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Ok so recently i liked this guy, and he liked me. i knew that cuz he always stared at me. and i mean rly STARED. borderline scary. i also texted him and asked him and he said yes he did like me. we never dated cuz it was rly awkward cuz we barely knew each other. the other day he told me that he doesnt like me anymore cuz im bisexual...       i was rly hurt after that and we both blocked each other. he said some rly nasty things about me being bi. yesterday he apologized to me. i was glad i guess, but it still hurt. it doesnt help that he STILL stares at me 24/7 even tho he "doesnt like me". now he keeps on texting me like how we used to before he said he didnt like me anymore. it doesnt make sense. he was borderline flirting and idk y. any one have and ideas cuz i feel like hes messing with my feelings ngl

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Hey @Clara123

Welcome 🙂

Yeah, he is definitely giving you some mixed signals. From what you've said, it definitely seems like he still likes you, but is hurt by you being bisexual, which is interesting. Do you still want to speak with him, or would you like to move on from it? 


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Well, to be honest I still like him so i guess i would still like to talk to him? but yeah i agree with you about the mixed signals. i think hes uncomfortable with the fact that im bi, but im not really sure. i still like him and im not over what happened yet so do you think i should just see where it leads us?

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Hey there,

To be honest, you deserve someone who treats you with respect and accepts you for who you are, and his reaction was hurtful. Would you still want to date him even though he is uncomfortable with your sexuality? 


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Hey there,

I think that it’s really important to seek out people that we trust and who respect our identity when it comes to dating. What do you think? Have you spoken to him since?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there,

How's it going? I'm glad to hear that you said no as he was previously really disrespectful about your sexuality, and you deserve to be treated better than that. How did it feel saying no to him? 


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To be honest, it felt pretty good! It was kinda hard and I almost said yes, but then I thought about it some more and then realized that, like what you said, i probably deserve better. its going pretty good, and i think he accepted the answer no. thank you so much for helping me, you really helped me get through this 🙂

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Yeah, totally. His reaction suggests that he doesn't accept and respect you, and you really do deserve so much better than that. I'm glad you made this decision for yourself and it seems like you feel positive about it all which is good. Is there anything else you would like support with for now? 🙂



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Hey there,

I'm sorry to hear about that. How are you feeling about it all? Have you had any thoughts on what you might do next? I thought I'd ask because some time has passed since you posted your message, and time can help bring us clarity on what step we need to take next. 


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well for one thing, I'll keep hanging out with my other friend, that my ex friends didn't like.  since I posted that comment one of my other friends apologized, but she is still friends with the other 2 that hate me now. I didn't even do anything wrong...

I feel really hopless through out this because this is my first year at my school. it was super hard to make friends in the first place, but now I have to make completely new ones? I just feel like I can't do it.

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Hey Clara,

Yeah, it's a shame that they reacted like this. As you said, you haven't done anything wrong, and you should be able to be friends with whoever you want to be without experiencing this kind of treatment. I'm wondering, do you think there is the possibility that you could be friendly with them again, or is it done now? 


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