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Loosing Time

KandCo ย  ย 

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Hi this is my first time on this so I've been trying to get myself familiar with it all,

I have DID and I'm the host (K) which is hard as it is as i only found out i had DID like a year ago. I've been loosing time like crazy recently and its now showing to my family and people who don't know about me having DID. Its becoming a struggle to lie to my parents who i know wont accept me and the other alters if i told them. Ive been trying to use apps to keep track of who is switching and when to monitor what's happening in the day and keep up with things but alters keep forgetting to use them and its so frustrating. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.




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I donโ€™t know what advice to give you but wanted to give you a warm welcome, thank you for sharing. Iโ€™ll tag the support mentors who can give you advice below-ย 

@Digital Mentor

megsย โค๏ธ

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  • Digital Mentor
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Mental Illness

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Heyy @KandCo,ย I am Luie, one of the support mentors with Ditch the Label. I see that you're new to our platform and I wanted to say a massive welcome! Super awesome having you join our community. You can start conversations like this or even join other topics on the forums option. We also offer one to one support if you'd prefer that, if you click on 'Confidential Support' in the top bar next to blogs, you can send a request and one of the support mentors will get back to you.ย 

1 hour ago, KandCo said:

Hi this is my first time on this so I've been trying to get myself familiar with it all,

I have DID and I'm the host (K) which is hard as it is as i only found out i had DID like a year ago. I've been loosing time like crazy recently and its now showing to my family and people who don't know about me having DID. Its becoming a struggle to lie to my parents who i know wont accept me and the other alters if i told them. Ive been trying to use apps to keep track of who is switching and when to monitor what's happening in the day and keep up with things but alters keep forgetting to use them and its so frustrating. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.




Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feelings and experiences here. It takes a lot of courage to talk about something as personal and challenging as DID, especially when you're still trying to navigate and understand it yourself. I want you to know that I'm here to listen and support you and this platform is a safe space to do so.ย 

Discovering you have DID and being the host can indeed be a complex and overwhelming journey. Losing time and struggling to manage the shifts between alters can create added stress and anxiety. It's natural to feel frustrated, especially when trying to find ways to cope and communicate effectively with the other alters. Are you able to share with me more about how the recent episodes of time loss have affected your daily life and interactions with your family and friends?

It sounds super difficult to not be able to share this with your parents.ย How have you been managing the internal conflict between wanting to be open with your parents and the fear of their potential non-acceptance?

Regarding keeping track of switches and daily activities, it's understandable that it can be challenging when alters forget to use the apps you're trying to implement. One suggestion might be to explore alternative methods of communication and cooperation among the alters. This could involve regular check-ins or designated times when you all come together to share important information. Creating a safe space for open communication can promote a better understanding of each other's needs and concerns. How does this sound to you?

I am wondering whether you have consider reaching out to mental health professionals who specialize in DID? (Also, please do let me know if you have access toย  in person/online)ย 

You're not alone in this, will do my best to help you navigate this.ย 



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