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My mom found a post I did-


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Sex, Sexual Assault & Rape, Suicide

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❗WARNING THIS TOPIC INVOLVES SELF-HARM AND SUICIDE❗So my mom found a post on tiktok about me saying I've attempted suicide in the past-... we just had a long talk about how I can open up & talk to her about anything whenever, but her reactions to what I've told her in the past has just proved her wrong. She had also tried to roll up my sleeves to see if I do self harm (Which I do) but my dad had came into the room talking about government so she had stopped & talked with him, I managed to get out of the room without having her see the cuts but I'm worried she'll ask later or sometime in the future..I only have one long sleeve shirt (I've never been a fan of em till recently) but she normally doesn't like me wearing hoodies because "I need to wear actual clothes', I know she'll see the cuts eventually but I just don't want it to be now-

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Sex, Sexual Assault & Rape, Suicide

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8 hours ago, lKail said:

❗WARNING THIS TOPIC INVOLVES SELF-HARM AND SUICIDE❗So my mom found a post on tiktok about me saying I've attempted suicide in the past-... we just had a long talk about how I can open up & talk to her about anything whenever, but her reactions to what I've told her in the past has just proved her wrong. She had also tried to roll up my sleeves to see if I do self harm (Which I do) but my dad had came into the room talking about government so she had stopped & talked with him, I managed to get out of the room without having her see the cuts but I'm worried she'll ask later or sometime in the future..I only have one long sleeve shirt (I've never been a fan of em till recently) but she normally doesn't like me wearing hoodies because "I need to wear actual clothes', I know she'll see the cuts eventually but I just don't want it to be now-

Hey there,

Thank you for sharing this with us. How does it feel for you knowing that your mom now knows about your suicide attempt? Also, I'm wondering, how is your mental health at the moment? If you need any support, we are more than happy to talk this through with you. We are very well equipped to support wellbeing and can definitely help you move forward :) 


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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Sex, Sexual Assault & Rape, Suicide

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8 hours ago, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

Thank you for sharing this with us. How does it feel for you knowing that your mom now knows about your suicide attempt? Also, I'm wondering, how is your mental health at the moment? If you need any support, we are more than happy to talk this through with you. We are very well equipped to support wellbeing and can definitely help you move forward :) 

Its something that I thought she'd never know about, I've only ever told my best friend about it, & my mental health is tolerable at the moment👍🏽

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It's good that she knows because she can keep it in mind when looking after you and even explore different options for support going forward. What do you think? Also, would you like support with anything at the moment? 


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43 minutes ago, Monsoon said:


It's good that she knows because she can keep it in mind when looking after you and even explore different options for support going forward. What do you think? Also, would you like support with anything at the moment? 

Ye ig, hopefully she can be more open-minded to me getting a therapist though. And nah not that I can think of anything to get support for at the moment

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18 hours ago, lKail said:

Ye ig, hopefully she can be more open-minded to me getting a therapist though. And nah not that I can think of anything to get support for at the moment


Yeah, maybe mention the therapy now to her and explain it in terms of how you've wanted to take your life in the past, and that it would really help. Also, if you need help with anything else, just reach out to us :)


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8 hours ago, Monsoon said:


Yeah, maybe mention the therapy now to her and explain it in terms of how you've wanted to take your life in the past, and that it would really help. Also, if you need help with anything else, just reach out to us :)

Will do👍🏽, & ima mention it to her later when she gets home

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1 hour ago, lKail said:

Will do👍🏽, & ima mention it to her later when she gets home

Sure thing! Hope it goes well. Would you like to carry on talking about this, or are you alright for now?


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