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I found out i was being cheated on

Persephone44 Β  Β 

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Me and my girlfriend were a weird couple but we didn't really care we loved each other (or so I thought). The carnival was in town that week and she had gone the day before we went together and met her Ex-girlfriend there, they got back together...yadda yadda yadda. And i found out a month later and apparently she had no intentions to ever tell me she was with her Ex. So ya.... that happened.Β  I also almost became friends with her again but then found out she wanted to throw me under a bus (littarly) so after that i know have trust issues and I cant find a cute boy (or girl anywhere)

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Hey there,

I'm really sorry to hear that she treated you this way. It sounds like she completely broke your trust and I can imagine this was really hurtful for you. How are you feeling about it all? Also, can you tell me more about the bus?


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43 minutes ago, Monsoon said:

Hey there,

I'm really sorry to hear that she treated you this way. It sounds like she completely broke your trust and I can imagine this was really hurtful for you. How are you feeling about it all? Also, can you tell me more about the bus?

im still really hurt about it after 3 months all though she says she "tried" to fix it. She apparently made this plan with her ex to push me in front of our schools bus as soon as it started moving. I told my counselor about it and she got suspended.

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Not to state the obvious, but you canΒ neverΒ go back to her. It's hardly a surprise that cheating on someone and trying to throw them under a bus is hardly a healthy relationship.

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17 hours ago, Camelliaflower said:

im still really hurt about it after 3 months all though she says she "tried" to fix it. She apparently made this plan with her ex to push me in front of our schools bus as soon as it started moving. I told my counselor about it and she got suspended.


That sounds rally intense and I can imagine it made you feel quite scared. How did it feel for you when you learnt that information?


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