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im just so done


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im so tired and sad, i keep having panic attacks and being in the closet doesnt help either especially when i hear that being this way is wrong):

Edited by Daisie
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Hello @si

Welcome to our community at Ditch the Label. I'm one of the digital mentors and I give support to those who reach out to us. 

I'm sorry to hear that you are having a hard time at the moment, but I just want to say thank you for opening up to us. Being open and asking for help is the best thing you can do when you're struggling and it takes courage. We are here for you now.

Can I ask, how long have you been feeling like this for, and what do you think brought all of this on? People can struggle with their mental health when they are in the closet, so I'm wondering if that might be linked? Just a thought. Also, I might be being overly cautious here, but I noticed that the title says 'im just so done' and I wanted to ask, are you feeling suicidal at the moment? If you are, just know that we are here for you and we will be able to support you through this. You are not alone. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

We all feel like this sometimes. Depression can be a...bad person (let's try to stay civil shall we!) Panic attacks are also no fun! I have been in your situation and the only thing that helps is time. It takes a lot of time to move on. You never get over stuff like this. You just move on and accept that it's the past, which you can't change. In the meantime, try to find something that you enjoy doing. It can be reading, drawing, editing, making music, sleeping, going outside, photography, exercising, writing - practically anything. Just find that small thing that keeps you going! What I've also found helps a lot is going to sleep really early, like 9 pm or something like that. It doesn't matter if you are a night owl or an early bird, going to bed really early and trying to fall asleep helps a lot. Also look into meditation and lucid dreaming. They are both amazing tools to help manage stress, depression and anxiety. (for lucid dreaming tips check out the YT channel Explore Lucid Dreaming)

Also, there is something else, that you can try but it's not for everyone. If you could get into theraphy, then it might also help. It helped me and even though for some people it might not work, you never know until you try it out!

I hope that these help and just remember, you are not alone in this stuff and that your older you will thank you later!

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Thanks for the advice @Mammu. I really like the tips about finding something that you enjoy doing. This is so helpful for when we're going through a hard time. I think it's important to remember that you can get over stuff like this, it just takes time as you say and actually pausing to work on yourself and think about how you can get through it. We all have our own solutions. Also, great trip about therapy. There are so many different kinds of it too, so it's good to see what's out there. 


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