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Crisis plan template, <3


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Hello everyone,

I was wondering if this would be a good thing to have on the section 'mental health'. I know how life can get sometimes and feeling worthless or like you don't want to carry on is such a horrible way to feel, I have lived through that experience and still do. I know this might seem stupid or ridculous, but I have written some questions below to start of making a crisis plan. A crisis plan is when you feel like you're in crisis, you can have a look at the plan you've made and follow it. ( Of course, sometimes when you have followed each step, things can get tough and maybe then it would be time to call 999 ( UK ) or your local emergency service number. I have a crisis plan, and I am in no means saying you post your safety plan on the forum, but it might be good to have this on a console or computer/laptop/phone/ipad, accesible if you feel yourself getting into difficulty. of course, you can add your own questions this is just a few I have come up with. YOU can always talk to me by @ me in your post, you can always talk to the digital mentors with whatever is bothering you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! sending so so many hugs to you all xx. 

Preparing for crisis

What are the early warning signs you might notice when you feel yourself heading towards a crisis? 

When things feel too much, what are 3 things that you can do to try and keep yourself safe? 

What ways can you make sure that you are able to remind yourself of these things when you feel unsafe? (could be some interesting creative ways that you could do this!)

Who do you think would be best/ who do you feel comfortable making aware of when you're feeling that way or you notice some of those signs?


Future planning

when you're feeling at your most positive what things do you think about?

What things in your life, big or small, make you feel hopeful or positive about the future?

What things could change, again big or small, that will help you to feel more in control of your situation? 

Are their changes you can make to your room, or a place you regularly go to, to help make it feel like a calming or safe space when you need it?

Take your time with these, I don't expect you to think of deep answers, I just want to help you. You can copy and past these questions, and I hope you're okay. Always here and so are the @Digital Mentor <3!

I know @Harper has made a post about helplines if you're in crisis, I will post that below <3 hugs everyone x.


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  • Digital Mentor
18 hours ago, Megs- said:

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if this would be a good thing to have on the section 'mental health'. I know how life can get sometimes and feeling worthless or like you don't want to carry on is such a horrible way to feel, I have lived through that experience and still do. I know this might seem stupid or ridculous, but I have written some questions below to start of making a crisis plan. A crisis plan is when you feel like you're in crisis, you can have a look at the plan you've made and follow it. ( Of course, sometimes when you have followed each step, things can get tough and maybe then it would be time to call 999 ( UK ) or your local emergency service number. I have a crisis plan, and I am in no means saying you post your safety plan on the forum, but it might be good to have this on a console or computer/laptop/phone/ipad, accesible if you feel yourself getting into difficulty. of course, you can add your own questions this is just a few I have come up with. YOU can always talk to me by @ me in your post, you can always talk to the digital mentors with whatever is bothering you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! sending so so many hugs to you all xx. 

Preparing for crisis

What are the early warning signs you might notice when you feel yourself heading towards a crisis? 

When things feel too much, what are 3 things that you can do to try and keep yourself safe? 

What ways can you make sure that you are able to remind yourself of these things when you feel unsafe? (could be some interesting creative ways that you could do this!)

Who do you think would be best/ who do you feel comfortable making aware of when you're feeling that way or you notice some of those signs?

Future planning

when you're feeling at your most positive what things do you think about?

What things in your life, big or small, make you feel hopeful or positive about the future?

What things could change, again big or small, that will help you to feel more in control of your situation? 

Are their changes you can make to your room, or a place you regularly go to, to help make it feel like a calming or safe space when you need it?

Take your time with these, I don't expect you to think of deep answers, I just want to help you. You can copy and past these questions, and I hope you're okay. Always here and so are the @Digital Mentor <3!

I know @Harper has made a post about helplines if you're in crisis, I will post that below <3 hugs everyone x.


Hi @Megs-

Thank you so much for taking the initiative to share this important suggestion with us. Your concern for the well-being of our community members is truly commendable, and your personal experiences add a valuable perspective to this discussion. We'll certainly take your proposal to the upcoming group meeting for a thorough discussion. Mental health is an incredibly significant aspect of our lives, and having a crisis plan can be a lifeline for many people. Your questions are well-thought-out and cover crucial aspects of crisis preparedness and future planning.

Your willingness to create a supportive space for our community, reminding everyone that they are not alone, is both heart-warming and inspiring. It's clear that you have a genuine care for the well-being of others, and that is something to be celebrated. We appreciate your dedication and compassion. I would also suggest focusing on yourself and your mental well being, @Digital Mentor and the rest of the team will take care of the other members 🙂

Sending lots of positive energy and gratitude your way! Take care.



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i wont bother helping out then..

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6 hours ago, Megs- said:

i wont bother helping out then..

I think they're just reminding you to put yourself first

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