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I know a lot of people may feel this way as well

_Kai_ Β  Β 

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So I've always struggled with expressing or telling others how I feel, but I've noticed its gotten worse as I continue to grow older, it even affects my relationships with people since I just can't ever say I how I feel, I can barely even express how I feel on here sometimes just because of the anxiety it gives me at times even though I know this is a safe non-judge mental website. But I say I'm fine or alright so much when I'm dying inside & just tired of all the crap life brings my way, the ONLY reason I'm here still is because I'm trying to prove my younger self wrong & actually make it to 18. I just always feel like I'm annoying that person, which is probably gonna be hard to explain to future therapists-

This was just a little rant so I appreciate whomever may read this TvT

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On 1/9/2023 at 8:20 PM, _Kai_ said:

So I've always struggled with expressing or telling others how I feel, but I've noticed its gotten worse as I continue to grow older, it even affects my relationships with people since I just can't ever say I how I feel, I can barely even express how I feel on here sometimes just because of the anxiety it gives me at times even though I know this is a safe non-judge mental website. But I say I'm fine or alright so much when I'm dying inside & just tired of all the crap life brings my way, the ONLY reason I'm here still is because I'm trying to prove my younger self wrong & actually make it to 18. I just always feel like I'm annoying that person, which is probably gonna be hard to explain to future therapists-

This was just a little rant so I appreciate whomever may read this TvT


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i relate. please know thatyou aren't alone in this ❀️ we care about you here!

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