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What is my sexuality?


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So I'm a female and I've never been in a relationship before(unless you count a boy that I "dated" in 8th grade for like 2 weeks which was basically a friendship with a different label lol). I've been questioning my sexuality for some time now and I've really only fully accepted that I'm not completely straight like an hour ago. I've always told myself "I'm straight. I'm straight." but I'm not so sure anymore. I've had several crushes on guys and none on women in real life(haven't we all had a crush on Ruby Rose? Let's be real). I like guys in a romantic way and I think in a sexual way? And I'm not sure if I like girls in a romantic way but I'm pretty sure I like them in a sexual way. I know it's okay to question but it's hard to not know what I am. Can anyone suggest a label for me besides queer?

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I am no expert at all but from what I do know - a label you could use is bisexual or bicurious if you are still questioning. If you haven't been in a proper relationship then you can just try out different things and just see how it all goes. I have never been in a relationship either so I guess its just waiting it out which can be a pain. I hope that kind of helped and that you figure yourself out soon :)


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Thanks for sharing your story with Community - we are all here to help you and you are not alone :)


First of all, I think it's great that you've just accepted that you aren't straight. That is often one of the hardest things to do alongside coming out, so it's great that you've taken that step.


As you said, it is hard not knowing your sexual identity. Society makes us believe that we have to know these things about ourselves from a very early age, and when we don't, this can be stressful. The thing is, this can take a lot of time. Learning about yourself is a life-long journey, and it's important to be patient and go with the flow when it comes to this. You will begin to have more clarity when it comes to your sexuality as you get older.


With you not being sure about your sexuality, you could just be in a stage where you are ?curious? and questioning?


Here is a help guide you may find useful:




It may also be helpful for you to talk to other people who may be going through the same thing. Their story can help you to make sense of your current situation.


I hope you find this helpful. Please let me know and if not, then we can come up with different strategies.


Sending positive vibes! -Monsoon :)


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