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Vent/ hard part of my story


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Hate, Mental Illness, Self-Harm, Suicide

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My bio parents left me at 2 so, My grand parents adopted me! Untill you learn that you have a lot wrong with you. Like you bio mother. Depression, social anxiety, low iron levels, no self worth, and ADD. My grand mother pretended not to notice any of it. Until I attempted suicide 2 time within 5 months. I never cut just tried to off myself. But she loves me I guess. In today's time my ADD is bad so is my social anxiety. Depression is ok. Atleast I'm not ADHD (no offense). I'm also Bisexual. Any one know how I should tell my homophobic grandmother / mother?


Help please some one. Bisexuality is hard to tell moms about.


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Hey @Bethy

Thank you for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear that you've been through a hard time, but I'm glad you're choosing to open up about it and seek help; this will really help you get to a better place, so that's good. How are you feeling at the moment? Have you had any suicidal thoughts really? If you haven't already done one, it might be good to do a safety plan so you know what to do if the thoughts come back soon - what do you think? Also, we can definitely talk about how to tell your grandmother/mother in a bit, I just want to check you're safe first. Take care and speak soon.


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