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Coming Out to Homophobic Family?


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Recently I realized I'm bisexual and have come out to almost everyone... except most of my family including my parents. They are very religious (Baptist) and have in the past expressed their disdain for the LGBTQ+ community, but other close family members I have come out to have suggested that my parents may be saying these things because they're afraid I am LGBTQ+ and the other family members have said that they think if I came out my parents could come around. I'm thinking about coming out to them because it's so exhausting being in the closet around them, but I'm still not sure...

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Hey @anton.schmauss


Well done for coming out to almost everyone :)


Before thinking about coming out to your family, can I ask, do you feel ready? Just remember that if you don't, then it's totally okay to wait. I've supported quite a few people in a similar situation to you, and when they've come out to their families, they can sometimes have a negative reaction at first and be shocked, but as time goes on, they come round to the news. I know this is scary for you, but just know that plenty of parents do accept it, and this is out of pure love for their child, but it can take time and it requires a lot of patience. Have you seen our article here? You might find it helpful: https://www.ditchthelabel.org/my-parents-didnt-react-well-to-me-coming-out/


What do you think? Speak soon.


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