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Zulfaa Β  Β 

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I've been feeling so overwhelmed and getting upset at family. I feel that my whole life has been a Rollercoaster and I'm mentally and emotionally unable to take on anymore stress and pressure

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  • Ditch the Label Staff
33 minutes ago, Zulfaa said:

I've been feeling so overwhelmed and getting upset at family. I feel that my whole life has been a Rollercoaster and I'm mentally and emotionally unable to take on anymore stress and pressure

Hey @Zulfaa, Welcome to the community.

Dropped by your post and wondered if you’d feel it’s beneficial to talk things through with one of our trained mentors? I’ll tag them in so you know who they are and so they can reach out to you. @MonsoonΒ & @Blondie

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11 hours ago, Zulfaa said:

I've been feeling so overwhelmed and getting upset at family. I feel that my whole life has been a Rollercoaster and I'm mentally and emotionally unable to take on anymore stress and pressure


Thank you for opening up about this here. I can imagine that it took a lot of courage for you to speak about what's going on for you, and I'm glad you chose to do it here. Can you tell me about what it is that's making you feel overwhelmed?Β 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel that they don't really understand how I feel and that we perhaps have different ways of dealing and interpreting things. I tend to also overthink which exhausts me more at the end as I don't know what to do and what to believe at the end of the day. I get easily overwhelmed if anything is added to my list of things I have to complete so whenever they ask me to do something that's not on my list of stuff I don't feel like I can manage it. I also feel that everything they say I take offense to it and that it might be judgment, but then I also feel that maybe slightly it's also due to my state of being right now.Β 

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On 4/11/2022 at 9:16 PM, Zulfaa said:

I've been feeling so overwhelmed and getting upset at family. I feel that my whole life has been a Rollercoaster and I'm mentally and emotionally unable to take on anymore stress and pressure

Hey there,

Thank you for sharing this with us here. I'm wondering, would you like to tell me more about how you've been feeling recently? It sounds like you've been having such a tricky time. I just want you to know that we are here for you. Take care and speak soon.Β 


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