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Overstimulation issues


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I struggle with overstimulation yet my parents don't believe that's what it is, for people who don't know what that is I shall put definitions down


Overstimulation, or sensory overload, is when your senses are just completely overloaded with information, making it difficult (or sometimes near impossible) to fully process the information you are receiving. This type of overstimulation is often seen in what we often call highly sensitive people (or HSP for short).

Some people who are overstimulated may experience extreme emotional or even physical discomfort. They may display extreme irritability, anxiety, or fear. Some may voice their discomfort by crying or throwing tantrums. Or, they may even show aggression


How I deal with it is going to a quiet comfy place and listening to music, although I've found it quite difficult to do sense I've not been able to listen to music recently, so I don't know what to do when I feel overstimulated. I'm trying to see if anyone else has any tips or ideas



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Hi @_Kai_

I think the things you mentioned about music and finding a place to cool off are great! ( they are personal my go to) 

Now I’m far from an expert but I feel like if you’re able to identify or at least have an idea on what could make you feel overwhelmed is always helpful. So if you know what bothers you can take precautions for getting overstimulated.

Some suggestions I have are

-taking walks (if your able to) 

-talking/ranting to a friend

-fidget toys or hugging a plushy

-wearing a favorite hoodie/ blanket 

-smelling a scent from perfume, herb/spice

-box breathing/deep breaths

Mainly things that are a good distraction from the thing that made you overstimulated, something that’s familiar can make you feel happy and relaxed.^^

I hope some of these tips were helpful!

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i usually hide in a place without any people, like my room, use ear plugs or listen to music, and take my time. sometimes trying to sleep helps too

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