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Rayy ย  ย 

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Hi guys!

so I have a boyfriend. I am a female. I feel like I may be bi. I donโ€™t know if I would be in a romantic relationship with a female but I am definitely sexually attracted to them. What does this mean?

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4 hours ago, Rayy said:

Hi guys!

so I have a boyfriend. I am a female. I feel like I may be bi. I donโ€™t know if I would be in a romantic relationship with a female but I am definitely sexually attracted to them. What does this mean?

Hey there,

Welcome to our community and thanks for telling us about the feelings you're experiencing. I'm wondering, when you ask what does this mean, are you wondering what it means for your identity or relationship perhaps?ย 


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11 hours ago, Rayy said:

Hi there. I am wondering what it means about my sexual identity. My boyfriend is supportive and I have even talked to him about it.ย 

Hey @Rayy

I'm glad to hear your boyfriend is supportive. When thinking about your identity, I noticed that you said you think you're bi. I'm wondering, if you are, how do you think you'd feel about that?


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I donโ€™t really know. IM conflicted. I feel shameful and a lil weird about it because I was raised in a judgemental household with all heterosexual people. But Iโ€™m not against it personally. I care more about the person than the gender. I like males and some females. It really depends on the person.

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5 hours ago, Rayy said:

I donโ€™t really know. IM conflicted. I feel shameful and a lil weird about it because I was raised in a judgemental household with all heterosexual people. But Iโ€™m not against it personally. I care more about the person than the gender. I like males and some females. It really depends on the person.

Hey there,

It's completely normal to feel shameful when you grow up in a judgemental environment, and I'm always interested to find out more about that. When you find yourself in that kind of situation, your views tend to end up being strongly influenced by those around you, and you lose sight of what you actually believe; I wanted to mention that because I saw that you said about not being against it personally, which is great. So, I'm wondering, would you say you're against yourself for possibly being bi? If so, how come?


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Hey there,

I'm glad to hear you aren't against it. It's totally normal to pick up unaccepting views and attitudes from our environment, but there does come a point when we realise that we need to form our own opinions and treat ourselves with kindness, especially if we identify with a sexuality that our environment has trouble accepting. What do you think? Also, how lovely that you've found some supportive people at school! Are you close with them? :)ย 


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