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Ummm…Gender Crisis…?


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I have been questioning my gender for about two months now.  Originally I thought I might be gender-fluid, but as time goes on, I realize that every time that I feel more feminine, it feels forced and sometimes leads me to being severely depressed for a few days. I’m happiest when I’m masculine, but my dysphoria isn’t as severe as other trans people’s are. I have severe vocal dysphoria and social dysphoria, but my body dysphoria is mild, so everyday I’m questioning if I’m just faking all of this somehow…

Annnnddd now I’m back to being confused all over again. Well, any advice would be much appreciated…

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  • Ditch the Label Staff
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Mental Illness

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33 minutes ago, RedRobin said:


I have been questioning my gender for about two months now.  Originally I thought I might be gender-fluid, but as time goes on, I realize that every time that I feel more feminine, it feels forced and sometimes leads me to being severely depressed for a few days. I’m happiest when I’m masculine, but my dysphoria isn’t as severe as other trans people’s are. I have severe vocal dysphoria and social dysphoria, but my body dysphoria is mild, so everyday I’m questioning if I’m just faking all of this somehow…

Annnnddd now I’m back to being confused all over again. Well, any advice would be much appreciated…

Hi there, I'm Blondie, one of the support mentors.

Thanks so much for sharing about how you're feeling. Although there will always be commonalities, everyone who ever questions their identity, or transitions will have a unique journey and experience so I'd definitely like to affirm that no matter the severity of how you feel, how and what you are feeling is completely valid.

My suggestion would be to trust how you are feeling and allow that to lead - especially if you are feeling happier when masculine.

How does that sound? 


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  • 2 weeks later...
This post has been flagged with warnings, as follows: Mental Illness

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On 6/7/2022 at 8:42 AM, Blondie said:

Hi there, I'm Blondie, one of the support mentors.

Thanks so much for sharing about how you're feeling. Although there will always be commonalities, everyone who ever questions their identity, or transitions will have a unique journey and experience so I'd definitely like to affirm that no matter the severity of how you feel, how and what you are feeling is completely valid.

My suggestion would be to trust how you are feeling and allow that to lead - especially if you are feeling happier when masculine.

How does that sound? 

Sounds good to me. I’m currently running on the idea that I’m trans guy, but I also identify as boyflux which means that I go through a range of levels of masculinity that change all the time. For example, I sometimes wake up feeling completely like a boy but by the end of the that day, I might be non-binary or a demiboy. It’s super confusing but I think that these labels fit me the best, so I’ll just stick with them and see how things work out, I guess. :)

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Hey there,

Yeah, you made such a good point about sticking with the labels that fit you best and seeing how things work out. As time goes on, you will understand more and more about who you are, and the thing is that really, it just takes time. Would you like any more support, or are you good for now?


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