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my dog's dying


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hello all. my dog of 11 years is like, on her death bed. she's been having back problems since around the first covid lockdown, and it's getting really rough for her. she's been like, my emotional support since i was really little, and i know when she's gone it's gonna f me up. i have a cat, too, and she's only a few years old, so i'll hopefully have her for a while, but my dog is really important to me. anyone have any advice with how to cope/be okay? 

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3 hours ago, cruz? said:

hello all. my dog of 11 years is like, on her death bed. she's been having back problems since around the first covid lockdown, and it's getting really rough for her. she's been like, my emotional support since i was really little, and i know when she's gone it's gonna f me up. i have a cat, too, and she's only a few years old, so i'll hopefully have her for a while, but my dog is really important to me. anyone have any advice with how to cope/be okay? 


This is a really tough one. I lost a family pet when they were 11 and it was really hard. I think that in the end, it will always be okay, and you learn to grow around the grief you experience when you lose your beloved pet. Some top tips from my experience would be to make sure they are as comfortable as possible towards the end, get them their favourite treats, and give them lots of cuddles. Also, it's good to keep their memory going by talking about your favourite memories of them and how much joy they've brought into your life. Overall, the biggest thing is to keep talking about your experience; let those feelings out and use the support networks you have around you. What do you think?


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Just know that no one will take their place. Even if you hang out more with your cat, your dog will always have a place in your heart

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