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The Coyotea’s Den


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We have riding today but we didn’t sleep well and so we’re super tired :( 

hoping today can be a slow day, but it’s unlikely. 

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15 hours ago, Coyotea said:

Please rephrase. 

I just mean that it changes between, and sometimes there are overlaps, and you are all of yours but sometimes more one type than another, and also there are some theriotypes that you never land on/feel connected with

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1 hour ago, Emberfrost12 said:

I just mean that it changes between, and sometimes there are overlaps, and you are all of yours but sometimes more one type than another, and also there are some theriotypes that you never land on/feel connected with

Well, uh, no? Idk- I wouldn’t say it’s changes the same way it would for a gender fluid person….

Edited by Coyotea
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1 hour ago, Coyotea said:

Tbh, that comparison is kind of uncomfortable for me…

Okay, apologies. I was trying to make it make sense in another way. Sorry if that was uncomfortable. We can change the topic now :')

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5 hours ago, Coyotea said:

We have riding today but we didn’t sleep well and so we’re super tired :( 

hoping today can be a slow day, but it’s unlikely. 

How was riding? 

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2 hours ago, Emberfrost12 said:

How was riding? 

It was okay, Lily ended up tripping and that did something to her leg so we had to end early :( 

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2 hours ago, Emberfrost12 said:

Okay, apologies. I was trying to make it make sense in another way. Sorry if that was uncomfortable. We can change the topic now :')

No it’s okay. It’s not the topic that’s uncomfortable, I just don’t like my alterhumanity being compared to the gender fluid label.

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On 2/27/2024 at 2:53 PM, Coyotea said:

No it’s okay. It’s not the topic that’s uncomfortable, I just don’t like my alterhumanity being compared to the gender fluid label.

No, I just don't like getting things wrong or making people uncomfortable. 

That's fair

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/29/2024 at 10:44 AM, Emberfrost12 said:

No, I just don't like getting things wrong or making people uncomfortable. 

That's fair


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  • Digital Mentor
15 hours ago, Coyotea said:


Hi Coyotea! Long time no see. How are you doing? 😊


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On 3/14/2024 at 7:45 AM, Duckie said:

Hi Coyotea! Long time no see. How are you doing? 😊

Its complicated

how are you?

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  • Digital Mentor
5 hours ago, Coyotea said:

Its complicated

how are you?

Sorry to hear that. Let me know if you want to talk about it.

I've been unwell for the past few days, but otherwise I can't complain. Thank you for asking 😊


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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuvk

i accidentally deleted Microsoft word and I can’t get it back- it costs so much fucking money 


im so screwed 

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  • Digital Mentor
15 hours ago, Coyotea said:

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuvk

i accidentally deleted Microsoft word and I can’t get it back- it costs so much fucking money 


im so screwed 

Hi Coyotea,

Shoot, sorry to hear that. I see a few alternatives here... You could for example re-boot your device to a time before you uninstalled Word - Does your device save earlier versions for you to reboot from?

If not, you could always install Open Office, which is a free version of MW. Not as advanced, but does the same things - you just have to change format when you save documents through it.

But the simplest option is probably to just import the documents to Google Docs, as it has the same features as MW.

Any of these alternatives sound OK?


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  • 2 months later...

Wow…it’s been ages, a lot has changed..

my crush is moving to Vienna and I won’t be able to see them any more..at least for a long time,
And I won’t be able to see them before they go because my mom forced me to commit to helping out with the summer camp that my stables has, which is every day all day and I have a bunch of classes/hw, I don’t know if my dad will let me take a weekend even if we don’t have camp on the weekends (we do..) 

I had a competition during the beginning of may, I placed 6th, 5th, and 4th. And my trainer is going to have a new horse brought into the stables for me to train and ride.

im not sure what else has happened, my brain is foggy.

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  • Digital Mentor
12 hours ago, Coyotea said:

Wow…it’s been ages, a lot has changed..

my crush is moving to Vienna and I won’t be able to see them any more..at least for a long time,
And I won’t be able to see them before they go because my mom forced me to commit to helping out with the summer camp that my stables has, which is every day all day and I have a bunch of classes/hw, I don’t know if my dad will let me take a weekend even if we don’t have camp on the weekends (we do..) 

I had a competition during the beginning of may, I placed 6th, 5th, and 4th. And my trainer is going to have a new horse brought into the stables for me to train and ride.

im not sure what else has happened, my brain is foggy.

Hi @Coyotea, welcome back! It's so nice to hear from you 😊 Thank you as well for your update. I get the impression that things have been a little up and down, is that fair to say? 

Sorry to hear that your crush is moving to Vienna. That must be really hard as it's so far away. Will you get to connect with them online, once they have moved? 

Sounds like your competition went really well. Are you pleased with your results? Exciting news about getting to train and ride a new horse at your stable. Do you know when you'll get to meet the new horse? 


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8 hours ago, Aurora said:

Hi @Coyotea, welcome back! It's so nice to hear from you 😊 Thank you as well for your update. I get the impression that things have been a little up and down, is that fair to say? 

Sorry to hear that your crush is moving to Vienna. That must be really hard as it's so far away. Will you get to connect with them online, once they have moved? 

Sounds like your competition went really well. Are you pleased with your results? Exciting news about getting to train and ride a new horse at your stable. Do you know when you'll get to meet the new horse? 

Hi @Aurora! Thank you for the warm welcome! Yeah a lot has been really up and down.

It is really far, the thing that makes it harder and I forget if I mentioned this, but they plan on staying there more or less permanently..I have their Discord and number so we should be able to stay in touch online. Unfortunately it doesn’t make it hurt any less.

It did go well! I’m fairly pleased seeing as its only my second competition and the first one I was in I only placed 6th. I dont know when the new horse comes in, but I’m excited (albeit a bit nervous)

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  • Digital Mentor
On 6/14/2024 at 12:59 PM, Coyotea said:

Hi @Aurora! Thank you for the warm welcome! Yeah a lot has been really up and down.

It is really far, the thing that makes it harder and I forget if I mentioned this, but they plan on staying there more or less permanently..I have their Discord and number so we should be able to stay in touch online. Unfortunately it doesn’t make it hurt any less.

It did go well! I’m fairly pleased seeing as its only my second competition and the first one I was in I only placed 6th. I dont know when the new horse comes in, but I’m excited (albeit a bit nervous)

Hi @Coyotea. I’m Mestizo, one of the Support Mentors with Ditch the Label. I hope it’s okay for me to jump in. @Aurora will be off line for a few weeks. But I too wanted to welcome you back.

You are right about it not being the same to connect online with someone you like than it would be in person, so I can appreciate that it still hurts that they have moved. 

Horses are amazing creatures and can often form a strong bond with their rider. I glad you are excited to meet your new one. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy shit 

so, update.. we we’re somehow able to set up a day for the 4 of us to hang out before Mouse (my crush) leaves for Vienna and My two best irl friends are now in a QPR, my spilled my guts about my crush to both my aforementioned friends and my crush in the same day that the QPR was announced.. I honestly don’t think I was ready, I was shaking the whole time, and trying to not cry, and as shitty as this sounds I don’t know how to feel about the QPR.

Now I’m worried about hanging out with my friends, Mouse will be in Vienna so it’ll be just the 3 of us.. and they do a lot of couple-y things together a lot. I feel like I’m just gonna be third wheeling the whole time, or that I’ll be forgotten and left behind while the two of them go on. 

Update for the summer camp: It’s alright, some of the kids are okay but there’s this one 9yo that I cannot STAND, I think everyone there hates her… none of the counselors want to deal with her, she’s always whining and begging for free food AND FOR TOYS TO BE BOUGHT FOR HER, and whenever she sees the smallest thing she FREAKS OUT and goes “Ohno oh no oh no what’s that what’s that- AHHH”, she talks way too much, has no sense of personal space, she doesn’t listen unless someone yells at her, she lies all the time and cheats in every game and then when she doesn’t win and everyone else is playing by the rules she whines and complains, and then she tattles for things that aren’t  even a problem. She makes the two girls that I hated before look like angels. 

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Ugh I have math class again today, fuck thisss……

I hate math, and every time people find out I struggle with “basic devision” or anything else they laugh. It’s not my fault I have dyscalculia. If I could just turn off my dyscalculia I would! But I can’t! Fuck I hate it, it’s like torture. And the amount of meltdowns I had in June alone.. 

I hate being me.

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On top of all of this, I recently was introduced to one of guppy’s (Guppy is the nickname for my other chosen brother, I have 2. Guppy and …idk what I called the other, might just call him M until I remember) Friends, who is also is other chosen brother and then after that Bugs (guppy’s other chosen brother) says he has somewhat of a crush on me. Idk what to think feel or do

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I am not looking forward to math class 😭😭😭😭 

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Off to math class I go 😞

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  • Digital Mentor

Hi @Coyotea. If I understood correctly, besides telling your two friends that are now in a QPR, you actually told your crush (Mouse) how you felt about them? How did your crush respond?

I can see how your two friends entering into a QPR changes the dynamics of your relationship with them. I hope, however, that over the course of your relationship with them, even though perhaps different, you find that you are still able to enjoy those relationships in a new way. 

I’ve worked at a camp before and I can appreciate how some campers stand out and not in a good way. I hope you are able to find helpful strategies to deal with someone like this camper you’ve described. 

I hope you were able to push through your math class. I know how unfun it can be to have to work on something you don’t enjoy. You got this @Coyotea!

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