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i have  crush on this straight girl and wanna ask her out but if things go north she will make fun of me  so how do i ask her out??

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Hey there,

Can I ask, why do you think she could make fun of you? How do you think she feels about you? 


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pretty normal shes the type that looks lie she would make fun of you but that's just my opinion 

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7 hours ago, darius2022bleh! said:

pretty normal shes the type that looks lie she would make fun of you but that's just my opinion 


Okay, I'm wondering, do you think she might feel the same way towards you as you do her? How well do you know her? 


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See I also have a crush on a straight girl and well she is also been my best for like 3 to 4 years, so I moved and now see her like every month or so. And we tell each other like everything and I said that "I had not had my first kiss", and she shocked me because she said "that she could change that"....I honestly got flustered and I now do not know if she is fully straight and/or has a crush on me too.  TvT

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16 minutes ago, darius2022bleh! said:


I actually have had a crush on a straight girl before, and it was ALSO my best friend, and we're still friends for 8 years now :) but I told her two years ago and she rejected me which I was fine but I do want to tell you some advice about them 

  • ask what way do they swing
  • befriend them (it can be as acquaintances or just friends, doesn't have to be a close friendship 
  • talk to them like you're truly interested in whatever they're talking about; they could be talking about class, someone annoying, or something like math, but try to be truly interested, listen to their every word. also, whenever they look at you, look at them and tell them "I wish you could see the huge smile. a quick note: if you are having trouble talking to them, a good ice breaker is talking about your firsts ( meaning your first kiss, first time riding a bike, etc) and you'll get right along the path of a conversation. 
  • and THIS ONE is VERY important: it doesn't have to be huge, it can even be small, but tell them something honest about yourself. You could probably tell them something that was  awkward during one of your firsts.

hope that this info is helpful!


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I came out to my catholic parents. My mom was fine with it but my dad told me that he accepted me if i was but he didnt think i was old enough to make that decison. Im 14 going on 15. He also doesnt think being bi is a thing. Not only that but he is very against the trans communtity. Im not trans but this still hurts. I have divorced parents and the other set of parents are so loving and supportive. The first Pride month that after I came out my mom went out and bought a a giant storage bin full of pride apparel. Including flags, socks, shirts, headbands. It was a little over the top but it made me feel so special and loved. Id rather her be over the top and embarassing than not supportive at all. But as you can see my sets of parents are polar opposites and it can be so hard. My dad doesnt let me express myself in anyway towards my identification. I dont know what to do. I know he loves me and I love him so much but I just feel stuck. I know this is an impossible situation. (well at least thats how it feels) but if anyone has any ideas on hopw to cope with it that would be great. I feel like a weight has been lifted ever since I came out and have been finding who I am. I am pround of who I am and I want more than anything to be open about it and express myself showing my true colors to the world. 

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Hi... and welcome to my soap opera of a life. My parents are divorced (btw my parents got divorced when I was just a baby so thats all ive every known) my father  got remarried and so did my mom. My father is so loving and caring and I love him with all my heart. But everyone has imperfections. Esspecially him. My dad and step mom just had a baby and she is my first sister. I have two brothers from my mom and step dad but no siblings on my "dads" side.... until now. My sister is MY EVERYTHING. She makes me so happy. When I am with her I feel like my depression evaporates for just a llitte until im snapped back into reality. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and is the best blessing ever. But as I approach High School it becomes more difficult to move back and forth from house to house. Our currect scedule is switching every week. My sets of parents are POLAR OPPISOTES. Down to every little detail. I dont know how they were ever married. Between our family its no secret my dad has some anger issues. And well its alwasy just been him and I for most of my life (when ever im at his house at least) up until three years ago when my stepmom came into the picture.  I love muy stepmom. For the most part. But I love her like a mom. You have parts that you dont like and parts you do like. But thats for another time. Anyways sorry for jumping around so much. I think you have enough background info for now. PART 2 IN A MINUTE.  :)

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Any who! Like I was saying everyone has there good parts and bad parts but the older I get the harder it is to deal with my dads anger. AND JUST TO BE CLEAR HE IS NOT IN ANY WAY ABBUSIVE!!! Ok well maybe a little emontionally abbusive  BUT HE WOULD NEVER LAY A HAND ON ME!! well i guess except when he spanked me when i was a kid but once i told him that it was very scary and i didnt like it he never did it again. And I guess I never want to open up about this becasue so many people dont understand. They just see the bad but there IS good. He is my dad and no matter what I love him. There is always that bond. The thing is my dad is so much more fun to be with on the weekends and at like dinner time beacuse he doesnt have to work on work usually at those times and on the weekends he is so much more fun to be with we play games and really get quality time. Its just harder to be with him for a whole week. and i constantly find myself deading going to his house and then when I am there I am counting down the days till i can go to my moms. And the environment there is so much more different than at my moms house. I talked to my mom about it and we have come up with everyother weekend with him and one night a week with him aswell so then I get the best of him. You know the song its easier to love you from a distance I feel like thats how it is for me with my dad. Im just worried I will miss so many milestone of my sisters life and... well thats just the hardest part. It kills me to leave her there alone and to be away from her for so long. I know that this is good for me but I just need help seeing that. Please someone help me see the good give me advice on maybe how I can conncet more convince me I am doing the right thing. This is making me cry so much. Please help me. My friends have decided to be a holes after 11 yearts of friendship and I go to a small catholic school so I have no one else to go to they are the only people. And i havent had the best experience with theripists latley. I really just need a friend a supporter.  Please im begging you just write something give me something help me get through this. ALSO IF YOU DIDNT READ MY FIRST ONE OF THESE YOU MIGHT WANT TO GO READ THAT ONE FOR MORE BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT. 

Edited by paintedbunting
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  • paintedbunting changed the title to MY Soap Opera of a Life PART 2 (VENTING ABOUT MY LIFE) CRAZY CUSTODY

Same here I'll try tmr, thanks Chabela! <3

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<3  .^.

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Oh, why so? :P

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Oh,like is it am or pm for ya? For me the time rn is 12:43am. Also I have also had nights like that but for me I just couldn't sleep cuz I was stressed/nervous.

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Oop, (if you want to or not) I am here and can listen if ya want to talk about it?  ^^

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Alr I will be on later too, ngl I am getting tired myself TwT

Also I hope you get a  good rest! <3

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i grabbed purple leggins with a read and black tye dye hoodie do you know how dumb i look right now?!

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