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The Coyotea’s Den


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On 11/12/2023 at 12:05 AM, TheForeverTired said:

You know, I thought this website might be better than Trevorspace but it’s the most desolate and lonely site ever, not to mention the new 3.0 SUCKS.

The cover pictures are broken.

the animation at the bottom covers things that you should be able to read and click.

You can’t change your pfp to make it personalized, you can’t post pictures of anything.

None of the confidential support feels comfortable or productive, it just makes me feel worse, so it doesn’t help.

all in all…I’m considering deleting my account! 


I am really disappointed to read your posts and would like to remind you that in this community, we respect each other and that includes the staff and volunteers who give their time and energy to create a productive space for all. We are a small team with budgets a fraction of larger charities such as The Trevor Project. We are aware of the bugs you raised and our developers are working to fix them. We have also shared guidance on how to switch to the old design. 

If you would like to delete your account, you can do this under your Account Settings.


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On 11/14/2023 at 5:47 AM, Harper said:


I am really disappointed to read your posts and would like to remind you that in this community, we respect each other and that includes the staff and volunteers who give their time and energy to create a productive space for all. We are a small team with budgets a fraction of larger charities such as The Trevor Project. We are aware of the bugs you raised and our developers are working to fix them. We have also shared guidance on how to switch to the old design. 

If you would like to delete your account, you can do this under your Account Settings.

Well, it would seem you’ve just removed the old design. There’s a light mode version of it but it’s blinding. 

And I said nothing that targeted the staff or people on here? Just that it’s desolate and that confidential support has not seemed to be helpful, at least to me. It wasn’t an attack on the staff as people,  just the service.

with that clarified.

I’m sorry for my outburst, a lot of shit has gone down in my life, it’s an absolute train wreck, and my mental health followed. I was angry at my life, and I’ve realized I’m someone who cannot handle abrupt change, especially when everything else is going wrong, I have giant mood swings and I’m no closer to figuring out why. None of this justifies my outburst, but I hope you can at least understand somewhat where I’m coming from. I’ll do my best to ensure that this doesn’t happen again, no harm was meant towards any individual.

Do I absolutely hate the 3.0 updates? Yes. I do. I was criticizing the design not the people.

I’d like to make an appeal for the point on my account, but, it would seem the appeal button is broken. Or at least doesn’t give clear instructions. I clicked it and it brought me to the main site page…and…that was it, it didn’t give me anything else, so I’m hoping this message reaches you well and that you’d think it over.

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  • Digital Mentor
10 hours ago, TheForeverTired said:

Well, it would seem you’ve just removed the old design. There’s a light mode version of it but it’s blinding. 

And I said nothing that targeted the staff or people on here? Just that it’s desolate and that confidential support has not seemed to be helpful, at least to me. It wasn’t an attack on the staff as people,  just the service.

with that clarified.

I’m sorry for my outburst, a lot of shit has gone down in my life, it’s an absolute train wreck, and my mental health followed. I was angry at my life, and I’ve realized I’m someone who cannot handle abrupt change, especially when everything else is going wrong, I have giant mood swings and I’m no closer to figuring out why. None of this justifies my outburst, but I hope you can at least understand somewhat where I’m coming from. I’ll do my best to ensure that this doesn’t happen again, no harm was meant towards any individual.

Do I absolutely hate the 3.0 updates? Yes. I do. I was criticizing the design not the people.

I’d like to make an appeal for the point on my account, but, it would seem the appeal button is broken. Or at least doesn’t give clear instructions. I clicked it and it brought me to the main site page…and…that was it, it didn’t give me anything else, so I’m hoping this message reaches you well and that you’d think it over.

Hi @TheForeverTired,

Thank you for your message. I want to reassure you that your points have all expired and been taken off your profile, as this was only a temporary suspension. I appreciate that you have put a lot of thought into your response and I also appreciate that you struggle with change. Thank you for being honest about this and for sharing your concerns.

Your suspension was more in regards to things you had written on your profile that violates Community Guidelines, but this is something I think would be best discussed with @Harper. He is currently out of office, but is expected to be back on the 15th if you wish to discuss this further (remember that you can DM in the meantime if this helps). In the meantime, I just want to reassure you that your points were only temporary and that we all still value your presence here on the forum and it's great to have you back.

And I want to encourage you to give constructive feedback when faced with something that you don't think is working well. But the feedback needs to be constructive of course. We've all had outbursts over things from time to time and it's something we learn from and we are really pleased to hear from you.


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15 hours ago, TheForeverTired said:

Well, it would seem you’ve just removed the old design. There’s a light mode version of it but it’s blinding. 

And I said nothing that targeted the staff or people on here? Just that it’s desolate and that confidential support has not seemed to be helpful, at least to me. It wasn’t an attack on the staff as people,  just the service.

with that clarified.

I’m sorry for my outburst, a lot of shit has gone down in my life, it’s an absolute train wreck, and my mental health followed. I was angry at my life, and I’ve realized I’m someone who cannot handle abrupt change, especially when everything else is going wrong, I have giant mood swings and I’m no closer to figuring out why. None of this justifies my outburst, but I hope you can at least understand somewhat where I’m coming from. I’ll do my best to ensure that this doesn’t happen again, no harm was meant towards any individual.

Do I absolutely hate the 3.0 updates? Yes. I do. I was criticizing the design not the people.

I’d like to make an appeal for the point on my account, but, it would seem the appeal button is broken. Or at least doesn’t give clear instructions. I clicked it and it brought me to the main site page…and…that was it, it didn’t give me anything else, so I’m hoping this message reaches you well and that you’d think it over.

It was written between the lines, and it definitely felt targeted toward everyone who helped with development, and toward the digital mentors who operate in confidential support. It doesn't help that you had an opportunity to provide opinions in development, rather than waiting until it was done to just put the whole thing down.

It's fair that a lot has happened, and it's fair to not like change. Just keep in mind next time that happens to just back off. I also understand the danger of internalizing when you don't take things out, so maybe next time write the post but don't actually post it? I can understand where you're coming from, but next time just see if you can find a different way to deal with it.

For the record, the appeal thing doesn't do much. I'm not sure why it did that for you, but for me, it was basically 'send an email for your appeal and we'll get back to you within maybe two weeks'. No point in appealing for points that have expired though. They don't go away and they just become reminders to not make stupid (or not-so-stupid) mistakes again

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Emberfrost12 said:

It was written between the lines, and it definitely felt targeted toward everyone who helped with development, and toward the digital mentors who operate in confidential support. It doesn't help that you had an opportunity to provide opinions in development, rather than waiting until it was done to just put the whole thing down.

It's fair that a lot has happened, and it's fair to not like change. Just keep in mind next time that happens to just back off. I also understand the danger of internalizing when you don't take things out, so maybe next time write the post but don't actually post it? I can understand where you're coming from, but next time just see if you can find a different way to deal with it.

For the record, the appeal thing doesn't do much. I'm not sure why it did that for you, but for me, it was basically 'send an email for your appeal and we'll get back to you within maybe two weeks'. No point in appealing for points that have expired though. They don't go away and they just become reminders to not make stupid (or not-so-stupid) mistakes again

No, it really wasn’t. And I Wasn’t talking to you. I don’t need or want a lecture from you, especially one so passive aggressive and condescending.

Edited by TheForeverTired
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So, apparently my dad is allowed to mock me and do whatever the hell he wants without consequences but if I so much as have any emotion or opinion on anything I’m an an ungrateful asshole.


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I had volunteering/work today. (I’m helping out the stable I ride at during winter break.) 

It was pretty good, except there are these two girls that I hate, like absolutely hate. Okay, yeah, they’re 8-9, but they’re so entitled, and annoying. Just- eugh 

Other than that, it was good.

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I really really want to eat, which is rare. But we have no good/appealing food.

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Discord suddenly stopped working on my iPad…which means there goes my friends…great..

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Do I grab my headphones? Idk, I’m so tired, from crying, from shaking, from eating disorders, from self-harming…

im tired, I don’t really want to exist, I’m content to just…waste away, fade away, wilt. Whatever you wanna call it.

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  • Digital Mentor
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Death, Disordered Eating, Mental Illness, Self-Harm

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5 hours ago, TheForeverTired said:

Do I grab my headphones? Idk, I’m so tired, from crying, from shaking, from purging, from cutting…

im tired, I don’t really want to exist, I’m content to just…waste away, fade away, wilt. Whatever you wanna call it.

I'm really sorry to hear you are feeling like this. From what you've told us before it sounds like you want to use this space as a place to vent and let out some of your thoughts, without us giving any advice as you've not found our advice very helpful in the past. Is that right? 

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and you can always talk to us if you like.  If you do want to talk about it, please feel free to let us know what kind of support you find most helpful/you're looking for. We're always open for feedback and want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable here. And if you just want to vent without anyone replying, that's of course absolutely fine, too. This is your space and it's up to you how you would like to use it!

You mentioned that Discord suddenly stopped working on your Ipad and that you're worried that you can't connect to your friends anymore. I'm guessing that this might have triggered some of the thoughts you've been having... I really hope you managed to get it sorted and that Discord is working for you again. 


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Death, Disordered Eating, Mental Illness, Self-Harm

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On 1/9/2024 at 2:24 AM, Aurora said:

I'm really sorry to hear you are feeling like this. From what you've told us before it sounds like you want to use this space as a place to vent and let out some of your thoughts, without us giving any advice as you've not found our advice very helpful in the past. Is that right? 

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and you can always talk to us if you like.  If you do want to talk about it, please feel free to let us know what kind of support you find most helpful/you're looking for. We're always open for feedback and want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable here. And if you just want to vent without anyone replying, that's of course absolutely fine, too. This is your space and it's up to you how you would like to use it!

You mentioned that Discord suddenly stopped working on your Ipad and that you're worried that you can't connect to your friends anymore. I'm guessing that this might have triggered some of the thoughts you've been having... I really hope you managed to get it sorted and that Discord is working for you again. 

Pretty much, I’ll let you know if/when I need to reach out. Thanks.

Actually, it wasn’t because of discord but it was stressful, it’s working now though.

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Idk if this really needs a tw-

but Blow my brains out by Tikkle me is such a mood 

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  • Digital Mentor
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14 hours ago, TheForeverTired said:

Pretty much, I’ll let you know if/when I need to reach out. Thanks.

Actually, it wasn’t because of discord but it was stressful, it’s working now though.

Thanks for letting me know. We're always here if you need us. 

I'm so glad to hear that discord is working again 🙂


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Could I just- sign in on YouTube and make playlists for the things I want and make it specific to my own taste? Yes.

Am I going to play one song from one very specific playlist video someone else made instead? Yes.

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My body is sore, I started benching/working out with my dad, which- sucks, because it’s him. But the actual workout itself is great. And holy shit is my left arm feeling it. I never realized how drastic the difference was between that and my right arm, aka my dominant/drawing arm. (Which- btw I had gained a surprising amount of definition in my right bicep from drawing)

So, you know, my parents may suck, like, they may be absolutely horrible, in the way they treat me and their beliefs and so on- but damn, their cooking? 👌🏻 The knowledge on working out and physical fitness? 👌🏻 

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I’m just letting my brain run on it’s own for a bit so prepare for brain spew

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Heavy emotion, Mental Illness, Other

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I’ve started to realize just how alone I’m becoming, it feels like I’m losing people left and right. The relationships I wanted to stay the same, have changed, drastically, and not for the better. The friend group I was in is dead. It’s empty, abandoned. I’m not going to get that back, I’m not going to get anything like that back again. And that hurts, it really, really hurts. I hate it so much. I wish I could go back in time. I want that all back. It’s not easy after you’ve been on a platform for a while, because everyone else has their cliques and the new people join the other new people. I think I’m going to end up alone, that thought kills me, it hurts so much, I don’t even know if I can describe it. 

WHy does it have to change? I want the friends back, I want the connections- but it’s not coming back and you can’t replicate those things. 

Edited by TheForeverTired
Stop editing this vent post. The “inappropriate words” weren’t directed at anyone, it was literally just me displaying my distress.
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Did you know it’s been observed that fox kits figure out their pecking order/hierarchy before their eyes even open? 

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The Run wild, Run free official audio cover reminds me of the Aroflux flag and I’m living for it tbh

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Myyyyy earbud covers are breakingggg which means I gotta get new ones :’) 

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Met a bunch of other alterhumans on TS! Omg- /pos

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I’m remembering why the fuck I don’t drink coffeee :’)

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