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why do i feel like this?


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i’m not enough, and i don’t know how to be okay. i want to be okay but right now that’s just so difficult. everything is just so messed up in my head and i just don’t know how to cope anymore. i want to be free from this feeling whatever “this feeling” is.

- just wanted to vent

Edited by chuu
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Hey @chuu

Thank you for telling us how you're feeling at the moment. It sounds like you're feeling pretty low right now, and I just want you to know that we are here for you 🙂

Would you like to tell me more about what's going on for you? What emotions are you feeling right now? 


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hi, thank you for caring! i’m just feeling really hopeless and nothing i seem to do can make this feeling pass. i don’t really understand how i feel. i just want to be valid however that may be.

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hi again @Monsoon

ive been feeling this way for about two years but recently it’s been getting out of hand. I lost my best friend about 6 months ago and without her, my life just feels so meaningless. i love her with my entire heart and the fact i’ll never be  able to tell her that again makes me feel sick. i almost don’t want to feel better because if i feel better i’ll lose her completely, if that makes sense. i just don’t know what i’m gonna do without out her because i don’t think i’ll ever love anyone the way i loved her.

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On 9/16/2021 at 8:49 AM, chuu said:
On 9/16/2021 at 8:49 AM, chuu said:


hi again @Monsoon

ive been feeling this way for about two years but recently it’s been getting out of hand. I lost my best friend about 6 months ago and without her, my life just feels so meaningless. i love her with my entire heart and the fact i’ll never be  able to tell her that again makes me feel sick. i almost don’t want to feel better because if i feel better i’ll lose her completely, if that makes sense. i just don’t know what i’m gonna do without out her because i don’t think i’ll ever love anyone the way i loved her.



hi @Monsoon i was just wondering if you were still interested in having this conversation?

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Hey @chuu

I'm so sorry, but my message was saved in drafts for some reason. I'll make sure that won't happen again. How are you feeling today? I just want to thank you for telling me about where these feelings are coming from; it sounds like you're really hurting at the moment, and I want you to know that if anything is too uncomfortable or upsetting for you to talk about, please, let me know, because I respect your boundaries and want you to feel respected. I completely get what you're saying about how if you're happy, then you lose them completely. When we lose someone so close, we can feel extreme guilt for starting to enjoy life again and make happy memories. How have you been coping without her? 


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hi, thank you for the reply @Monsoon! the thing is i haven’t really been coping at all and my feelings are pushing me into this state of mind that’s so isolated and cold. i still can’t seem to come to terms  with the fact that she’s gone yet but just knowing that she’s never going to come back crushes my spirit entirely. 

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Hey @chuu

Thank you for being so open about how you're feeling right now. I think it's completely normal to feel like we cannot come to terms with the fact that someone close to us has gone; to face our life without someone we treasure so deeply is so hard to accept. I know it might not seem like it now, but when coming to terms with such a loss, you will learn how to cope with time, but it can take a while to start feeling like you are, and to even feel moderately close to how you were beforehand. I just want you to know that we are here for you every step of the way though. 

Can I ask, do you feel comfortable enough to tell me what happened? It's completely okay if you don't, and I respect your boundary if it's too emotional for you to talk about. 


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Hey @chuu

That's okay and I want to thank you for letting me know what your boundary is around talking about it. I just want you to know that I will be here to speak with you about it when you're ready. Would you like to speak about anything else with us at the moment? 


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22 hours ago, chuu said:

hi @Monsoon

i think that’s all for now thank you though 🙂

Hey @chuu

That's okay 🙂

You know where we are if you do want to speak. Take care and best of luck with everything. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/15/2021 at 1:18 AM, chuu said:

i’m not enough, and i don’t know how to be okay. i want to be okay but right now that’s just so difficult. everything is just so messed up in my head and i just don’t know how to cope anymore. i want to be free from this feeling whatever “this feeling” is.

- just wanted to vent

Hey chu, just so you know...you are more than enough. You are the "you" that you are supposed to be ar this moment. If that makes sense. Things will change,the difficulty you are facing now will fade soon . Cause every night is eaten by darkness but the sun rises the very next day.. without a delay  things will set themselves right in a while . Its just a matter of time. And remember .. yesterday's you today's you and tomorrow's you are you itself and don't forget to love yourself. You just need some time to get over your loss..And you will be fine and when you are fine don't forget to update......Also you can open up when you are ready to the digital mentor, or someone you trust...takee caree.. mwah

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