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I'm poly

Angel Dust Β  Β 

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Mental Illness

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Hey, I poly but don't know how to tell my parents. Any tips? Having my sexuality and gender bottled up inside me is really taking a toll on my mental health. I am struggling with depression and crippling anxiety. I need to tell someone in my family but I think they are homophobic. I am trying to get my lgbtq friends to come over to my place and be there to support me when I do it. One of them can come but Idk if my other one will be able to make it. I am freaking out about it and don't know if my parents will ever look at me the same way again. I just need help.😰

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This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Mental Illness

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8 hours ago, lgbtqbi5 said:

Hey, I poly but don't know how to tell my parents. Any tips? Having my sexuality and gender bottled up inside me is really taking a toll on my mental health. I am struggling with depression and crippling anxiety. I need to tell someone in my family but I think they are homophobic. I am trying to get my lgbtq friends to come over to my place and be there to support me when I do it. One of them can come but Idk if my other one will be able to make it. I am freaking out about it and don't know if my parents will ever look at me the same way again. I just need help.😰

Hey there,

I've just seen your message about this, so I will reply there. Speak soon.Β 


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