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Figuring my self out


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Hi, Im still figuring my self out, currently Im questioning who I like. Im currently a lesbian but really like one of my friend, Who is straight but I really like her and him, one freind is a guy one a girl, because she and he is perfect for me, and Im trying to figure out if I bi or lesbian. On top of that Im not sure what pronouns I want to use, followed by the fact that I go to a christian school and only 3 people know Im a lesbian and none of them being my family. I think currently I am going to use She/Her pronouns but later after I leave my christian school I am going to use They/Them pronouns, but its not set in stone. Can anyone help me?

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Hey! That's a really good question. I recently came out to myself as lesbian (but no one else except a really close friend yet...). It seems like you have a lot to think about rn: try breaking it down. I know I felt really overwhelmed a few months back about my sexuality and questioning everything that might come after, but one thing that really helped me was to take a deep breath and take things one at a time. Tell yourself it's ok to feel like this and let yourself sort through your feelings day by day. Your feelings will change at some point, or even all the time, and it is scary! But it's ok, and it's also ok if you aren't entirely sure about your sexualty or gender identity in a few months or even years. Take it day by day. Let your emotions out in a way that makes you feel good (writing in a journal, drawing, etc.). Remember that this is normal!


Your message was posted a few weeks ago, LIFEISHARD, and I just joined the forum, but I hope this helped! 

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