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Me and my family's relationship

_Kai_ Β  Β 

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Okay so none yet that I like but ima stop talking to my family as much, first my brother because he knows that i'm nonbinary and wanting to use my preferred pronouns and my new name Kai. But he keeps using my deadname even though I asked him not to. Second my mom and dad because I can't stand their stupid arguing over literally nothing but I think its when my dad gets drunk which is like everyday-

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1 hour ago, lKail said:

Okay so none yet that I like but ima stop talking to my family as much, first my brother because he knows that i'm nonbinary and wanting to use my preferred pronouns and my new name Kai. But he keeps using my deadname even though I asked him not to. Second my mom and dad because I can't stand their stupid arguing over literally nothing but I think its when my dad gets drunk which is like everyday-


It sounds like home is pretty tricky for you at the moment, and I just want to check in and see how are you feeling about everything? I can imagine that things are pretty stressful for you, and I just want you to know that this is a safe, calm space in which you can let it all out; we all have your back here :)Β 


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Well I'm feeling terrible, how are you?

Also yeah I know this place is like a safe place/home for me ^^

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13 hours ago, lKail said:

Well I'm feeling terrible, how are you?

Also yeah I know this place is like a safe place/home for me ^^


Sorry to hear you're feeling terrible. Is it about what's going on at home, or is there something else as well?Β 


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It's half of what's going on at home and the other half is that 3 of the people I am with haven't been online/talking for like a week or two, and the other person I'm with was being a huge dush bag but then he started being all sweet and kind which I find very odd and confusing-

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Hey there,

Sorry to hear that the person you were with is being a bit up and down. Can you tell me more about how it is with him?


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Well its complicating being with him cuz of him being all rude and stuff then going happy and sweet.

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9 hours ago, lKail said:

Well its complicating being with him cuz of him being all rude and stuff then going happy and sweet.

Yeah, how is it making you feel? You must be pretty confused. I'm wondering, why do you think he is being like this?


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Tbh idk why he's acting like this and yeah I am really confused, but he could've just had a bad day.

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Yeah, he possibly could have had a bad day, and I'm wondering, could it be good to speak with him about how you're feeling?


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I could talk to him but I don't wanna invade his personal life if thats it.

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Do you also go by FreaknamedKai? By any chance

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Nah, that's someone elseΒ  .-.

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Its alr

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Havent spoken in a while

How've you been?

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I'm beenΒ  fine/eh, wby?

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16 hours ago, lKail said:

I could talk to him but I don't wanna invade his personal life if thats it.

Hey there,

The thing is though, this is impacting you, and your thoughts and feelings are important too. When we keep things like this, it can lead to resentment. What do you think?Β 


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Yeah, but I'm kinda used to it

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12 hours ago, lKail said:

Yeah, but I'm kinda used to it

Hey there,

Yeah, I totally get how you can get used to something like this, but my question is, do you have to stay used to it, or can something be done to make it better?


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Tbh idrk if I do have to stay used to it.

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Yeah, I think it's important to share how you're feeling because this is affecting you . What do you think?Β 


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Yeah, and also I talked to him about how I was feeling today but he also wasn't in a good mood today as well. So ima give him some space so he can cool down.

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Hey there,

Sorry to hear he wasn't in a good mood again today. Are you going to carry on once he has cooled down?Β 


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Ima try to, but I just hope he's gonna act a little nicer.

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