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I don't really know what I am. I know that I like girls but I think I also like Boys, I think I might like girls more though. I have came out to my mother by jumping out of her closet and saying I'm out now but I don't think my father would be as exepting he is very against the lgbtq+ communitiy but my stepmother isnt so maybe she could help him understand it. but I feel like I should be fully sure that I'm bi but im like pretty sure I am. btw im a 13 year old female 

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Hey Ellivia. I'm one of the digital mentors here :)

How did it go when you came out to your mother? I'm wondering, in terms of a percentage, how sure would you say you are of your sexuality?


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I for sure like both guys and girls but I think I dont want to I feel that way, I feel wrong for being bi even though the people who know are very welcoming. My mother already kinda knew but she laughed and said she still loved me. I came out to my step mom last night and she was fully understanding she has a pretty open mind about almost anything. I would say about 80 or 90%. The more time I spend with the girl I like the more clear it becomes.  

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4 hours ago, Ellivia said:

I for sure like both guys and girls but I think I dont want to I feel that way, I feel wrong for being bi even though the people who know are very welcoming. My mother already kinda knew but she laughed and said she still loved me. I came out to my step mom last night and she was fully understanding she has a pretty open mind about almost anything. I would say about 80 or 90%. The more time I spend with the girl I like the more clear it becomes.  

Hey there. It's interesting that you feel wrong for being bi. Can you tell me more about that?


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You know when you did something your not supossed to and then you have to go about life knowig you did that thats what I feel like. But I constitly feel guilty and at blame for things that are out of my control. 

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Hey. Yeah, I totally get the feeling you mean, and it can be hard to shake it, especially for things out of our control. I’m wondering, what do you think the positives to your sexuality are? 


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Yeah, exactly. I wonder how your life would be different if you had to go out with someone to fulfil the social expectation of a straight sexuality - what would that be like? How would your mental health be? 


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