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How to tell my friends that I'm bisexual

Scarlet red    

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Hey @Scarlet red


Thanks for coming to us for support . I'm sorry to hear that you're worried about your friends not accepting you. Can I ask how come you feel this way? It's often the case where people who aren't accepting of someone coming out at first eventually come round. They might just need some time to get used to the idea. With patience from you, things can often settle down and the friendships can then go on as normal. We have an article here which might help. Although it's about dealing with parents having a bad reaction to coming out, it gives great tips on what to do when someone reacts badly: https://www.ditchthelabel.org/my-parents-didnt-react-well-to-me-coming-out/


In terms of actually coming out, it might be a good idea to send them a message to come out in separately if you prefer that way. Then, maybe you can say if they've got any questions/wanna chat, you can do it the next time you see each other. This way, they will have some time to get used to it if needed. What do you reckon? :)



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I don't know why I feel like they won't like me anymore and i don't wan't to loose my friends and I can tell them then if they want to talk about it we can next time we see each other.

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Hello @Scarlet red


It's normal to feel nervous about how your friends may react to you coming out. But if they are your friends they should accept you for who you are and recognise when you are at your happiest. They may take some time to get used to it, but it's always better to live in your authentic self. Did you have a read over the advice monsoon gave you on how to come out?



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