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Uncomfortable roleplay


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So there’s this guy that I used to be friends with online, and I would role play with. We used to do Pokémon stuff and like innocent things like that before he started asking me to do some sexual roleplays. I wanted to stay friends so I obliged and I got super uncomfortable because he had me do some really weird stuff like bwcs and racial things because he’s white and likes basically a reverse of bbcs with derogatory slurs and stuff and I didn’t want to do it anymore so I stopped role playing and just kinda ignoring him. He got mad and we fought a bit and he cursed at me and then apologized and tried to get his “friend” to message me too but I really think he just used a different account to message me. Anyways we made up and he kept wanting to do those rps and gave me his discord. We started rping there and I got really uncomfortable bc he was sending me porn comics and wanting me to go along with reenacting them in role play with his oc where I was doing all of the women wanting to be with him. I got really uncomfortable and blocked him apparently but I don’t remember that and didn’t hear from him. Yesterday I remembered him and wanted to get back in touch because he was a kinda good friend and I missed him so I reached out and the first few things he told me were that I’d blocked him and I apologized saying I didn’t remember that but I wasn’t upset w him and he then asked me to rp again. I said yes bc I didn’t wanna disappoint him and he sent me a bunch of porn comics. He also told me that he had a gf and she was okay w him rping like this. I don’t feel comfortable rping anymore but I feel bad bc I literally just said yes and I don’t wanna upset him. I’m a minor and he’s 18. Help

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Hate, Other, Sex

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6 hours ago, SunsetPainter said:

So there’s this guy that I used to be friends with online, and I would role play with. We used to do Pokémon stuff and like innocent things like that before he started asking me to do some sexual roleplays. I wanted to stay friends so I obliged and I got super uncomfortable because he had me do some really weird stuff like bwcs and racial things because he’s white and likes basically a reverse of bbcs with derogatory slurs and stuff and I didn’t want to do it anymore so I stopped role playing and just kinda ignoring him. He got mad and we fought a bit and he cursed at me and then apologized and tried to get his “friend” to message me too but I really think he just used a different account to message me. Anyways we made up and he kept wanting to do those rps and gave me his discord. We started rping there and I got really uncomfortable bc he was sending me porn comics and wanting me to go along with reenacting them in role play with his oc where I was doing all of the women wanting to be with him. I got really uncomfortable and blocked him apparently but I don’t remember that and didn’t hear from him. Yesterday I remembered him and wanted to get back in touch because he was a kinda good friend and I missed him so I reached out and the first few things he told me were that I’d blocked him and I apologized saying I didn’t remember that but I wasn’t upset w him and he then asked me to rp again. I said yes bc I didn’t wanna disappoint him and he sent me a bunch of porn comics. He also told me that he had a gf and she was okay w him rping like this. I don’t feel comfortable rping anymore but I feel bad bc I literally just said yes and I don’t wanna upset him. I’m a minor and he’s 18. Help

Hey @SunsetPainter

Thank you for reaching out to us here at Ditch the Label. I'm one of the digital mentors here and I give advice to those who come to us for support. 

I am sorry to hear that you were put in this position. It sounds like it has been really uncomfortable for you, especially when him being 18 and you being a minor. I can really sense that you don't want him to have a negative reaction to you putting your boundary in place, and I think that can be a pretty common experience in these kinds of situations. However, remember, you can absolutely say no, and his reaction is on him. If he gets mad, then that's on him, not you. I'm wondering, if you had a friend in this situation, what advice would you give them? Also, have you told anyone else about this? I hope you are as okay as you can be. We are here for you.


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