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eating disorder and panic attacks..... i need help


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I need help... I have binge eating disorder. I have dug myself into a hole too deep to get out of. I need to learn how to control my eating habits and what I need. I just don't know where to start. Im not sure if this is any of your areas of expertise, but it would be nice to get my sh*t together.

Another thing I need help with is panic attacks. I have been diagnosed with them at therapy. But, I don't exactly know how to deal with them.


- maya



Edited by Daisie
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Hey @mayaaaa


Thank you for opening up to us about your eating disorder (ED). We can offer you support, but it's important to know that a professional who is trained to help people move forward with eating disorders would be best for you. I'm glad to hear that you're going to therapy and I'm wondering whether you've spoken to your therapist about your ED? It would be good to talk about why you feel like this is happening to you, what experiences may have led to this, and what might be useful to help you move forward. We have a support guide here which has some strategies for people with EDs (I know this says for people who are concerned they have an ED, but it is still helpful for those who have one). Why don't you check it out here: https://www.ditchthelabel.org/worrie...ting-disorder/


Also, with the panic attacks, do you do anything already which helps you to calm down when you have them? If so, it would be good to hear about your strategies. We also have a support article with top tips on how to deal with panic attacks https://www.ditchthelabel.org/10-qui...-panic-attack/


Let me know what you think about all of this. Remember, we are here to help you through this. You're doing really well and you're so strong :)


Speak soon,


Edited by Monsoon


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