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Okay so I have been wondering for the past week if I'm actually Nonbinary or Trans- 

But I don't know how to tell like which one I am--

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11 hours ago, lKail said:

Okay so I have been wondering for the past week if I'm actually Nonbinary or Trans- 

But I don't know how to tell like which one I am--


Thanks for sharing this. Can you tell me more about the thoughts you've been having around your gender identity?


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Like when I get called a she I hate it, but when I get called a he I just correct the person to they. But I don't hate it?

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23 hours ago, lKail said:

Like when I get called a she I hate it, but when I get called a he I just correct the person to they. But I don't hate it?

Hey there,

That's interesting that you don't hate it when you get called he; what do you think that means? 


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I don't really know what thats means tbh

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8 hours ago, lKail said:

I don't really know what thats means tbh


That's okay, just a curious question :) 

Are you still wondering whether you're nonbinary or trans? In terms of figuring out which one you might be, how would you explain the difference between the two to someone else?


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I am a bit trying to figure out whether i'm nonbinary or trans yeah. Well I feel like when you're trans you wanna be the opposite gender and when your nonbinary your in between, I kinda wanna be the opposite gender but I don't fully know like how that would even happen because I'd still get called my deadname and my birth gender, so I feel like I'd even get confused sometimes.

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22 hours ago, lKail said:

I am a bit trying to figure out whether i'm nonbinary or trans yeah. Well I feel like when you're trans you wanna be the opposite gender and when your nonbinary your in between, I kinda wanna be the opposite gender but I don't fully know like how that would even happen because I'd still get called my deadname and my birth gender, so I feel like I'd even get confused sometimes.

Hey there,

Okay, so from what you've said, it sounds like you might be worried about how it would work out if you transitioned and that you might get confused by other people deadnaming you; is that right? If so, then that suggests that you might already know if you're trans or nonbinary, and that you're focusing on how it would actually work. What do you think? 


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Yeah that is right, I'm leaning towards the Trans now a bit more ngl, I was trying to think last night how it would work but I don't even know how it would.

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13 hours ago, lKail said:

Yeah that is right, I'm leaning towards the Trans now a bit more ngl, I was trying to think last night how it would work but I don't even know how it would.

Hey there,

I'm wondering, can you tell me what you know about the transition process so far? 


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All I know about the transitioning is that its a changing of how you look and how people treat you to become your true gender. It can also involve changing your name and preferred pronouns.

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12 hours ago, lKail said:

All I know about the transitioning is that its a changing of how you look and how people treat you to become your true gender. It can also involve changing your name and preferred pronouns.

Hey there,

Yeah, what you've mentioned there is definitely a big part of the transitioning process. There is also the physical aspects in terms of taking hormones, changing your appearance, and surgeries as well.

I'm wondering, what do you think it would be like for you to transition?


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Well I feel like it'd feel amazing because I wouldn't have to hide who I actually am anymore. But for me I'd only do one surgery and I feel like that'd help alot with me transitioning into a guy and yeah the whole hormones thing too.

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9 hours ago, lKail said:

Well I feel like it'd feel amazing because I wouldn't have to hide who I actually am anymore. But for me I'd only do one surgery and I feel like that'd help alot with me transitioning into a guy and yeah the whole hormones thing too.


Yeah, the process of transitioning must be amazing and make you feel like you're closer to living as your authentic self :) 

I'm wondering, what do you think you need to do to take a step towards living more authentically? 


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Well I could ask my mom or dad if I could get a therapist but I'd want a gender therapist, also I've just never liked how I look in my body and I would just love to have a deeper voice tbh.

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21 hours ago, lKail said:

Well I could ask my mom or dad if I could get a therapist but I'd want a gender therapist, also I've just never liked how I look in my body and I would just love to have a deeper voice tbh.

Yeah, a gender therapist would be really useful. Could you maybe have a conversation about going to therapy in general and see if they would be open to that first?


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Oh I forgot to mention that yesterday, so I asked my mom if I could go to therapy but her response was "What can you tell a stranger that you can't tell your own parents?", Like everything apparently.

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I was gonna say EVERYTHING  but you already said it for me

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Yeah like shes asked me before what was stressing me out because I'm "too young" to have stress, like WHAT??

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2 minutes ago, lKail said:

Yeah like shes asked me before what was stressing me out because I'm "too young" to have stress, like WHAT??

0-0 dang

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On 4/6/2022 at 4:53 PM, lKail said:

Alr I will. :3

hello Kai

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