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What is DTL?

Hazard Β  Β 

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I wanted to create an open-ended post to allow us to discuss how we see our community. I'll include a few more specific questions to give you a place to start, but you can answer as many or as few as you'd like, and you choose to just reply to the general question (What is DTL?) or whatever you want to reply to

1. What is the value of the community, and what makes us unique to this platform?

2. How do the staff members impact the experience of any user

3. How does the time put in by each user (whether you're on here often or simply to ask your question, get your answer, and leave) impact the feel of the forums and community?

4. Is there anything we're particularly good at/for?

5, What do we use the space for? What would we like to use the space for more?


And out of unrelated personal curiosity, are there any topics you wish you could find more discussion about?

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I think that DTL is a really awesome space for us to interact with other people from around the world, set aside some of our prejudice towards other groups and kinds of problems and be allowed to see into these problems. I also think it's an awesome space for us to have a really tight community, which we do. While I think we can all agree that some growth in the size of our community over the next few years is exciting, the tight group that we have now is really nice to allow us to feel generally safer talking with each other and to help us, as a group, to help the users looking for help and advice with their problems receive that advice. I like the relationship we have with the moderators as well, as it's a much more respectful and productive relationship than I see on a lot of other forums. I like how involved everyone is in the entirety of the space, and the mix of fun vs help. Admittedly, I feel as though we've lost much of our identity as a mental health forum, and fallen more towards chats and games. I'm hoping to improve the ratio over the next couple of months, especially hoping that with the 3.0 connection to the larger website, we can create an influx of information and resources. I've seen DTL develop a lot, and IΒ thinkΒ I've maybe learned how to get more people active- and I would really love to see some activity from new users. I appreciate the ratio between the users who simply have a question that needs answering, and those of us whoΒ reallyΒ like answering those questions, but once again, I would love to see more activity from those users.Β 

Once again, if anyone wants to let me know some topics you want to see more discussion about, please do. Absolutely anything goes! Things that I'm thinking some questions will happen about are info about certain gender or sexuality identities, info about things like passing and coming out, and information about mental health problems that are less talked about or with a lot of false information. If anyone wants to talk about those things, please tell me and I can try to get those conversations started

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Love this holy shitttttt thanks ember

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Will reply in. A bit trying to think of stuff haha πŸ˜†Β 

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1 minute ago, Megs- said:

Will reply in. A bit trying to think of stuff haha πŸ˜†Β 

Haha, take your time. This one was a long time in the works, and I had lots of time to think about it

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4 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Love this holy shitttttt thanks ember

ThisΒ is where the posts and reactions comes from...not me being terrible at small talkΒ πŸ˜…

Edited by Emberfrost12
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Still… yeah you guessed right I’m still thinking πŸ˜‚

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10 minutes ago, Megs- said:

Still… yeah you guessed right I’m still thinking πŸ˜‚

If you have any topics in the mean time, I would love some content to planΒ πŸ˜‚Β 

Actually, what the heck, I'm gonna go make a really long survey....

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