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my mental health is getting in the way


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so i have overall been feeling down for the past 6 months or so. like i haven't wanted to do things that normally excite me. i talked to a doctor and they said i need to talk to someone right away because i scored really high on some depression test thing. i got many therapist recommendations, but my parents work a lot and don't have time to set me up with one. i've also been feeling really anxious and always am worrying that me or a loved one might die unexpectedly. everything seems very distant and like the fact that i am even standing here in this world is a miracle. looking at the news makes me spiral into a breakdown half of the time. my parents no longer believe me and i feel too insecure to tell my friends. i don't know what to do because my mind is fuzzy and i need someone to talk to, but i fear i am at a dead end. am i overreacting? someone please help.

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It's great to hear from you again - we have spoken on here before :)


I understand that you are going through some issues right now, and i'm so sorry to hear that. We are here for you and you are not alone in this :). You are not at a dead end and there is a way out of this, and we will help you to get there. You are 100% NOT overreacting; what you go through is also experienced by many.


First of all, how are you feeling about all of this? It's great that you talked to a doctor and that they have given you recommendations. However, your parents don't sound very supportive at this moment in time. I think it would be helpful for you to sit down with them and tell them that you are not making it up. The fact that the doctor recommended that you see a therapist shows that you aren't making it up, so maybe give this a try? If this doesn't work, do you have someone you can go to who you trust and will help you to get an appointment? Alternatively, you can see the GP alone at any age to do this kind of thing, but your parents may still be contacted if the GP is worried and you are under 16.


When I am feeling low, I also find that the news can be pretty stressful to read. Maybe try to avoid it for a while until you're in a better place? It is also a good idea to engage in the things you enjoy the most even though you don't really want to do them at this moment in time. This can help to distract you and boost your mood.


I hope this advice helps - let me know if you find it useful. If you don't, then we can figure something else out!


Hang in there. Monsoon :)


P.S. With you saying that you feel like you are at a ?dead end', this is something Samaritans may be able to help you with and it might be worth contacting them for a chat. https://www.samaritans.org/


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again. Sorry it took so long to reply, I've been really busy lately.


Anyway I had a really bad argument with my parents, and I finally convinced them to take me to a therapist consultation. The therapist seems really nice and she has had lots of experience with what I seem to be dealing with. I still feel stuck in a hole, and I am trying to get myself out. I looked into the Samaritans thing and that might be a last resort if the therapist doesn't work. I have tried a lot of things to calm myself and work through my anxiety/depression. I am a little worried that the therapist is just going to tell me what I already know. I don't know if this is a hole that my therapist or myself can dig out of though.


Thanks again :)

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I'm sorry that you had a bad argument with your parents - how are you feeling?


It's great that they finally took you to a therapist - this shows that they are serious about your recovery and care about you getting better :). With the therapy, it can take a while to feel like it is working for you. This is why it's so important to give it a chance even though at times you may feel like it's not working. Have some trust in her; as you said, she is very experienced with this and it's very likely that she will be able to help you :)


Are the things you are doing to calm yourself working? If not, we can come up with something new.


Hang in there! I look forward to hearing back from you. Over and out, Monsoon. :)


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Hey Jake,


Thanks for being so open about your anxiety. We are here to help if you want us to :). Is this something you would like to talk more about? I have struggled with a lot of anxiety in the past, and it is important to know how to manage your anxiety so that it doesn't take over your life. If you'd like to tell me a little more about your situation, I will be able to come up with some advice to help you through it.


Sending positive vibezzz.




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