter the topic

Ooooh sandddd and stones love that!!



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1 minute ago, jazzy.sky said:

Awww Megs that is absolutely lovely of you and your sister

I am so sorry for your loss, may your nana rest in peace ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ that's so sweet and so true, there are always signs that our loved ones are near โค๏ธย  aww no don't apologise, always love talking with you no matter the topic

Ooooh sandddd and stones love that!!

I love being annoying and making the sand blow in the wind and go everywhere ๐Ÿ‘€! Lmao, the feeling of sunbathing, then being covered in sand then running into the sea is amazing haha xย 

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2 minutes ago, Megs- said:

I love being annoying and making the sand blow in the wind and go everywhere ๐Ÿ‘€! Lmao, the feeling of sunbathing, then being covered in sand then running into the sea is amazing haha xย 

Yesssss me too!!ย 

Adore the beachhh

I also love digging my feet in the sandย 

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7 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

Yesssss me too!!ย 

Adore the beachhh

I also love digging my feet in the sandย 

Yesss and getting people to cover you in sand ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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1 minute ago, Megs- said:

Yesss and getting people to cover you in sand ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Ong yessss

Everytime that happens I think about that scene in Lilo and Stittch where Nani and David make that glorious sandcastle on Lilo ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅน

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Just now, jazzy.sky said:

Ong yessss

Everytime that happens I think about that scene in Lilo and Stittch where Nani and David make that glorious sandcastle on Lilo ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅน

Heh! Im in stitch pjs rn hehe๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿฅน

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Just now, Megs- said:

Heh! Im in stitch pjs rn hehe๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿฅน

That's so cooooool!!!!

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2 minutes ago, jazzy.sky said:

That's so cooooool!!!!

Heh, itโ€™s too hot for my onesie but I have my stitch dressing gown but thatโ€™s too hot too haha!ย 

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Iโ€™ll take a picture but wonโ€™t show my face ๐Ÿฅฒ

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