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My summer?

Gremlin Β  Β 

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I feel like during this sumer I have relized a lot of things about myself. New mind sets it want to master,wanting to get more serious about school, getting rid of old habits. But there also think I didnt think would bother me like school, behing more myself around people, how thoughts can coudl my mind in a instant makeing me not want to move. I have learned both a lot and very little all at once. But I suppose the main thing I wanted to talking for this post was school. I know might sound a bit weird but honestly as the summer weeks become shorter and shorts as the days go on. I feel more of fear about school starting not just about the grades belut also the people and atmisphire I can get find myself in. (I'll get into the different topics in other posts) I try to not beat myself up about it to much but some times its just hard not too. But all of that to the side I really enjoyed my sumerwith being able to go differt places and countries with my family. :3

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This is something i have the biggest worry about and i want to get as much advice as i can about it. Reflecting on my pased year and freshman wasnt a very talkative and participating person in my classes.(ignoring language) I would pass with mainly b's and mabey a c for math but my main focus THEN was to learn the material as best as I could and not fall behind. But during the school that wasnt always the care, I would either get stuck in topics in didn't understand,get distrating with my note taking and not lissening to the teacher. And my favorite getting into the ✨details✨. Because for my brain to work I can't learn anything with skimming articles unless its like a q and a on a test. To this day I still dont know why πŸ™„.Β  I know that In school you want to get good grades to make your parents happy. But I just dont want to get the grades it also want it to be fun or at least less boring. I miss being able to know what's going in class, talking in group turn and talks(when you talk tot the classmates next to you) getting to be on the podium for Quizlets and Kahoots. I dont want to feel dense about the simple stuff, trying to talk about something to a classmate about the unit too only have them look at me like I have 3 heads. I want to do better in school and i know that its not going to be easy. I know note takeing and reading through chapters fast and effetely are skills that take time to learn. I-i just want to do better, not get overwhelmed by everything and and and up $h in a bathroom stall and wetting my sleevs with my tears again. Letting my school triggers get the better of me.

Edited by Gremlin
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Hey @Gremlin

It's lovely to hear from you again. I'm glad you've been realising things about yourself recently; it sounds like you're on a self-discovery journey which always means that lots of growth is just around the corner, so this is an exciting time!

From what you've said about school, it sounds like you have quite a few different worries, and I'm wondering, which worry would you say is the one that needs attention first?Β 


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Hi @Monsoon!

Yep im still here :3Β 

Yes, you are also right about me haveing a few "aha!" Moments during the summer. To answer your question I feel like my main focus about school I would like to improve on is makeing better study habits. Because i begain to relize that I dont relly have good ones. I tend to procratinat a bit, under estimate my school work duties. And i feel like I have reared a oot of those behaviors from my mom which passed down to me. So whenever I relized that i was bingeing on my phone I would try to go off and do something else. But even then its not very comsistant πŸ˜….

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Hey there,

Okay, so it's more about better study habits. I'm wondering, on a scale of 1-10 (1=very good, 5 = okay, 10=very bad), how would you rate your study habits at the moment?Β 


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Well at the moment i would say my study habits TIPS i have learned is at a 5. But me actually going through with using said study tips is at a 9.5. 0-0Β 

I feel like some reasons that let to this number is ...

-not being consistent

-self discipline with school related tasks is scary lowΒ 

-not having a study buddy like i sometime had in the summer


(lol i called myself out so much XD)



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So it sounds like there's a disconnect between knowing what to do and actually doing it in the sense that you have tips, but then don't use them, and you've got a really good insight into why that is. I'm wondering, from that list of reasons, what can you do as small next steps to help overcome this issue?

Also, one of our users has just posted a great blog on how they overcome procrastination. You can take a look here:Β 



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i was also like that when I enrolled in high school, man! i was just strategizing every time how to getΒ  a smooth go with studies and just to let you know , that feeling and mental state you are in is okay, i believe to some extend that is exactly what you need to keep the focus. Happy you enjoyed your summer friend.

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Thank you @carolindwelt, @Monsoon

For your comments I do really like the mindset that im in because ives never been so determined to fix my study habits/school be for. So to ma I this energy as much as I can I will try by best to keep the habbits consistant. BUT I will master one habbit at a time till i have a routine formed. Thats what im going to try as best as I can. As for the days where I cant I will try to come back. (So far its working but its oinda working just REALLY slowly)

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  • Digital Mentor
6 hours ago, Gremlin said:


Thank you @carolindwelt, @Monsoon

For your comments I do really like the mindset that im in because ives never been so determined to fix my study habits/school be for. So to ma I this energy as much as I can I will try by best to keep the habbits consistant. BUT I will master one habbit at a time till i have a routine formed. Thats what im going to try as best as I can. As for the days where I cant I will try to come back. (So far its working but its oinda working just REALLY slowly)

Hi there, It's great to hear you're feeling so determined. It sounds like a great start already and I think it's a great strategy to master one habit at a time. Please don't worry about it feeling like it is working really slowly. It takes a while to get into new habits and we often don't notice all the progress we are making until later. Β 


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