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Phantom Break up?


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Does anyone ever get a familiar felling when your dating someone  that does things that remind you of a past relationship? 

Because i noticed that my (current) BF has been really tied after work and would sound really drained over the phone. Which was similar to my pass relationship where he to would rarely text me over long periods, be super tired time but i didn´t realized he was struggling with depression for a long time even before we met. (along with other instances) Which lead for things to end off and i really didn't see it coming at all. Kinda when balloon pops unexpectedly when your having lots of fun playing with it.  Maybe im just a little worried or over thinking, about having the rug being pulled underneath me again.

Would it just be best if i gave him some space to recover and leave him messages thought the day.



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Hey there,

It's really common to experience those similarities and they can be triggering in a way and lead to some insecurities about your new relationship. I think that in this situation, it might be helpful to tell him how you're feeling as it sounds like some reassurance could be quite useful for you. What do you think? 


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Well i suppose it could´t hurt to bring it up just dont want to say the wrong thing to get him nervous or anxious about breaking up with him when that not the case at all. He doesn´t like tension or conflict much even if its something small.


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Hey there,

I don't think this has to be a tense conversation or one that resembles conflict, it can just be you expressing how you feel and explaining why you are worried. What do you think? You could even make sure to talk about how this is a reminder of something from the past which is triggering for you and you're only mentioning because you care a lot about the relationship; this may help him to receive the information in a calm way.


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hi im back!

Your advice really helped m, I talked to him about it and he was super supportive about it and we were able to talk it out. It also helps that most of the summer camps are ending so that will also give use more time to talk!^^

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4 hours ago, Gremlin said:

hi im back!

Your advice really helped m, I talked to him about it and he was super supportive about it and we were able to talk it out. It also helps that most of the summer camps are ending so that will also give use more time to talk!^^


I'm glad to hear you fond the advice helpful. Would you like support with anything else, or are you good for now? 


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